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PBL. David Taylor and Emily Bate School of Medicine http://www.liv.ac.uk/~dcmt. PBL - End of week 2. Congratulations! ….but to recap, last week we said…. You are on the threshold. There will be uncertainty There will be new words There will be great possibilities.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. PBL David Taylor and Emily Bate School of Medicine http://www.liv.ac.uk/~dcmt

  2. PBL - End of week 2 • Congratulations! • ….but to recap, • last week we said….

  3. You are on the threshold • There will be uncertainty • There will be new words • There will be great possibilities

  4. Taylor and Hamdy 2013 Elaboration Refinement Dissonance Start here Feedback Reflect organise Reflect Consolidate

  5. Task Define Clarify Explain Come back Refine PBL Find out Identify LOs

  6. Concerns….. What if something comes up on the exam that wasn’t one of my groups’ learning objectives? Told not to teach in the PBL session? Am I on the right track? How much depth should I go into? Am I missing things out? Which books are at the right level?

  7. How much….and of what? Fluid Balance Large Intestine Public health Learning Theory Ethical principles Anatomy Study designs History of Medicine Immunology Health Belief Models Physiology

  8. Horizontal, Spiral and Vertical Curriculum

  9. GMC: Tomorrow’s doctors 1993 • “...there remains gross overcrowding of most undergraduate curricula...scarcely tolerable burden of information...taxes the memory but not the intellect. • The emphasis is on the passive acquisition of knowledge, much of it to become outdated or forgotten, rather than on its discovery through curiosity and experiment...”

  10. To what depth…. • Guides…. • Plenaries • HARC • PBL facilitators • What depth are your peers going into? • Time wise: Normal working days, so 5 x(9-5pm)+15 hours

  11. Book resources – depth…?

  12. You are Adults….and adult learners • Motivation to learn • Intrinsic • Extrinsic • the programme • the community

  13. Knowles (1984)

  14. GMC: Tomorrow’s Doctors 2009 • ‘…clinical and basic sciences are taught and learned together. This allows students to see how scientific knowledge and clinical experience are combined to support good medical practice.’

  15. Community of Practice (Wenger) • We don’t live or work in a vacuum • Everyone is part of the community • We only learn in community • We are developing as part of that community Back to Task

  16. Concerns….. What if something comes up on the exam that wasn’t one of my groups’ learning objectives? Told not to teach in the PBL session? Am I on the right track? How much depth should I go into? Am I missing things out? Which books are at the right level? Is there anything that we have missed?

  17. Thank you very much • - Try to Enjoy it – you will be learning for the rest of your medical career! • Any questions: • dcmt@liv.ac.uk • e.bate@liv.ac.uk

  18. Taylor and Hamdy 2013 Elaboration Refinement Dissonance Start here Feedback Reflect organise Reflect Consolidate

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