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step to perform the UX audits

A User Experience Audit (UX Audit) is a method for identifying problematic areas of a digital product, exposing which aspects of a website or mobile application are causing user frustration and inhibiting conversions. <br>

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step to perform the UX audits

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  1. WHATWEDO WHOWEARE CASESTUDY RESOURCES LIFE@CUNEIFORMCONTACTUS RECENTPOsT ADawnofGenerativeAI. TheImpactofGenerativeAIon SERPsandPPCAdvertisers. ParasPandyaJuly14,2023 HowtoperformUXAudits? Contact As we all know, search engines, social media, and other promotional activities are all heavily used to generatevisitorstoyourwebsite.TherearenumerouscustomerswhouseUX audittocheck services or test features. Finally, every user is concerned with increasing traffic to their website. However, neither their prominence nor their number appear to be generating visitors to your website.Usersbegintoleaveyourwebsiteorstopusingit. Spendingalotof moneyonadvertising does not result in more sales or engagement. As a result, your website’s poor user experience and userjourneycouldbe asignificantcause tosuchissues. ForsolvingoutsuchissuesconsumerstakethehelpofanexpertUX Auditor,whocanhelpthemby enhancing theuserexperience, help toincreaseconversations,revenueandalsohelpin decreasing churn, the bounce rate, uninstalls and negative metrics. Thus, a website’s performance canbenefit greatlyfromaUX audit. TableofContents WhatisaUXaudit? HowtoPrepareforaUXAud… StepstoconducttheUXAu… TipstoPerformaSuccessf… UXAudit:4KeyTakeaways: WhenShouldYouDoaWebs… Conclusion: WhatisaUXaudit? AUserExperienceAudit(UXAudit) is amethodforidentifyingproblematicareasof adigital product,exposingwhichaspectsofawebsiteormobileapplication arecausinguserfrustrationand inhibiting conversions. Like financial audits, a UX audit employs empirical methods to expand an existingsituationandoffersheuristics-basedrecommendationsforenhancements,inthiscase, user-centric enhancements. An audit should ultimately reveal how to increase conversions by makingit simplerforuserstoaccomplishtheirgoalsonyourwebsiteorapplication. Through research and analysis, the UX audit process seeks to identify usability issues. An indispensabletoolforbusinesses is audit.Accordingtostudies,awebsiteorproductcanprofitfrom an effective audit in several ways since the audit offers follow-up actions that are based on facts ratherthanassumptions. SubscribeToGetLatestUpdates Email Subscribe Criticalinquirieslikethese areassisted byawebsiteor productUXaudit assessment. Whatobstaclesdousersfaceduringtheircustomerjourneys? Howdothesefrictionsaffecthowcustomersact? Atwhatpointdovisitorsdepartawebsite? Numerous techniques and strategies can be used while reviewing a product. Therefore, depending onthedemandsandobjectives,theUXauditcould takemanydifferent shapes.Practically speaking,

  2. theauditmaycompriseusabilitytesting,deskresearch,userinterviews,heuristicevaluation,andtheauditmaycompriseusabilitytesting,deskresearch,userinterviews,heuristicevaluation,and stakeholderinterviews,amongotherthings,dependingonthegoals. WHATWEDO WHOWEARECASESTUDYRESOURCES LIFE@CUNEIFORMCONTACTUS TheUXauditconsistsofthemainstages: Metrics,organizingthedata,reviewingthetrends,reportingoffindings&creationofevidencethat issupportedby recommendations. l.Metricsis termedtobethemost difficult partoftheUXAuditandthefirststepoftheaudit. Additionally, if the goals are properly defined the audit process will be easy for you to know thekindofinformationyouneed. Organizing the Data is the step when you have all the data and it’s the time to organize it properlyandstartanalyzingthesame. Reviewing the trends will help you to turn your data into meaningful metrics. This will also makeyourwebsiteorproducttobe meaningfulandprovide betterinformationtothe customers. Reporting offindings generally develops hypotheses about the user experience. User experienceisimportanttocomparetheinsights against the followingkeystones,relevancy, valueproposition,usability,andaction. Creation ofevidenceforthedata-drivenrecommendationsfortheUX audit improvements.Thus,theserecommendationsareasapplicableaspossible. HowtoPrepareforaUXAudit? ToprepareforaUXaudit,youwillneed: User personas: identifying your customers before you perform the UX audit will help to determineandmatchyourtarget users.Theaudit revealsthechangesintheuser demographics. Clearlydefinedbusinessgoals:anycompany’sgoals areanimportant factor,andthe auditors should know this, especially for the UX audit. Thus, the audit observes that the impactofthe companyisnegativeorpositive. Product data and analytics: product data is crucial to understanding how the users navigate a website or a digital product. However, the auditors need to gather relevant websitesorproductanalytics. AuditConstraints, Deliverables, and Deadline & Stakeholders: the auditors must also keep the budget, deliverables, deadline, and stakeholders in mind for reporting. Thus, this information is crucial, because it will determine how the UX auditors conduct the review to meettheclient’sexpectations. StepstoconducttheUXAudit: Contact Step1:Recognizecompanygoals Finding out the company’s viewpoint on the product under UX audit is the first step. This stage will provide pertinent information about the website or item that is being audited. Understanding which audit componentwillaidinthecompany’sfuture growthis therefore alsohelpful. Step2:Countthenumberofplatformsanduserjourneys. The second phase will assist the business in separating potential user-value-driven pathways that may bethebesttoprioritize.Prioritizationis thereforecrucialifyou want morepeopletovisityour website. Step3:Analyse the data

  3. Thedataanalysis withGoogleAnalytics is acrucialstep.Thisprovidesyouwithusefulquantitative insights into the additional interactions and behaviours that will occur. However, for greater analytics, use technologies like Hotjar, Kissmetrics, and CrazyEgg. Additionally, this will result in decreasedbouncerates,averagepageviews,anduniquevisitors. WHATWEDO WHOWEARE CASESTUDY RESOURCES LIFE@CUNEIFORMCONTACTUS Step4:Carryoutaheuristicusabilityassessment Heuristic evaluation is a method for locating design problems; when carrying out this stage, imagine that youaretheenduserandtry tocomprehendtheirviewpoint. Step5:Conductanaccessibilityassessment For users, accessible options are typically preferable because they are frequently quicker, simpler to use, and rank higher in search engine results. There are several other technologies that can be beneficial for accessibility, likeFigma & Google Lighthouse. Accessibility also refers to how a websiteinteractswithusersorhowpeopleinteract withdigitalcontent. Step6:Compilefindingsandsuggestmodifications. The last stage is to simply summarize all the conclusions and suggestions for future changes. Once it is turned over to the client, the key goal of the results is that it should be able to function as a standalone document. Additionally, it’s crucial to keep in mind that when presenting the results, you should always be truthful and avoid being unduly critical. Therefore, try to concentrate on the suggestionsforimprovedmodificationandimprovement. TipstoPerformaSuccessfulUXAudit Record everything: keep a record and provide links to every flagged issue. These will ensureyoudon’tforget anythingandprovide actionablefeedback. Stayorganized:dependingonthescale ofthe product,you’relikely to collectalotof data, metrics,etc.Thus,always keepyourdataorganized&analyzetheanalytics data. Actionablerecommendations:providestakeholders with actions theycantaketofix the issuesthatyouhaveidentified.Theactionsmustalignwithrealinsightsratherthan assumptions. Beexact: while reporting informs the stakeholders of the specific problem, where to find it, andhowtofixit. UXAudit:4 KeyTakeaways: A user experience audit (UX audit) is an in-depth analysis of a website’s or app’s UX to find areasforenhancement. Betterfunctionality,satisfiedcustomers,andahigherreturn oninvestment areafewofthe advantages. If your company is receiving many complaints from customers about the product’s usability, if trainingnewemployees istime-consuming,orifyouplantomakesignificantmodifications totheproduct,aUXauditmaybeinorder. Theprocessconcludes withaUXaudit.Areportdetailingyourfindings isprovidedtoaidin movingonwiththeimplementationprocess. Contact WhenShouldYouDoaWebsiteUXAudit? Atdifferentpointsinasite’s lifecycle,aUXsurveycanbehelpful. Development Stage: A UX design check can find usability problems before a website even goeslive,whenit isstillinthedevelopmentstage. Website Launch or Redesign: A usability check can help you make sure that your website isrunningat its bestaherit has beenreleasedoraherit hasbeenredesigned.

  4. Putting inplacenew features:Inthesameway,ifyou want togive youraudience new features,usertestingcanhelpyoumakesuretheyworkbeforetheygolive. Website Not Working Well: When your website isn’t working as well as you’d like, it’s a goodideatodoaUXchecktofindthemost importantplacestoimprove.Thesoonerit’s WHATWEDO WHOWEARE CASESTUDY RESOURCES LIFE@CUNEIFORMCONTACTUS done,thesooneryoursitecanstartworkingwell. Regular Checkup: As part of your website’s regular maintenance and optimization, it’s a goodideatoplanUXauditseverysoohen. UXAuditservicesinclude: Usability Testing: it generates qualitative feedback and identifies usability insights and pain points. This is achieved through in-person meetings, online assessments, and specialized sohwaredesignedtorecordinteractions. EcommerceUX Audit:TheobjectiveofaneCommerce UXauditserviceis toidentifyany design flaws that may hinder the user’s purchasing experience and, consequently, sales and conversions.This typeofauditexaminesuserexperience,userinterface,conversion rate optimization,responsiveness,andaccessibility. Web App UX Audit: This service evaluates the usability, loading times, design consistency, and overall user experience of a web application. In addition, we evaluate the web application’s accessibility to ensure conformance with applicable accessibility rules and standards. Mobile App UX Audit: This service is comparable to eCommerce and Web application UX auditing services. Its purpose is to comprehensively evaluate the user experience (UX) of a mobile application. The auditing procedure includes an evaluation of navigation, user flow, usability,anderrormanagement,amongotherfactors. UX AuditTools: l.1.Mixpanel:Itmakesreliableanalysis available toeveryone.Youcaninstantly explore visualizations and query your data in interactive reports with only a few clicks. As a result, it is simple to respond to numerous questions regarding how your product is used, who uses it, andavarietyofothersubjects. Analytics: Google Analytics assists you to learn about user activity. Analytics has a feature calledbehaviourwhere youcanviewthebehaviourflowandidentifytheparts ofthewebsite that are losing users. Additionally, you will also learn about statistics like bounce rate, user demographics,uniquevisitors,etc.,whichcangiveyouusefulUX knowledge. UserZoom:Thistoolwascreatedtoaidintheoptimizationofwebsitedesign,usability testing, and customer feedback. It offers sophisticated features including survey creation, testmoderating,A/Btestingfacilitation,andmore. Hot Jar: Hotjar aids in assessing a website’s user experience. This effective and user-friendly tool is used to find potential usability problems on a website that need to be repaired. It enables users to assess user engagement and happiness, gets visitor feedback on their experiences, and examine crucial data like clicks, taps, scrolls, and mouse movements. In addition, it offers an extensive report that includes heatmaps for visualizing user interactions with the website, session recordings for seeing users’ real-time interactions, and survey data for gaining a more in-depth understanding of visitors. With this knowledge, UX specialists may decide how to enhance the overall design of their website and offer a memorable user experience. Loop 11:It gives users the ability to track and manage their projects in an orderly, visual manner.Users canadddetailsandnotestotasks,establishdeadlines,assigntaskstoteam members, track dependencies, and create task lists, among other things. 11Loop makes managingcomplicatedprojectseasierbycombiningprojectmanagementtoolslikeGantt charts, Kanban boards, project calendar views, and task management portals into one all- encompassingsolution.It is ausefultoolforteams tryingtostayontrackwiththeir objectivesbecause itoffersprecise analyticsandinsight intoperformancemeasures. Conclusion: Performing a thorough UX audit for your website may appear daunting at first. But with the correct instruments and framework, you may finish it quickly and learn useful information that will grow your company. As you gain experience with the usability audit process, the big picture will start to become clear. Whenyou’re readytogetstarted,it’s essentialtodividethismassiveundertakingintomanageable chunksandassigndeadlinestoeach. The steps involved in performing a UX audit on a website are outlined in this article. We provide a step-by-stepguide,includingadetailedchecklistandan easy-to-use formfordocumentingyour resultsandsuggestions. Theresultsof agoodaudit willbespecific suggestionsforhowtoenhance yoursite.Implementing the recommendationsinanauditreportmovesyourcompany inthe directionofitsobjectives. Contact

  5. Ifyourwebsiteis losingpeople’sattentionandgettingless traffic,thenyoushoulddoaUX Audit. Theauditaimstoimproveyourwebsite’susefulnessandconversations,whichwillleadtomore people visiting your site. Cuneiform is about UX Audit, which is a way to improve the trustworthiness ofyourwebsites. WHATWEDO WHOWEARE CASESTUDY RESOURCES LIFE@CUNEIFORMCONTACTUS The UX audit team at Cuneiform investigates why the website isn’t getting as much traffic and does the audit. At the same time, they raise conversations and traffic on the website. The audit will help yourwebsiterankhigherandbringinmoreprofit. IFYOULIkETHEPOsT,DOsHARE! Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Email Company WhatWeDo Address C–102,D–101,S.G.Business Hub,OffGotaFlyover,S.G. Highway,Vasantnagar,Ognaj, Ahmedabad,Gujarat–380060 Whoweare Casestudy Insights WhitePapers FAQ’s PrivacyPolicy Terms&Conditions Explore Engineer Expand Embrace ReachusMonday– Fridayfrom9:30amto6:30 pm Email:inquiry@thecuneiform.com Contact HR:+918320806209 Sales:+919819383948 USA:+1(512)607-6820 Connect Copyright@2023CuneiformConsultingPrivateLimited|AllRightsReserved

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