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The Iliad

The Iliad. An Epic Poem b y Homer. The Iliad - Background. The Epic Form Oral tradition Provides form and structure to express the legend Homer’s language, meter, and style are formulaic

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The Iliad

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  1. The Iliad An Epic Poem by Homer

  2. The Iliad - Background • The Epic Form • Oral tradition • Provides form and structure to express the legend • Homer’s language, meter, and style are formulaic • Over time, bards developed common expressions, phrases, and descriptions that fit the rhythms of the epic verse line. • These conventions became the building blocks of the epic genre.

  3. The Invocation • Homer begins the Iliad powerfully by stating theepic’s theme and invoking one of the Muses. • The Muses are nine goddesses in Greek Mythology who were believed to preside over all forms of art and science. • Homer calls on the Museto inspire him with the material he needs to tell a story. • This type of opening is one of the defining features of a Homeric Epic.

  4. In Medias Res • Homer observes another epic convention by beginning the storyin medias res,which is Latin for “in the middle of things.” • Reading a Greek epic from the beginning is like tuning into a story already in progress. • Many of the story’s events have already taken place. • Information about those events is revealed later in the poem through flashbacks and other narrative devices.

  5. In Medias Res (continued) • Homer could begin his poems in medias resbecause the general outline of the plot and the main characters were already familiar to his audience. • The Iliad, like other epics, is a small fragment of a large body of legendary material that formed the cultural and historical heritage of its society.

  6. Homeric Epithets • Epithets– often compound adjectives – came about as a result of composing and listening to oral poetry • Examples include “brilliant Achilles” or“Hector breaker of horses”as well as “blazing-eyed Athena.” • These epithets allowed the poet to describe a character or object quickly and economically, in terms the audience would recognize.

  7. Homeric Epithets (continued) • Homeric Epithets and other formulaic language may have helped the poet shape his story and compose while reciting. • The repetition of familiar expressions also would have helped the audience follow the narrative.

  8. More About Homer • The conditions of Homer’s poems reveal his unwavering commitment to humanity. • He had a universal view of mankind, as his unbiased portrayal of the Greeks and Trojans show in the Iliad. • He uses no ethnic descriptions; in fact, hebestows glorious epithets on both Greek and Trojan characters. • Greeks and Trojans are on the same human level.

  9. The Epic Form • The lengthy, formal speech is another typical element of the Homeric epic form • Homer’s characters commonly express thoughts and feelings by delivering long speeches addressed to other characters. • Especially at moments of crisis, characters deliver long monologues in which they address their own souls or inner spirits.

  10. The Epic Form – (continued) • Homer’s characters neither speculate about their emotions nor analyze their thought processes. • Nor does the poet directly reveal the characters’ inner workings to his audience. • Later Greek and Roman authors, like modern writers, give us access to a character’s thoughts and feelings through interior monologues and soliloquies. • Both of these forms are modeled on the long Homeric speech.

  11. Homer and Later Epics • The building blocks of the epic genre – the invocation, in medias res, stock epithets, fixed formulas, and long speeches – were commonly used by bards of oral tradition. • Because Homer was so influential in Western literature, these same features were imitated in later epics, even though they no longer served the same purposes. • Among the greatest epic poets who adopted Homer as a model were the Roman writer Virgil, the Florentine medieval poet Dante Alighieri, and the seventeenth-century English poet, John Milton.

  12. How the Trojan War Began • The Iliad recounts only part of a long series of events in the Trojan War. • The war was fought, according to legend, because of a quarrel among gods and the resulting incidents of betrayal among mortals. How did the War start? * King Peleus and the sea-goddess Thetis were the parents of Achilles, hero of the Iliad.

  13. How Did the Trojan War Begin? • When Peleus and Thetis were married, all the gods were invited except Eris, the goddess of discord. • Angry at being excluded, Eris tossed a golden apple among the guests. • On it was inscribed “for the fairest one.” • Hera, Athena, and Aphrodite each claimed the prize. • They chose the Trojan prince Paris, a handsome and unworldly man, to decide which goddess was the fairest.

  14. How the Trojan War Began • Each goddess offered Paris a bribe, and Paris chose Aphrodite’s bribe. • Aphrodite promised to give Paris the most beautiful woman alive (Helen) who was already married to Menelaus, King of Sparta. • Paris violated the sacred bond of hospitality when he went to Menelaus’ court as a guest and abducted the host’s wife.

  15. How the Trojan War Began • Menelaus sought the help of his brother, Agamemnon, King of Mycenae and the most powerful ruler of his time. • Together with other kings, they mounted an expedition against Troy to reclaim Helen and to sack a city for its opulence. • The war lasted ten years until Troy was finally taken.

  16. How the Trojan War Began • Out of a vast body of material that his audience already knew, Homer chose to focus on a period of less than two months in the tenth year of the war. • Homer did not concentrate on the war as such, but on the Greek warrior Achilles and the consequences of his rage (wrath).

  17. The Iliad – Literary Analysis • As you read excerpt from Homer’s Iliad, you will focus on the theme, an important insight into life that is usually conveyed indirectly in a literary work. • The theme of a literary work is its central idea, concern, or message. • Long works, such as novels and epics, often contain more than one major theme.

  18. Theme • The theme stated at the beginning of the Iliad is “the rage of Peleus’ son Achilles” and its consequences. • The poem also contains profound insights about war and peace, honor, duty, compassion, and life and death.

  19. Theme • Homer uses the following means to reveal the themes in his epic poem. • Characters’ statements and actions • Events in the plot • Images and their associations As you read, note the ideas and insights that the poem conveys.

  20. Foreshadowing • The Iliad’s opening statement of theme is also its first instance of foreshadowing, the use of clues to suggest future events in a literary work. • This technique creates suspense by building the audience’s anticipation. • For example, the Iliad’s opening lines leave the reader wondering why Achilles is enraged and what consequences might follow. Look for other examples of foreshadowing as you read, and consider what effect the poet is trying to create.

  21. Reading StrategyAnalyze Confusing Sentences • Homer wove lines dense with images and other details. • To analyze confusing sentences, consider one section at a time. • Look at a complex sentence and separate its essential parts (the who and what) from the difficult language until you get the main idea. • Use a chart like the one on page 362 to help you analyze and interpret confusing sentences.

  22. Vocabulary • Incensed: adj. -- very angry; enraged • Plunder: v. – to rob by force in warfare • Sacrosanct: adj. -- very holy; sacred • Brazen: adj. – literally, of brass; shamelessly bold • Harrowed: v. – distressed; tormented • Bereft: adj. – deprived or robbed

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