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5 Web Design Companies Inspiring to Rethink about Visual Ide

http://www.sonitek.ca/ Its a tough job for web design companies to impress visitors & showcase skills within few seconds. Lets see 5 web designer portfolio & observe them closely

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5 Web Design Companies Inspiring to Rethink about Visual Ide

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  1. 5 Web Design Companies which Inspiring Other Companies to Rethink about Their Visual Identity

  2. Every Designer wants to Impress Your Human Brain Image Credit : http://www.flickr.com/photos/opensourceway/4639590640/

  3. Its not Child game to Persuade Business Owner to convert into Prospects through Interactive websites Visitors >> Prospects >> Customers

  4. If your website fail to convert visitors to leads then Sack your Designer or Redesign your website

  5. Is Your web design company seriously want to Attract Prospects ? YES ! Then focus on each website visual presentation

  6. 1. http://rdcreativedesign.eu/

  7. 1. http://rdcreativedesign.eu/ ( Rdcreativedesign) What Designer Need to Focus into This website : • Create Logo Around the Designer Name : Rob Davis • Show Logo at Header Center - Its Hard to Ignore • Show Your Portfolio into Mac • Give Shortcut path to jump upwards – Long Scroll website • is Famous • Ensure No one feel bore while scrolling down

  8. 2. http://caseybritt.com

  9. 2. http://caseybritt.com • Unclear Picture at Center : Create Curiosity into Visitor mind • Move Ahead in Trend : This site is designed for iPad. If you can, you should check it out on one. • Share - How you create Visual Mindset around Website Core Message Eg. http://caseybritt.com/portfolio/park-n-fly/

  10. 3. www.alt-design.net

  11. 3. http://www.alt-design.net This website inspire every designer to use following aspects • You Don't Need a Big Header to Impress Visitors • Never Underestimate importance Font Style of Text - RobotoThin, • Helvetica Neue, Helvetica • What is your Anchor Text of “Contact Us” Web Page - Itching to talk • about your new project? • Show Employee Snaps - Who We’re a friendly bunch, down-to-earth & • honest - www.alt-design.net/studio/ • Touch Your Visitor Heart with Music - www.last.fm/user/alt-design

  12. 4. www.attackoftheweb.co.uk

  13. 4. www.attackoftheweb.co.uk Do you knew Following elements exist within website ? • Its Possible to Create Visual Storyline around Domain Name • : Attack of The Web • Invite Visitor with Informal Communication Style - I look forward to hearing from you... • Visitors may want to see Face of Designer

  14. 5. http://deanoakley.com

  15. 5. http://deanoakley.com What Designer Need to Learn ? • Create a Background environment • Visualize Big, Small visualization is old fashioned

  16. Want to get in touch with Sonitek Web Design Company Then just go to www.sonitek.ca or Visit US 255, Duncan Mill Road, Unit # 212, Toronto Ontario M3B 3H9 Talk to Us : 1-416-385-9949, 1-877-335-7664 Stay connected with us through Social Media Facebook www.facebook.com/SonitekInternational Twitter twitter.com/sonitekca YouTube www.youtube.com/user/sonitekca

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