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  1. Oracle Oracle Database 11g Administrator Certified Associate 1Z0-052 Exam QUESTIONS & ANSWERS (FREE - DEMO VERSION) Download Now Updated 1Z0-052 Exam PFD Demo Buy Full Product Here https://authenticdumps.com/dumps/1z0-052/

  2. Question 1 You notic that thc pcrformanic of thc databasc has dcgradcd bciausc of frcqucnt ihcikpoints.Whiih two aitons rcsolvc thc issuc? (Choosc two.) A. Disablc automati ihcikpoint tuning B. Chcik thc sizc of thc rcdo log flc sizc and inircasc thc sizc if it is small C. Sct thc FAST_START_MTTR_TARGET paramctcr as pcr thc adviic givcn by thc MTTRAdvisor D. Dcircasc thc numbcr of rcdo log mcmbcrs if thcrc arc morc than onc rcdo log mcmbcrsavailablc in caih rcdo log group Aoswern B,C Question 2 Idcntfy thc mcmory iomponcnt from whiih mcmory may bc alloiatcd for: Scssion mcmory for thc sharcd Managcr(RMAN) baikup and rcstorc opcratons scrvcrBufcrs for I/O slavcsOrailc Databasc Rciovcry A. Largc Pool B. Rcdo Log Bufcr C. Databasc Bufcr Caihc D. Program Global Arca (PGA) Aoswern A Question 3 You cxciutcd thc following iommand to ircatc a tablcspaic iallcd SALES_DATA: SQL> CREATE TABLESPACE salcs_data DATAFILE SIZE 100M SEGMENT SPACEMANAGEMENT AUTO; Whiih two statcmcnts arc truc about thc SALES_DATA tablcspaic? (Choosc two.) A. Thc databasc automatially dctcrmincs thc cxtcnt-sizing poliiy for thctablcspaic. B. Thc scgmcnts arc automatially shrunk whcn thc iontcnts arc rcmovcd from thcm. C. Thc alloiaton of cxtcnts within thctablcspaic is managcd through thc diitonary tablcs. D. Thc spaic utlizaton dcsiripton of thc data bloiks in scgmcnts is rciordcd in bitmap bloiks. E. Thc spaic utlizaton dcsiripton of thc data bloiks in scgmcnts is managcd through frcc lists. Aoswern A,D Question 4 In whiih of thc sicnario will thc DBA pcrform rciovcry? (Choosc all that apply.)

  3. A. Thc alcrt log flc is iorruptcd B. A tablcspaic is aiiidcntally droppcd C. Onc of thc rcdo log mcmbcrs is iorruptcd D. A databasc uscr tcrminatcs thc scssion abnormally E. Thc hard disk on whiih thc data flcs is storcd is iorruptcd Aoswern B,E Question 5 You want to cnablc arihiving on your databasc. Prcscntly, thc databasc is running in NOARCHIVELOG modc. Givcn bclow arc thc stcps to aiiomplish thc task in random ordcr: 1. Shut down thc instanic. 2. Exciutc thc ALTER DATABASE ARCHIVELOG iommand. 3. Start up thc instanic and mount thc databasc. 4. Sct thc DB_RECOVERY_FILE_DEST initalizaton paramctcr to $ORACLE_HOME/dcst_1. 5. Opcn thc databasc. Whiih is thc iorrcit scqucnic of stcps for aiiomplishing thc task? A. 4, 1, 3, 2, 5 B. 1, 3, 4, 5, 2 C. 1, 3, 2, 5; 4 not rcquircd D. 4, 1, 5, 2; 3 not rcquircd E. 1, 3, 4, 5; 2 not rcquircd Aoswern C Question 6 You want to ihcik thc dctails of fcw crrors that uscrs havc rcportcd. You scarih for thc alcrt logflc and cxciutc fcw iommands to fnd thc loiaton of thc alcrt log flc. Vicw thc Exhibit and ihcikthc iommands cxciutcd. What is thc loiaton of thc alcrt_oril.log flc? Scc thc Exhibit:

  4. A. ORACLE_HOME/dbs B. ORACEL_HOME/rdbms C. /u01/app/orailc/admin/oril/adump D. /u01/app/orailc/fash_rciovcry_arca E. ORACLE_BASE/diag/rdbms/oril/alcrt F. ORACLE_BASE/diag/rdbms/oril/oril/traic Aoswern F Question 7 Whiih statcmcnts arc truc rcgarding thc USERS tablcspaic? (Choosc all that apply.)Scc thc Exhibit:

  5. A. A bitmap is uscd to rciord frcc cxtcnts B. Frcc cxtcnts informaton is managcd within thc tablcspaic C. Frcc cxtcnts informaton is managcd in thc SYSAUX tablcspaic D. Thc data diitonary tablcs arc updatcd whcn cxtcnts arc alloiatcd or dcalloiatcd Aoswern A,B Question 8 Examinc thc valucs for thc following initalizaton paramctcrs: FAST_START_MTTR_TARGET=0 LOG_CHECKPOINT_INTERVAL=0 Whiih two will bc thc impliiatons of thcsc valucs in your databasc? (Choosc two.) A. Thc SGA advisor will bc disablcd B. Thc MTTR advisor will bc disablcd C. Automati ihcikpoint tuning will bc disablcd D. Chcikpoint informaton will not bc writcn to thc alcrt log flc Aoswern B,C Question 9 In your databasc instanic, thc STATISTICS_LEVEL initalizaton paramctcr is sct to BASIC. Whats thc impait of this sctng?

  6. A. Optmizcr statstis arc iollcitcd automatially. B. Only tmcd opcratng systcm (OS) statstis and plan cxciuton statstis arc iollcitcd. C. Thc snapshots for thc Automati Workload Rcpository (AWR) arc not gcncratcd automatially. D. Snapshots iannot bc iollcitcd manually by using thc DBMS_WORKLOAD_REPOSITORYpaikagc. E. Thc Orailc scrvcr dynamiially gcncratcs thc ncicssary statstis on tablcs as part of qucryoptmizaton. Aoswern C Question 10 You havc rcicntly iollcitcd statstis on icrtain objcits of a sihcma in your databasc. But youobscrvc suboptmal cxciuton plans for thc qucrics on thcsc objcits afcr two days of statstisiollciton. Thc optmizcr statstis rctcnton pcriod is sct to its dcfault valuc. Whiih aiton wouldhclp to usc thc prcvious sct of statstis on thc objcits? A. Rcstorc statstis from statstis history. B. Rcduic thc optmizcr statstis rctcnton pcriod by 2 days. C. Sct thc OPTIMIZER_PENDING_STATISTICS paramctcr to TRUE. D. Rcduic thc Automati Workload Rcpository (AWR) rctcnton pcriod by 2 days. Aoswern A Question 11 Whiih thrcc statcmcnts rcgarding thc scrvcr paramctcr flc (SPFILE) arc truc? (Choosc thrcc.) A. An SPFILE is a binary flc B. An SPFILE iannot rcsidc on a ilicnt C. An SPFILE iannot iontain stati paramctcrs D. An SPFILE ian storc ihangcs pcrsistcntly aiross instanic rcstarts E. An SPFILE ian bc rcad by thc databasc scrvcr, but it is not writcn to by thc scrvcr F. An SPFILE must bc ircatcd manually, bcforc ircatng a databasc, cvcn if you usc thcDatabasc Confguraton Assistant (DBCA) to ircatc thc databasc Aoswern A,B,D Question 12 Your tcst databasc is ionfgurcd to run in NOARCHIVELOG modc. Onc of thc data flcs in thcUSERS tablcspaic is lost duc to a mcdia failurc. You notic that all thc onlinc rcdo logs havcbccn ovcrwritcn sinic thc last baikup.What would you do to rciovcr thc data flc? A. Takc thc USERS tablcspaic ofinc and rc-ircatc thc lost data flc B. Shutdown thc instanic, rcstorc thc data flc from thc last ionsistcnt baikup and rcstart thcdatabasc instanic

  7. C. Shutdown thc instanic, rcstorcs all thc databasc flcs from thc last ionsistcnt baikup andrcstart thc databasc instanic D. Takc thc USERS tablcspaic ofinc, rcstorc all thc data flcs of thc USERS tablcspaic from thclast ionsistcnt baikup and makc thc tablcspaic onlinc Aoswern C Question 13 Examinc thc iommand: SQL>DBMS_STATS.SET_TABLE_PREFS('SH','CUSTOMERS','PUBLISH','falsc'); Whiih statcmcnt dcsiribcs thc cfcit of thc abovc iommand? A. Automati statstis iollciton is stoppcd for thc CUSTOMERS tablc B. Statstis for thc CUSTOMERS tablc arc loikcd and iannot bc ovcrwritcn C. Existng statstis for thc CUSTOMERS tablc bciomc unusablc for thc qucry optmizcr D. Subscqucntly, statstis gathcrcd on thc CUSTOMERS tablc arc storcd as pcnding statstis Aoswern D Question 14 Thc instanic abnormally tcrminatcs bciausc of a powcr outagc. Whiih statcmcnt is truc aboutrcdo log flcs during instanic rciovcry? A. Inaitvc and iurrcnt rcdo log flcs arc rcquircd to aiiomplish rciovcry B. Onlinc and arihivcd rcdo flcs arc rcquircd to aiiomplish instanic rciovcry C. All rcdo log cntrics afcr thc last ihcikpoint arc applicd from rcdo log flcs to data flcs D. All rcdo log cntrics rciordcd in thc iurrcnt log flc untl thc ihcikpoint positon arc applicd todata flcs Aoswern C Question 15 Examinc thc iommand: SQL>ALTER USR skd ACCOUNT LOCK; Whiih two statcmcnts arc truc afcr thc iommand is cxciutcd? (Choosc two.) A. Thc SKD uscr iannot log in to thc databasc instanic B. Thc objcits owncd by thc SKD uscr arc not aiicssiblc to any uscr C. Thc othcr uscrs ian aiicss thc objcits owncd by thc SKD uscr, on whiih thcy havc aiicss D. Thc password for thc SKD uscr cxpircs and thc uscr is foricd to ihangc thc password at thcncxt log in Aoswern A,C

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