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Vaska Sotirov- Dj uki c

DIGITIZATION OF LOCAL HISTORY COLLECTION AS THE MAIN PROMOTOR CULTURAL HERITAGE OF LOCAL COMMUNITY. Vaska Sotirov- Dj uki c Department of Local History Collection and Bibliography - Public Library of Sarajevo dukic@bih.net.ba. The Definiton of Local History Collection.

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Vaska Sotirov- Dj uki c

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  1. Public Library of Sarajevo DIGITIZATION OF LOCAL HISTORY COLLECTION AS THE MAIN PROMOTOR CULTURAL HERITAGE OF LOCAL COMMUNITY • Vaska Sotirov-Djukic • Department of Local History Collection and Bibliography - Public Library of Sarajevo • dukic@bih.net.ba

  2. Public Library of Sarajevo The Definiton of Local History Collection • The local history collection is not only keeper ofmaterials which in its content has reference to local history • but it is too keeper of • „ethnical, cultural, language and religious diversities, cultural identity and social integration, especially by involving local citizens and different groups in the creation of a “Memory of Local Community” of digital resources accessible by all.“ • PULMAN plan for e-Europe. Manifest from Oeirasa (CALIMERA)

  3. Public Library of Sarajevo The New Role of Librarien • Conect local inhabitants, NGO’s, ethnical and cultural groups of the local community • Collect and to digitize „memory of local community“ • Organize materials in thematic collections interesting for the local environment • Create and link multimedia datas • Build rich and complex structures of knowledge • Encourage the communication in the community • Develope a new chain of associations

  4. Public Library of Sarajevo The great cultural impact • Impact of digital collections on various categories of user populations and in various contexts: specific cultures, regions, disciplines, professions, age groups • Cross-cultural of the opportunities and barriers to development and use of digital libraries • Instead informations, encourage development of communication in environment • Digitalization of the culturale heritage as opportunities for popularization of the local life to global via Internet with direct impact to the touristic development and initiatives of the local community

  5. Public Library of Sarajevo DIGITAL COLLECTIONS Application of various theories and guidlines PULMAN/CALIMERA in practice of Public Library of Sarajevo

  6. Public Library of Sarajevo “Goodness of existence : Hasan Kikic on its own“ May 2003 • The first digital collection of manuscripts in Bosnia and Herzegovina. • Project is carried out in cooperation with Local history collection of PublicLibrary from Gradacac “Alija Isakovic”, hometown of the writer Hasan Kikic. All project has done in the program Macromedia Dreamweaver.

  7. Public Library of Sarajevo Collection • manuscripts • documents on starting the literature magazine “Putokaz” (1937-1939) • three photos of Hasan Kikić • four letters • poems he wrote in one school notebook • five pages of preparations for lecturing in school • four postcards • two reviews on his published books from 1947. in Prague.

  8. Public Library of Sarajevo Bibliography • bibliography of published works of Hasan Kikic till 2003. • bibliography of literature study about Hasan Kikic • bibliography Hasan Kikic in literature about him that is published in magazines • links with articles or title pages

  9. Public Library of Sarajevo Conclusion • cheapness of the project • easiness of the presentation to the public (libraries, schools etc.) • interest for multimedia presentation in mass media • all that assured us that we are on the right track! • On the other hand, most institutions (museums, libraries) didn’t want to get involved in this project and digitalize their collections because of fear to endanger their institutions?! • “If we put all materials on the Internet, then nobody comes to our institutions!”

  10. Public Library of Sarajevo “Digital colllection of photographs Hadzici“ March 2004 Content: • Rare pictures before 1992 from tha war ruin place outskirts of Sarajevo • Accidentally contact in a bus with old Albanian from Hadzici who had family album with rare photos resulted with this spontaneously project

  11. Public Library of Sarajevo Method of work • scanned photographs • PowerPoint • Each pictures have element of description:name of events, place or people; date; place or region; dimension of original photos; owner of photos; basic information about photos on which were not possible to identify persons and locations

  12. Public Library of Sarajevo Citizens as volunteers • Cooperation with Municipality Hadzici, Tourist community Hadzici and schools • Citizens as volunteers collected materials of destroyed area by war • They help us to identify people and places during organized the exhibition and multimedia presentation • CD has been for sale Rare picture of the mosque in Down Hadzici destroid during war 1992.

  13. Public Library of Sarajevo Conclusion • Consequences of warfrom 1992 – 1995 led to strong need of survivers to explore and gather informations about theirs family and the local history of community • Municipality Hadzici was robbed and devastated to family albums and personal documents as well as archives of local government • Great interest of diaspora and young people who started the portal about Hadzici convinced us that a project like that are necessary for our community

  14. Public Library of Sarajevo „My name is poet : Aco Mrnjevica“ October - November 2004 • digital collection manuscripts of Sarajevo's anonymous poet Aco Mrnjevica who killed 1993.in Sarajevo by shell why he was sitting and writing poems in his room • scanned manuscripts link with other datas • Macromedia Dreamweaver

  15. Public Library of Sarajevo The Collection • collection of unpublished manuscripts of seventy eight poems • one story • few personal documents and family photos • digitalized video recording of Aco's amater theatrical performance „Bus“, where he was the actor on 1991. • documentary on poet and digital collection of his friends

  16. Public Library of Sarajevo Friends as volunteers • The author never published any poem so there were no any bibliographic data, but instead that, we had organized the literary evening on his birthday anniversary and called all people that knew him to talk about him, his life and poetry.

  17. Public Library of Sarajevo The Literature Evening devote to Aco by his friends Remembrance of friends: • They read Aco’s poems • They critical analize his poems • They spoke jokes about Aco • They came from Suica (villiage from Herzegovina, Banjaluka, Amsterdam, Sarajevo ...) • Who couldn’t come to evening, send their memories as text • All recorded by digital camera and put on CD

  18. Public Library of Sarajevo Movie about Aco One poet’s friend, journalist, made ten minutes documentary move, where he showed Aco’s parents, room and desk where he was killed while writing poems on 1993.

  19. Public Library of Sarajevo Video inserts from amater performance Digitalized video recording of Aco's amater theatrical performance „Bus“, where he was the actor on 1991.

  20. Public Library of Sarajevo Goals and conclusion • digitalization of collective memory survived people from Sarajevo • animate citizens to collect: - documents- audio and video records- others • popularization of poetry for young poets of Sarajevo that are not accepted • experience of work with volunteers was far better than expected, because many people took initiative for the project and were investing their sources in its realization

  21. Public Library of Sarajevo THE CLUB OF FRIEND’S SARAJEVO Founded on June 17, 2005, as part of Department for Local History Collection and Bibliography Public library of Sarajevo Four volunteers had organized in Club of friend’s Sarajevo.

  22. Public Library of Sarajevo The Association Friends of Town Sarajevo • As the part of Department for Local History Collection, Club has started with their activites in the one of the most popular place of Public Library of Sarajevo – Multimedia center “Mak” • All members are volunturees • One of the main direction of Club is:“We are keeper of ethnical, cultural, language and religious diversities, cultural identity and social integrationof Sarajevo” • Since December 2006, Club has registered as NGO and now has about 150 members

  23. Public Library of Sarajevo “Sarajevo on old family photographs” December 2005 - January 2006 Content: • 184 picturesof Sarajevo in the period 1932 - 1945. • citizens volunteers gathered in Club of Sarajevo friends collected pictures from theirs family albums

  24. Public Library of Sarajevo Rare pictures Exceptionally valuable was photo album of Sarajevo in the period from 1932. to 1938. Photos of market day on Wednesday, 17th July 1932 on Bascarsija with portraits of peasants and their goods and peasant costumes.

  25. Public Library of Sarajevo Description • Method of work: • Scanned pictures • PowerPoint Only necessary information: Above picture TitleUnder picture DateWith italic Owner of photographs • Identification of people, places, buildings and events which don’t exist today lead us to gathering new informations about local history

  26. Public Library of Sarajevo Exhibition with multimedia presentation In this project the main part was volunteers work, while librarian was only responsible for digitalization and systematic organization of materials which were gathered by volunteers. Organized exhibition with multimedia presentation and the lecture on content of photographs The old architect from Sarajevo, Borislav Spasojevic, has interpreted pictures explained customs of that time. Together with audience, he has tried to guess time and places, spontaneous series of new informations were acquired that are not existing in official history of town.

  27. Public Library of Sarajevo The Main Activities • Exibitions • Workshops • Forums, public discussions • Lessons and presentations about local history • Visits of culture institutions in Sarajevo (museums, arhives and etc.) • Thematic excursions of old historic places in Sarajevo

  28. Public Library of Sarajevo Wilson’s boulevardOctober 2005 Exibition and public discussions about the road construction over the Wilson’s boulevard

  29. Public Library of Sarajevo The involvement of local administration

  30. Public Library of Sarajevo Public discussions

  31. Public Library of Sarajevo The Winter Olympic games 1984, Sarajevo - February 2006 Exibition and public discussions about the missing chances for development winter tourism in Sarajevo, after 1984.

  32. Public Library of Sarajevo Lessons about neolithic site in the center of Sarajevo - Debelo BrdoMarch 2006 Architecture Borislav Spasojevic lectured about this prehistoric site and gave elaborate about a new touristic site in Sarajevo

  33. Public Library of Sarajevo Maybe a new touristic site in the center of Sarajevo?

  34. The historic lesson about the building of Sarajevo’s aqueductMay 2006 Leopold Gaspar had rare materials about the building aqueduct from 1889 until 1962. Public Library of Sarajevo

  35. Public Library of Sarajevo Visual communication in SarajevoJune 1, 2006. Architecture Tatjana Neidhart presented necessary needs for atractive touristic panelings in Sarajevo and to build green zone in the center of town, using existing fasades of buildings in the main street.

  36. Public Library of Sarajevo Sarajevo’s old gardens Ljerka Latal, retired horticulture engineer, lectured about the old Oriental culture of garden (“avlija”), with the list about 100 autochtonous plants of Sarajevo. She presented the project about reconstruction this gardens and put them in the regular touristic offer for Bascarsija.

  37. Public Library of Sarajevo Is that left only one “igda” in Sarajevo?(the sort of osier)

  38. Public Library of Sarajevo Exibition of autochtonous plants Sponsor of this plants was a private flower shop in Sarajevo!

  39. Public Library of Sarajevo CONCLUSION • Digitalization of local history collection offers new methods in processing and presentation of material, interactive and more direct approach of users to cultural heritage of local community as well as effective protection of original examples. • Task of librarians is to organize and digitalize materials in thematic collections, according toneeds of the local community • Arouse attention and awareness of a public and mass media for the culturale heritage with multimedia presentations and exibitons • User’s as interactive creators of a new collections

  40. The Evolution of Libraries New approach to the culturale heritage

  41. Public Library of Sarajevo Culturale institutions and a heritage • New cultural, economic, technical changes lead to the new focus: instead in the limelight as book/document/object we have now information • Barriers have been deleted between cultural institutions and they aren’t anymore only storages of materials ... • Now, they are storages of the knowledge of their communities or “the knowledge heritage”: culturale, science, informatic, music, art, etc. • The main activites of this instutions are: management, digitalization, presentation, sharing and distribution of the culturale heritage not only local, yet global!

  42. Public Library of Sarajevo Passive access to knowledge • Librarians focus to underpaid projects • They loose their time of work on so many jobs which are invisible and far away of the end user • Local administration and sponsors haven’t any access to libraries projects and ongoing jobs • Local community haven’t insights in abilities and competence of culture institutions to organize and present knowledge or culturale heritage to the end user • Many existing collections are “dead” and “invisible” for the user

  43. Public Library of Sarajevo Active access to knowledge • If information is money, why aren’t then culturale institutions, special libraries, so rich!? • The main priority: explore and discover needs of their local community and users for knowledge • Create thematic collections according users needs and what is the most importance subjects for the environment • Make interesting presentations of the culturale heritage and promote the culturale tourisam • Only then, libraries can expect interests for their acvities from local administration and sponsors

  44. Public Library of Sarajevo Active access to user • Increase our undestanding of the needs, interests and experiences of users in the context of digital libraries • Attention on users’ information behavior • Presentation, design, development and searching of digital collections must be adapt to user • New approach to the culturale heritage, local history, genealogy in the cooperation with local museums, archives and touristic agencies

  45. Public Library of Sarajevo The Digital Collection • How can a small library create the digital collection from the existing heritage and fund which would have large effect to the local community and the end user? • The postulate is the open information environment where the useful informations would be free and accessable for everybody • The selection of suitable thematic informations for the local community • The organization of the culturale heritage on the new way, with the rich associative structure and with many options for the searching

  46. Public Library of Sarajevo Web site • Hypertext includes endless options for the building a complex structure with multimedia datas and links • It has deleted boundaries between book/document/object or text/image/sound/movie • With adecquatenavigation, each user has endless opportunities for the individual searching • The accessable and free informations for users, moving a wave of new communications • The communication creates new associations and informations which we can update to the existing collection

  47. Public Library of Sarajevo Choose and work what you can do, where are you and with that what you have!

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