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E-portfolio Introducción al diseño curricular 6to año Escuela Secundaria Inglés

E-portfolio Introducción al diseño curricular 6to año Escuela Secundaria Inglés. Capacitador: Oscar Marino Alumna: Micaela Antico. 1st meeting. We started our first meeting sharing our previous knowledge about assessment. Learning objectives 6th year.

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E-portfolio Introducción al diseño curricular 6to año Escuela Secundaria Inglés

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  1. E-portfolioIntroducción al diseño curricular6to año Escuela SecundariaInglés Capacitador: Oscar Marino Alumna: Micaela Antico

  2. 1st meeting • Westartedourfirstmeetingsharingourpreviousknowledgeaboutassessment

  3. Learningobjectives 6th year Westartedtoanalizethecurriculumdesign… Accordingtowhatwereadweshotdownthefollowingobjectives: -Comprender textos orales y escritos con los contenidos propuestos para el año utilizando estrategias específicas en función de las necesidades de información y comunicación. -Producir textos escritos y orales con propósitos comunicativos aplicados a una situación relacionada con el contenido propio de materias relacionadas con su especialidad y propuestos para el año. -Reconocer y producir el vocabulario propio de las materias específicas e los distintos tipos de escuela y modalidad. -Desarrollar estrategias de la lengua extranjera que faciliten el acceso al conocimiento, desarrollo personal y de comunicación en el mundo actual. -Ganar autoestima y confianza en sí mismos y aprendan a trabajar con independencia debido a la naturaleza interactiva y cooperativa del trabajo que AICLE supone.

  4. Purposes of assessment • AssessmentFOR learning: formative • AssessmentAS learning: metacognition • Assessment OF learning: summative

  5. 2nd meeting • Curriculumdesign: “ASSESSMENT” Assessmentprinciples in CLIL: -Clear learningobjectives -Mixture of formal and informal assessment -Learnersshouldknowassessmentmeasures and successcriteria -Languageassessedfor a real purpose -Stshavetotakeresponsibilityfortheirownassessment

  6. Curriculumdesign

  7. The CLIL toolkit • Thiswasthestartingpointforplanning a unit… CONTENT COMMUNICATION COGNITION CULTURE

  8. A new concept: “Washback” • Itreferstotheextenttowhichtheintroduction and use of a test influenceslanguageteachers and learnersto do thingsthattheywouldnototherwise do thatpromoteorinhibitlanguagelearning.

  9. Alderson and Wall(1993) washbackhipothesis • Weplannedtheassessmentsection of the CLIL unit. -whattchsteach -howtchsteach -whatlearnerslearn -howlearnerslearn -therate and sequence of teaching -therate and sequence of learning -attitudestothecontent, methods, etc of teaching and learning

  10. 3rd meeting • CONSTRUCTS: definition and whattheyimply They are theabilities of thelearnersthatwebelieveunderlietheir test performance, butwhichwecannotdirectly observe. Wehadtoanalyse a textchosenforourproject and writetheconstructs

  11. 4th meeting • Weshared and talkedaboutourplannings…

  12. Digital portfolio From Wikipedia • An electronic portfolio, also known as an e-portfolio or digital portfolio, is a collection of electronic evidence assembled and managed by a user, usually on the Web. Such electronic evidence may include inputted text, electronic files, images, multimedia, blog entries, and hyperlinks. E-portfolios are both demonstrations of the user's abilities and platforms for self-expression, and, if they are online, they can be maintained dynamically over time. Some e-portfolio applications permit varying degrees of audience access, so the same portfolio might be used for multiple purposes.

  13. HOW TOCreate Your Own Electronic Portfolio2000, Helen C. Barrett, Ph.D. • Stage 1: Defining the Portfolio Goals and Context • Stage 2: The Working Portfolio-examples of your work or experiences. • Stage 3: The Reflective Portfolio-Write general reflective statements. • Stage 4: The Connected Portfolio- Organize the digital artifacts. • Stage 5: The Presentation Portfolio- record and share

  14. Lastreflections….

  15. “Awakenpeople´scuriosity. It´senoughto open minds Do notoverloadthem, Puttherejust a spark”

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