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National Institute of Statistics

ROMANIA. National Institute of Statistics. National Administration “Romanian Waters”. Current waste water statistics in Romania Responsibilities The responsibilities are shared between two institutions:

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National Institute of Statistics

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  1. ROMANIA National Institute of Statistics National Administration “Romanian Waters”

  2. Current waste water statistics in Romania • Responsibilities • The responsibilities are shared between two institutions: • National Statistical Institute (NSI) - Institul National des Statistica: The NSI is the contact point of Eurostat and responsible for the contents of the JQ. Most of the data provided for JQ tables 4-7 were produced in a co-operation between NSI and the NAW. • National Administration “Romanian Waters” (NAW) - Apele Romane: The NAW belongs to the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Water and Environment (MAPAM) and has its responsibility in the field of qualitative and quantitative monitoring of water bodies and water uses as well as the interpretation of this information in form of reports etc.

  3. Table 4 (population connected): • In the past information on population connected to collecting systems and UWWTPs was not provided. According to a population census less than 50 % of the population were connected to a sewer system in 1992. A new census has been carried out in 2002 and contains also information about connection to sewer systems. The data of this new census are still processed and will be available in the next month. Nevertheless, information on the connection to UWWTPs is still not available.

  4. Table 5 (UWWTPs) • No data was provided for table 5 in the past. At present tertiary treatment level does not exist in Romania. A new register on UWWTPs exists (status 2003), the information about capacity is only available as hydraulic design capacity (l/s). Information about organic design capacity (p.e.) is currently not available due to “historical” reasons. The organic design capacity was not part of the planning documents for the UWWTPs. Information about the different treatment types (mechanical - biological) is available. Conclusio: This means that information on the number of UWWTPs of each treatment type is available, but information on organic design capacities and occupation of treatment works cannot be provided at present.

  5. Table 6 (Sludge) • No information about sludge production and sludge disposal has been provided in the past. According to NAW sludge information is available on the local level but until now this information has not been collected by NSI or the NAW. • Table 7 (Generation and discharge of waste water by NACE) • The information provided for table 7 is the generated volume of waste water and COD loads. The data source is the national monitoring database which is kept by the NAW. This information covers only direct dischargers and not those industries which are connected to a (public) sewer system.

  6. An electronic information system has been developed in recent years. The system is maintained by the NAW. Data input happens manually by the 42 water management units. Data collected with this system is available for the purposes of the Ministry (MAPAM) as well as for the National Institute for Hydrology and Meteorology. See also Figure 1.

  7. THE OBJECTIVES OF SURVEYNumber of urban, industrial and independent treatment plants existing at the national level and design and current capacity also and the treated effluent quality from discharge point ofviewand organic loading (Kg BOD5/d).ØVolume and concentration of pollutants content in industrial waste water (by type of activities) and domestic waste water discharged at the level of 2003.ØType of collecting of the rough wastewater, volume and quality of those waters at the point of discharging in urban,industrial and independent collecting system.ØVolume and quality of the waste water which are subject of the treatment processing in urban, industrial and independent treatment plants and the quality of the treated effluents which are discharged in natural waters (rivers/lakes and Black Sea.ØVolume of sludge generated by type of treatment stations (urban, industrial and independent) and the type of processing, using, disposal, etc.

  8. OOBSERVATION UNIT OThe observation unit is represented by the economic societies and the operating units of wastewater collecting systems at the local level whith own centralized sewerage collecting system (sewerage collectingsystemand/or treatment plant) and which discharge or not the wastewater in natural receivers. Tthe observation and statistical registration units belong to the following sectors: ·        ECONOMIC SECTOR: Ø      Agriculture, foresting, fishing; Ø      Mining industry; Ø      Food processing industry; Ø      Metallurgy industry; Ø      Transports; Ø      Cellulose industry; Ø      Chemical and petrochimical industry; Ø      Producing and distribution of electricity; Ø      Constructions; Ø      Other economic activities. ·        Sector of urban collecting systems operation.

  9. ORGANISATION OF THE SURVEYStatistical survey concerning collecting, discharging and treatment of waste water is organised with the support of National Administration (A.N.A.R.).SELECTING BASEFor 2004 survey, are considered under survey cca. (about) 1500 observation established following the consulting with the Ministry of Environment and Water Management.

  10. DESCRIPTION AND PROCEDURE OF THE QUESTIONNAIRE FILLING IN Cchapter 1. WASTE WATER COLLECTING Iin this chapter has to shown : -         Type of collecting system (unitary, divisor – combined-, stacking basin); -         The collecting network length by each type; -         The yearly discharge transported by each type of collecting network, by types of discharged wastewater(domestic and industrial). -         The receiver for discharged water receiver.

  11. Chapter 2. CAPACITY OF WASTE WATER TREATMENT PLANTS (expressed in BOD5/day) The scope of this chapter is to collect data concerning all waste water treatment plants ( urban, industrial, independent and others), concerning: Number of WWTP: Design capacity:Discharged Q(m3/d), organic loading expressed in BOD5:C(KgO2/d)= Q(m3/d)* C(mgO2/d):1000 Current capacity: discharge Q`- expressed in m3/d, organic loading expressed in BOD5:C`(KgO2/d)= Q`(m3/d)* C`(mgO2/d):1000 Treated effluent:discharge Q`-expressed in m3/d, organic loading expressed in BOD5:C``(KgO2/d)= Q``(m3/d)* C``(mgO2/dm3):1000

  12. Chapter 3. DESCHARGE OF WASTEWATER The first part of this gives data concerning the waste generated by different sectors of activities related to the following parameters /poluants(table 3):Yearly volume ;Organic substances expressed in CODand BOD5 ;Suspensed matter;Total Nitrogen;Total Phosphorous;Heavy metals (arsen-As, cadmiu-Cd, mercury-Hg, copper-Cu, chromium-Cr, nickel-Ni, lead-Pb, zinc-Zn);The content pulluants in waste waters are expressed as followed:For COD, BOD5,SM, TN, TP has to used the unit measures 1000 Kg /d, polluant concentration in 1000 Kg/y is obtained from darly discharge of waste water expressed in m3/d*polluant concentration expressed in mg/dm3:1000=1000Kg/d;For heavy metals is used unit of 1000Kg/y, obtained from yearly discharge expressed in m3/y * concentration of the metal expressed in mg/m3 :1.000.000=1000Kg/y.

  13. CAP. 4 – SEWAGE SLUDGE PRODUCTION AND DISPOSAL • URBAN WASTE WATER TREATMENT • OTHER WASTE WATER TREATMENT • Total sludge production • Total sludge disposal • Agricultural use • Compost and other applications • Landfill • Dumping at sea • Incineration

  14. 3rd case study workshop 24 – 26 October 2002 Sinaia Point Source estimates

  15. Municipal Point sources Suggestion in MONERIS for the calculation of point source emissions if data are missing: specific emissions x Elimination N/P Emissions Phosphor Pcap 1,8 gP/d Pind  0 gP/d Nitrogen Ncap 11 gN/d Nind  0-7 gN/d Phosphor C  50 % CP  90 % M  20 % Nitrogen C  30 % N  45 % ND  75 % M  10 %

  16. gP/PE gP/PE*d 2.5 Linear (gP/PE) 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 cap/PE MONERIS Estimation

  17. gN/EW*d gN/PE 16 Linear (gN/PE) 14 12 10 8 6 MONERIS Estimation 4 2 0 cap/PE 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1

  18. N-Elimination DN (average = 80 %) N.Elimination N (average = 52 %) N-Elimination C (average = 37 %) MONERIS: C N ND 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

  19. P-Elimination CP (average = 85 %) C MONERIS CP 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% C: Elimination 0,6 gP/EW.d 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

  20. Suggestion for municipal point sources • Nitrogen specific emissions x Elimination N/P Emissions Nitrogen Ncap 11 gN/d Nind  6.5 gN/d Nitrogen C  30 % N  50 % ND  80 % M  10 %

  21. Suggestion for municipal point sources • Phosphors specific emissions x Elimination N/P Emissions Phosphorus Pcap 1.6 gP/d plus P in detergents Pind  1.3 gP/d Phosphorus C  45 % CP  85 % M  20 %

  22. Further Suggestions • If the actuall loading (PEcap+ind) is unknown: • PE = connected inhabitants x 1.6 – 2.0 or • PE = designe capacity (PE) x 0.6 – 0.9 • Values are not valid for direct discharging industries • Use Standard-Data for checking measured values as well

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