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Universal Service and Energy Poverty

Universal Service and Energy Poverty. Service Universel et P auvreté E nergétique. Martin Hiller, Quebec, May 2012. The challenge of guaranteeing access to power:. Energy poverty: either no modern power, or modern power too expensive Problems reach from no access to constant black-outs

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Universal Service and Energy Poverty

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  1. Universal Service and Energy Poverty Service Universel et PauvretéEnergétique Martin Hiller, Quebec, May 2012

  2. The challenge of guaranteeing access to power: • Energy poverty: either no modern power, or modern power too expensive • Problems reach from no access to constant black-outs • Improve and deepen service for vulnerable consumers • Build a powerful basis for small and medium enterprise • Clean energy solutions – efficiency and renewables – are set to provide the core of the energy revolution

  3. Five Elements • Independence: new energy investment can liberate people – e.g. wean them off the drip of big oil and coal • People: local ‘champions’ needed to drive business or political solution • Microfinance: allow people to pay back and truly own • Business : small and medium enterprises can drive, market and implement solutions at local scale • Information: creating new clean energy markets needs free but good quality information services

  4. Amazonia Renewable Energy Company Photo: IDEAAS • Widen energy access to Jari region in Amazonia where no entity is obliged to provide grid access • Set up a profitable RE company • Sustainable forestry (Group Orsa) • Attracting “early adopters” to the sustainable energy pilot project, launch the company • Convert 1500 families in 60 communities as well as 100 Group Orsa plants • Save 1.5 million litres diesel p.a. • Implementing partner: IDEAAS

  5. Financing the final step to poor consumers: Innovative business model based on bartering in the Pacific 2400 Households 35 Households

  6. EE labelling system for electrical appliances in West African countries • Establish EE labelling scheme for household appliances in West African Union countries • Assess all existing EE labelling frameworks in UEMOA and int. • Design and validate a voluntary EE labelling programme for appliances • Identify technical laboratories for appliance testing (in UEMOA)  • Organise and hold trainings to build capacity in the national standards bodies and Ministries of Energy • Reduce import of second hand appliances • Implementing partner: Econoler

  7. Enabling small-business investments in clean energy in the Southern Mediterranean • support the investment decision process in SMEs • Develop key indicators • energy efficiency, renewable energy, ecological structures, sustainable mobility and industry location • develop a self-evaluation kit • Analyse and report on the key indicators • Create hand book and web-based tool • Train first 20 Tunisian SMEs

  8. The Notion of Universal Service should be re-thought • Unlimited power supply will not exist at all times • Equal access is democratic imperative • Essential for business development • Key elements : o demand-side management - to optimize available energy, optimize combination of EE and RE o off-grid and mini-grid solutions (will become topical in all countries), o zero energy solutions should become standard - e.g. zero energy buildings

  9. Thank you! SERN - Sustainable Energy Regulation Networkwww.reegle.info www.reeep.orgREEEP- Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Partnership

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