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Welcome to Third Grade!. Ahoy, me Hearties!. Class photo here (Insert; Picture; From file). About the Teacher Laura Schneider. New to Brill and 3 rd Grade 10 Years in Klein, 15 Years teaching 2 sons that attend Klein High School Excited for a new experience! . Contact Information.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Welcome to Third Grade! Ahoy, me Hearties! Class photo here (Insert; Picture; From file)

  2. About the Teacher Laura Schneider • New to Brill and 3rd Grade • 10 Years in Klein, 15 Years teaching • 2 sons that attend Klein High School • Excited for a new experience!

  3. Contact Information Laura Schneider lschneider@kleinisd.net 832-484-6188 http://classroom.kleinisd.net/default.aspx?Mrs.%20Laura%20Schneider

  4. Arrival to School • Students should arrive at 7:50 A.M. • Time for Enrichment and it always students to get unpacked and ready for their day. • Students that arrive after 8:20 A.M. are • considered tardy.

  5. Schedule Mon./Tues./Thurs. – P.E. 10:50-11:35 Wed./Friday – Music 10:50-11:35 Tuesday - Art 9:15- 10:00 Monday – Library 9:00- 9:30

  6. Homework Read 20 minutes minimum per night, have your child color in their treasure chest. Work on Math homework, due on Friday. Practice Spelling

  7. Concepts Learned in Math Graphs Place Value Addition and Subtraction Multiplication and Division Patterns Measurement Problem-Solving Geometry Fractions Estimation

  8. Science Science Concepts Interactive Science Notebooks Safety and Tools Hands-On Lab Activities Matter Energy Force and Motion Earth and Space Life Science

  9. Language Arts Reader’s Workshop- Making Predictions, Visualization, Text Connections, Asking Questions, Inferencing, Sequencing, etc. Independent Reading- Reading at your level applying Reader’s Workshop Strategies Guiding Reading Groups- Word Study/Vocabulary, Guided Practice Interactive Reading and Writing Notebooks Spelling

  10. Social Studies • Communities • Government • Heritage • Economics • Map Skills • Interactive Social Studies Notebooks

  11. Technology Visit my classroom websites to find important dates and other information. http://classroom.kleinisd.net/default.aspx?Mrs. Laura Schneider Other websites used in class and/or at home: Learning.com (technology) Pearsonsuccessnet.com (Math) Explorelearning.com (Gizmos) Achieve 3000 (Reading) Stemscopes (Science) Reflex Math (new to the district)

  12. Grades Minor Grades are 50% of Final Average Major Grades are 50% of Final Average Homework is a study habit grade on the report card. Parent connect allows you to view your child’s grades throughout the year. To create an account please visit the Klein ISD home page. http:/./www.kleinisd.net/default.aspx?name=sis.parent

  13. Grading Guidelines • Reading, Lang./Composition • Social Studies & Science 3 major grades • Math receives 4 major grades. • Reading receives 8 minor • Lang./Composition receives 5 minor • Math receives 9 minor • Science and Social Studies 6 minor • Major and Minor grades will each weight 50% when • determining the percentage for the nine week grading • period. • Teachers will not give or accept extra credit in any • subject area.

  14. Conduct Tracking The Pirate Way Play Fair with your Friends Include Everyone Respect Adults and Classmates Always Do Your Best Talk Through Your Problems Eyes and Ears Ready to Learn

  15. Conduct Tracking The Pirate Way • Discipline Clips • Rewards and Consequences • Reflected in Tuesday Folder • Golden/ Extra Golden

  16. Conduct Tracking The Pirate Way E – chooses to act in a responsible and respectful manner most of the time and has stars/stickers in their Tuesday Folder. S – acts responsible most of the time, responds to redirection to make better choices, and has mostly stickers in Tuesday Folder. N – needs lots of redirection to make better choices and has less than ½ stickers, in Tuesday Folder. U – Parent will be contacted by teacher

  17. State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness (STAAR) Testing Dates Math: Tuesday, April 22, 2014 Reading: Wednesday, April 23, 2014 For additional information go to: http://tea.state.tx.us

  18. How can YOU help? Encourage Assist Review papers that come home Review agenda/ Tuesday’s Treasures Read with your child and have him/her read to you Volunteer

  19. Parent Conference Day is October 14, 2013 • Each conference will be for 20 minutes. • Please sign-up for a time before you leave tonight. • I look forward to sharing information and learning more about your child from you!

  20. Call for GT Referrals The GT referral window for K-11 is open August 26th- September 27th. If you would like to refer your child for Klein’s Gifted and Talented Program, please stop by the front office and pick up a referral packet. If you have any questions or concerns, please call our counselor, Jennifer Matus at 832-484-6128 or our Assistant Principal, Sandra Speer at 832-484-6147. For more information you may also visit the KISD website. Click Departments>Advanced Academics>Gifted and Talented Completed referral packets must be brought back by the parent to the front office by Friday, September 27th. *Please do not send the completed packet back with your child. It is reviewed by Mrs. Matus or Mrs. Speer with you upon return.

  21. Questions?

  22. Thank You For taking the time to attend Open House! I look forward to working with you and your child this year. It is going to be a wonderful year filled with exciting learning activities!

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