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Using Data for School Improvement

Hurst Junior High. Using Data for School Improvement. Learning Goals. Identify three different tiers of data use on a campus Identify at least one example of data use on a campus within each tier Apply knowledge of at least one example of data use to existing campus system.

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Using Data for School Improvement

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  1. Hurst Junior High Using Data for School Improvement

  2. Learning Goals • Identify three different tiers of data use on a campus • Identify at least one example of data use on a campus within each tier • Apply knowledge of at least one example of data use to existing campus system

  3. Level 1: School-Wide use of Data

  4. School-Wide • Assessments • Discipline • Attendance • Evaluate programs • Advisory Tutorials • Math/Science Academy • No 0 Plan

  5. Walk-Through Data Data collected from 3-minute walk-throughs by administration over a 6 week period using Pocket PDAS in 2009

  6. Discipline Goal Team • Goal: Decrease behavior referrals by 10% by May 2012 • Members include selected teachers, volunteers, administrators • Meet every six weeks • Review data with entire faculty

  7. Plan/Do/Study/Act • Discipline Goal Team meets throughout the year to view data and discuss progress and/or issues

  8. Data Study

  9. Types of Referrals

  10. Level 2: Teacher Use of Data

  11. Teacher-Led Data Meetings • By subject/grade level • After formative assessments • Lead teacher led using guiding questions • Administrator may be present taking notes Teacher Data Meetings Video Teacher interview video

  12. Level 3: Using Data with Students

  13. Benefits of Student Data • Engagement in the classroom • Responsibility for own learning- Empowerment (Data Folders-Purpose video) • Planting Seeds • Goal setting (Goal Setting Podcast) • Recognition of habits (good/bad) • Check on classroom processes(Data and Sped Kids video)

  14. Sharing Data with the Class • Using a Classroom Data Wall • TAKS Tracks Data (video) • Benchmark Data (video)

  15. Student Data Folders • Prepare the right materials • Provide supplies for students • Have them available in the classroom • Have a plan • What steps will you take during class on data folder day? • Let the students own the folder Data Folders-Ownership Video

  16. In the Folder • Contents must fit students’ needs • What is the purpose of the data folder? Data Folders-References Video Data Folders-Charts Video Personal Evaluation Sheet 2 Document Test Evaluation Document Radar Chart Personal Plus/Delta Warner’s Goal Sheet Document Personal Evaluation Sheet Document

  17. Student Feedback Student 1 Interview Student 2 Interview

  18. Possible Limitations • Data doesn’t show the whole picture of the school. • How much data is too much? • What are the ramifications of spending too much time on data? • Moving too fast with little data? • Data without support is deadly.

  19. Learning Goals Review • Identify three different tiers of data use on a campus • Identify at least one example of data use on a campus within each tier • Apply knowledge of at least one example of data use to existing campus system

  20. Q & A

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