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KOC 3301

KOC 3301. Dr Rosmiza Bidin, FBMK. The subject. Pengenalan Komunikasi Korporat (KOC3301) Dr. Rosmiza Bidin 03-89469791, 013-2065004 rosmiza@upm.edu.my Assignment 40%, Mid term exam 20%, Final 40%. Mid term exam covers up to chap 5 (CSR). Final exam covers all.

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KOC 3301

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  1. KOC 3301 Dr Rosmiza Bidin, FBMK

  2. The subject • Pengenalan Komunikasi Korporat (KOC3301) • Dr. Rosmiza Bidin • 03-89469791, 013-2065004 • rosmiza@upm.edu.my • Assignment 40%, Mid term exam 20%, Final 40%. Mid term exam covers up to chap 5 (CSR). Final exam covers all. • Text book: Corporate Communication (fifth edition) by Paul A. Argenti.

  3. Business environment • Parliament and law‐making • Malaysia practices Parliamentary Democracy (Demokrasi Berparlimen) with Constitutional Monarchy and • His Royal Highness (Yang DiPertuan Agong) is the Paramount Ruler • Malaysia is also a country that practises a system of democracy based on the Federation system • Market conditions • strong economic strength, supportive government policies, educated workforce, developed infrastructure, vibrant business environment and quality of life

  4. Business environment (cont.) • Population • Malaysia is a multi‐racial country. Malaysia's population, as of July 2010, is estimated to be 28.3 million, which makes it the 44th most populated country in the world. • Malays, who make up about 65% of the population, are the predominant group, with Chinese (26%, )Indians (7.1%) and other ethnic groups making up the rest. • About 80% of the nation’s total population occupies Peninsula Malaysia.

  5. Business environment (cont.) • Area • located in the heart of South‐East Asia, slightly north of the Equator. • two geographical regions ‐ Peninsular Malaysia or West • 11 states and the Federal Territories of Kuala Lumpur and Putrajaya, and East Malaysia, which has two states, and the Federal Territory of Labuan. • The climate is hot and humid.

  6. Business environment (cont.) • Language • Bahasa is the official language. However, English is widely used for business and in the tourism industry. • Apart from English, Mandarin and Tamil are also common languages taught at school concurrently with Bahasa and English.

  7. Business environment (cont.) • Currency • The local currency is Ringgit Malaysia (RM). • Major hotels and larger establishments readily accept foreign currency. • Foreign currencies can also be readily exchanged at banks or licensed money changers.

  8. Business environment (cont.) • The economy • The economic policies and strategies of the country are set out in the National Development policy. • These are implemented through the outline Perspective Plan. • The previous action plan is the Ninth Malaysia Plan (2006‐2010).

  9. Tenth Malaysia Plan (2011-2015) THRUST • Charting development for a high income nation • 6% growth target • Per capita income to increase to RM38,845 (US$12,139) by 2015 • Creating private sector-led economy • Supporting innovation-led growth • Full employment • Restructuring of subsidies • ALLOCATION • RM230 billion: 60% physical development; 40% non-physical development • Sector allocation: economic 55%, social 30%, security 10%, general administration 5%

  10. Enterprise survey • Top 10 constraints to firm investment in Malaysia (2007) • Inadequately education workforce • Tax administration • Licences and permits • Corruption • Access to finance • Customs and trade regulation • Labor regulations • Access to land • Crime, theft and disorder • Political instability http://rru.worldbank.org/BESnapshots/Malaysia/default.aspx

  11. The Importance of Communication Skills as Expressed by Business Authorities “Top executives from Fortune 500 companies rate communications skills as the most important quality for business leaders.” --Business SectionNew York Times “There may be no single thing more important in our efforts to achieve meaningful work and fulfilling relationships than to learn and practice the art of communication.” --Max De Pree, AuthorThe Art of Leadership

  12. Evidence of Communication Weakness in Business “I’m surprised how so many people struggle with communication.” --Michael Rook, Production Manager Hewlett Packard, San Diego, CA “The first thing the Human Resources Department did was give me a writing book.” --Sam Reeves, IT Consultant AMS, Denver, CO

  13. Does Business Act Responsibly? Source: Yankelovich & CNN/USA Today/ Gallup Poll

  14. Limited Confidence in Big Business American Public’s Confidence in Institutions % of Respondents Answering “Great deal” or “Quite a lot” Source: 2007 Gallup Poll

  15. Are Executives Overpaid? Paris Hilton $6.5 Million David Beckham $27 Million J. K. Rowling $32 Million Elvis Presley (deceased) $37 Million Rolling Stones $88 Million Tiger Woods $100 Million Steven Spielberg $110 Million Oprah Winfrey $260 Million Steve Jobs $647 Million Source: Forbes, MSNBC, ABC, Rolling Stone

  16. Forms of Organisational Comm. • Operational • Internal • External • Personal

  17. Communication Networks • Formal • well-established, usually along operational lines • planned • Informal • complex • dynamic

  18. DepartmentManager Supervisor Supervisor Formal and Informal Communication Networks Black Solid Lines = Formal Network Coral Dashed Lines = Informal Network (at a moment in time, for they change often)

  19. Communication Process Model

  20. Factors of communication • The Message - The content of the communication • The Medium - The method of passing on information • The code - The system of signs or sounds used • The Channel - Sound waves or light waves

  21. Factors of communication • Interference - Noise which can affect transmission of information • Feedback - information on how information was received • Context - Framework in which communication takes place

  22. Forms of communication • Written • Or signs • Spoken • Visual/gestures • technology Touch

  23. How to Compete in a New World • Recognize the new environment for business • Adapt without changing what they stand for • Foster understanding through education and outreach

  24. How to Compete in a New World • Adapt without compromising principles • Technological innovations • Governmental rules

  25. How to Compete in a New World • Don’t assume problems will magically disappear • Address issue at its inception • Anticipate the length of story • Don’t assume public has short memory • Communication and negotiation

  26. How to Compete in a New World • Keep Corporate Communication Connected to Strategy • CC closely linked to company’s overall vision and strategy • CC play pivotal role in defining and communicating mission internal and external stakeholders • Hire qualified staff • CC report directly to the CEO

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