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Ionizing particle fluxes in the near-ground atmosphere

This study aims to understand the discrepancy between observed and simulated charged particle fluxes in the near-ground atmosphere. Long-term cosmic ray observations were conducted using various methods and locations, including balloon launchings, sea expeditions, and ground measurements. The results show the influence of the transition effect between air and ground on cosmic ray fluxes, as well as the contribution of natural radioactivity. These findings suggest the need to include the transition effect in simulations.

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Ionizing particle fluxes in the near-ground atmosphere

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  1. Ionizing particle fluxes in the near-ground atmosphere BAZILEVSKAYA G.A., KRAINEV M.B., KVASHNIN A.N., MAKHMUTOV V.S., STOZHKOV Y.I.,SVIRZHEVSKAYA A.K., SVIRZHEVSKY N.S. Lebedev Physical Institute, RAS, Leninsky prospect, 53, 119991, Moscow, Russia

  2. Motivation and goal • Ionization in the near-ground atmosphere is of interest for the cosmic ray physics and mechanisms of weather formation. • There is a discrepancy between the results of charged particle fluxes observation and simulation near the ground. • We try to understand the source of this discrepancy.

  3. Long-term cosmic ray observations in the Earth’s atmosphere by Lebedev Physical Institute (Russia) • Light balloon launchings several times a week at polar (Murmansk, Arctica, and Mirny, Antarctica) and mid-latitudes (Moscow region). • Latitudinal surveys during sea expeditions. Here we use data of 1987 sea survey. • Occasional measurements with a “B1” device with high statistics at polar (Arkhangelsk region) and mid-latitudes (Saratov region). Measurements with omnidirectional Geiger tubes and with Geiger tube telescopes beginning from 1957

  4. Radio-sound detectors

  5. Main latitude surveys 19621965 19681969 19701971 19751976 19791980 19861987 After Golenkov, A. E., Svirzhevskaya, A. K., Svirzhevsky, N. S., and Stozhkov, Yu. I.: 1990, Proc. 21st Int. Cosmic Ray Conf., Adelaide 7, 1417.

  6. L. Desorgher et al., Int.J.Mod Phys. A, 20(29),6802-6804, 2005

  7. Makhmutov , 2009

  8. Discrepancy between the observed and simulated particle fluxes in the near-ground level (Bazilevskaya et al., 31 ICRC, Lodz, 2009) 13-14 km Cosmic ray fluxes and CRII normalized at averages for the whole period of observations 2.3 km Cosmic ray induced ionization: Usoskin et al. Acta Geophysica, 57(1), 88-101, DOI: 10.2478/s11600-008-0019-9, 2009.

  9. Assumption:Ionizing radiation in the near-ground level (below 3 km – 700 g/cm2) Cosmic rays from the atmosphere Natural radioactivity

  10. Approach • A telescope is not sensitive to radioactivity. • Sea water is much less radioactive than ground or rock. • In Mirny, Antarctica, radioactivity is lower because the ground is mostly covered by glacier.

  11. Data used • Data of single Geiger counters Moscow and Murmansk regions 07.1957-2010. Mirny observatory, Antarctica, 03.1963-2009. Sea survey 1987. Arkhangelsk and Saratov regions, Set of 240 Geiger counters and a NaI scintillator (1970s, Charakhchyan et al., 1975, in Russian). • Data of telescopes: Moscow and Murmansk regions, Mirny observatory, 1964-2009. Sea survey 1987.

  12. It is rightful to average the data of observations at various latitudes (various geomagnetic cutoffs) over sea at atmospheric pressures >400 g/cm2 (altitude < 7 km).

  13. Ratio of count rates of an omnidirectional counter and a telescope Ratio for cosmic rays

  14. There is a transition effect while cosmic ray particles pass through a boundary between air and soil (rock) because differences in the critical energy for electrons in these media. • There is virtually no transition effect for cosmic rays passing from air to water.

  15. Ionizing radiation in the near-ground level (below 3 km – 700 g/cm2) Cosmic rays from the atmosphere Natural radioactivity effect from the air-ground transition

  16. Difference between observational data omnidirectional component) and GEANT 4 results (Desorgher et al., 2005): • Contribution from the transition effect; • Contribution from the natural radioactivity.

  17. Difference between the observed X-ray fluxes at Arkhangelsk region and Mirny (Antarctida): 3. Contribution from the transition effect; 4. Contribution from the natural radioactivity.

  18. Conclusion • Difference between GEANT 4 results of Desorgher et al., 2005, and results of Makhmutov, 2009 is ~ 25% - need tuning. • Divergence of results of GEANT 4 (Desorgher et al, 2005) from observations of omnidirectional fluxes of charged particles over ground begins at ~800 g/cm2 (altitude of ~2.1 km) and reaches ~30% at ~980 g/cm2 (altitude ~450 m). This is due to transition effect of cosmic rays between air and ground. • Below ~ 500 m (pressure > ~970 g/cm2) the divergence is growing due to contribution of natural radioactivity which depends on location and changes with time.

  19. Conclusion (continuation) • The observational results of omnidirectional charged particle fluxes over sea surface are virtually free from the transition effect. They are in reasonable agreement with the results of GEANT 4 simulation (Desorgher et al., 2005)

  20. Conclusion (continuation) • The results of X-ray observations over the ground surface demonstrate contributions from the CR transition effect (air-ground) and from natural radioactivity. • The CR transition effect should be included into GEANT 4 simulations.

  21. Thank you for your attention!

  22. 916 811 715 630 г/см2 Измерения сцинтил. счетчиком у берегов Австралии на самолете. 5.06.59 – после 5 дней ветра с моря, остальные дни – ветер с континента. J.A. Walburton et al., Nature, 207(4993), 181, 1965

  23. Stations of the cosmic ray measurements in the atmosphere

  24. The results of observations with a set of 240 Geiger tubes on the large-volume balloons (in Russian: А.Н. Чарахчьян, Г.А. Базилевская, А.Ф. Красоткин, Т.Н. Чарахчьян. Геомагнетизм и аэрономия, 15 (2), 197-202, 1975)

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