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World games Quiz. Give 2 examples of a single-sport World Games Give 3 examples of a multi-sport World Games State 4 characteristics of World Games What impact can World Games have on performers? Why might individuals not reach an elite level despite having the ability?
Give 2 examples of a single-sport World Games • Give 3 examples of a multi-sport World Games • State 4 characteristics of World Games • What impact can World Games have on performers? • Why might individuals not reach an elite level despite having the ability? • What impact does international sport have on the country – cultural, social & economic effects. state 4.
7. Name 2 difficulties of hosting an international sports event 8. What impact can world games have on the government? 9. Name 4 barriers of progression for elite performers based on discrimination 10. What social or cultural factors may influence a talented individuals progression to elite-level status?
Answers • Football – FIFA world cup, Rugby – the Heineken European Rugby Cup • Olympic games, Paralympic games, common wealth games • Involve elite performers, require pre-event qualification, shop window for city/country holding event, significant infrastructure development, development of sport facilities, involve large number of spectators • Wish to be the best 0 become highly motivated, wish to fulfil their potential, gain pride & satisfaction from representing their country
Answers 5. Lack self-discipline, not sufficient motivation, not receive financial, coaching or technical support, suffer a career ending injury, choose another career path 6. Cultural – those who do well become national heroes – part of the national character – devoted resources to success Social – help unify a country – national pride Economic – ‘shop window’ effect – inward financial investment – beneficial effect on tourism – increase levels of participation in sport – stimulus for the development of sports facilities
Answers 7. Cost of the event can exceed the revenue – legacy facilities are not always in the right location or the right design – if construction delays then bad press in the run up to event – if event not well ran then damaging press coverage 8. Political future can be influenced when a country wins the right to hold an event – if planning of the event causes disruption to the lives of local residents or costs overrun significantly & have to be paid through local taxes then the support from the government will drop 9. Sex or gender – ethnic differences – some form of disability – social class 10. Family/country/community support – sport not viewed as high status by family or community – financial resources – infrastructure for elite- performer development (talent ID programme) – amount fo media exposure of that sport -
World class performance pathway (UK High performance pathway)
Exam questions • What social and cultural factors may account for a talented individual’s choice of sport? (3 marks) • Even though an individual may possess the right personal qualities, they may still fail to reach an elite standard. A high proportion of the England football and athletic squads come from an ethnic minority group, yet in rugby and cricket the proportions are much lower. Discuss the factors that may account for this difference. (4 marks) • The successful bid to host the 2012 Olympic games in London will have a major impact on sport in the UK. ‘We have got a great chance now to develop sport in our country and to have a fantastic Olympic games and then to leave a legacy for the future.’ Tony Blair – prime minister, 2005. All sports have to develop elite performers. How can a national governing Body ensure that they help develop elite performers? (5 marks)