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DESCRIBILICIOUS – LEVEL 3. INSTRUCCIONES. The following presentation is designed to help you improve your understanding of descriptions in Spanish. You’ll need to stay in slide show view for the whole exercise so click shift+f5 when you get to slide 2 onwards.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. DESCRIBILICIOUS – LEVEL 3 INSTRUCCIONES The following presentation is designed to help you improve your understanding of descriptions in Spanish. You’ll need to stay in slide show view for the whole exercise so click shift+f5 when you get to slide 2 onwards. On the next slide you will see a cartoon with an incident involving a robbery. Just click on the screen if there’s nothing happening and the cartoon will continue. Your job is to help the police discover the identity of the thief who has run off into the park. One by one you’ll eliminate the innocent people until you’re left with the correct person. If you like this or find it too hard, there are also 2 other similar presentations called Describilicous level 1/2 (original huh?) which are easier and have less suspects to eliminate. Hope you like it..... Click shift + f5 now for cartoon.

  2. TienesrazónSargenta Ali, perohabrádesaparecido en el bosque . Si queremosatraparlo, hay quetenerprisa. Vámonos! No se preocupe señorita, tendremos al criminal entre rejas dentro de una hora! Bueno Sargenta Hussain, parece que el criminal llevaba un disfraz – ha dejado su ropa por allá. Ahora sí que Estoy asustada! Ah socorro! socorro! Me ha robado la bolsa! Socorrrrrrro! Qué sitio más raro! Parece un poco peligroso. Creo que voy a llamar un taxi.

  3. Your task is to help the police identify who the thief is. Listen to the description next to the policewomen and click on the person being described. This will make them disappear one by one until only the thief is left. If you click on the wrong suspect you’ll be taken back to the start so make sure you’re certain before clicking. When you’re ready, press anywhere on this slide to continue and remember to stay in slide show view....Suerte!

  4. Inocente 1:

  5. Inocente1:

  6. Inocente 2:

  7. Inocente 3:

  8. Inocente 4:

  9. Inocente 5:

  10. Inocente 6:

  11. Inocente 7:

  12. Inocente 8:

  13. Inocente 9:

  14. Inocente 10:

  15. Inocente 11:

  16. Inocente 12:

  17. Inocente 13:

  18. Inocente 14:

  19. Inocente 15:

  20. Inocente 16:

  21. Inocente 17:

  22. Inocente 18:

  23. Inocente 19:

  24. Inocente 20:

  25. Inocente 21:

  26. Inocente 22:


  28. Su bolsaseñorita. ¿Hay algomásquepodamoshacerporusted? ¿Una medusa? Sí una medusa me robó el móvil!!!

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