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Introduction Engine Systems

Introduction Engine Systems. Norbert Zsiga , Anton Ledergerber, Nicolas Vuilliomenet. Introduction Engine Systems. Concept of a combustion engine Different t ypes of engines Topics of the lecture «Engine Systems» Tour through engine hallway ML E. Open the hood ….

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Introduction Engine Systems

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Introduction Engine Systems Norbert Zsiga, Anton Ledergerber, Nicolas Vuilliomenet

  2. Introduction Engine Systems Conceptof a combustionengine Different typesofengines Topics ofthelecture «Engine Systems» Tour throughenginehallway ML E

  3. Open thehood…

  4. Simplifiedmodelof a gasolineengine Exhaustmanifold Intakemanifold Engine block 4 4

  5. Simplifiedmodelof a gasolineengine Injection Ignitioncoil Fuel pump Valves Throttle Exhaustmanifold Intakemanifold Engine block 5 5

  6. Simplifiedmodelof an engine Injection Ignitioncoil Fuel pump Valves Throttle Exhaustmanifold Intakemanifold Engine block

  7. Simplifiedmodelof a gasolineengine

  8. Simplifiedmodelofgasolineengine

  9. Simplifiedmodelofgasolineengine Questions: Whichcontrolactuatorsareminimallyneededfor a gasolineengine Whycantheengineblockbeintrepretedas a volumetric pump? Anwers: Throttle, Injector,ignitioncoil, valves,…. Itpumpsair form thelowpressureintakemanifoldtothehigherpressureexhaustmanifold (exception: supercharged)

  10. Mechanical System

  11. 4 Stroke Engine • In thisclassonlyfourstrokeengines • The fourstrokes: • IntakeStroke • CompressionStroke • Power Stroke • ExhaustStroke • =>Engine cycleconsistsoftworevolutions

  12. 2 Stroke Engine • Power StrokeandCompressionStrokearecombined • IntakeStrokeandExhaustStrokearecombined, i.e. inflowingairwashes out exhaust gas. => Engine cycleconsistsofonerevolution

  13. Gasoline & Diesel Engines Gasoline Diesel CompressionIgnition  CI Engine Spark Ignition  SI Engine

  14. Gasoline & Diesel Engines Gasoline Diesel Low power Low power «Qualitative Control» «Quantitative Control» High power High power

  15. Gasoline & Diesel Engines Anwers: No!Thereisalwaysexcessair No!The power iscontrolledbytheamountofinjectedfuel Diesel: Injectmorefuel Gasoline: Openingofthrottle, moreairintocylinder , controllerinjectsthenmorefuel Questions: Isthecombustion in a dieselenginestochiometric? (lambda=1) Is a throttleneededfor a Diesel engine? Whatistheeffectofpressingthe gas pedal in a dieselandgasolineengineresprectively?

  16. SelfInduction & ForcedInductionEngines Forcedinduction/ super charged Selfinduction/ naturallyaspirated Air issucked in bythe down strokeofthecylindarwhichresults in a pressuredrop in theintakemanifold Air isforcedintotheintakemanifoldbythecharger

  17. SelfInduction & ForcedInductionEngines Anwers: Forthe same displacementvolume ( Hubraum) = same weight, morefuelcanbeburned, more power isgenerated Turbocharger, energyfromexhaust gas Mechanical, energyfromengineshaft Questions: Whydoesforcedinductionleadtohigherspecific power (W/kg)? Whereisthe power takenfromforthecompressorin forcedinduction?

  18. Information on thelecture • Control ofengineis in thefocus(not thermodynamicsandmechanics) • Focus is on modellingonlyoftheenginesystem • Suitablelecture «Vehiclepropulsionsystems», focus on wholevehicle • Goodtextbook/scriptisavailable • Idlespeedcontrollerisdeveloppedandtested on real engine • Oral exam in the end

  19. ML E floor - «Tour de moteur»

  20. Thank you for your attention.Let’s go!

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