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Good Morning. Enjoy the light breakfast items. Leadership: Standard 2 Teaching and Learning. Professional Learning Unit Cycle Session I. Welcome. Parameters Introduction Icebreaker (Bragging Rights). Parameters. Turn off all cell phones We are all active participants
Good Morning Enjoy the light breakfast items.
Leadership: Standard 2Teaching and Learning Professional Learning Unit Cycle Session I
Welcome • Parameters • Introduction • Icebreaker (Bragging Rights)
Parameters Turn off all cell phones We are all active participants Time is our most valuable resource None of us are as smart as all of us
PLU – The Big Picture Session 1 Session 2 Session 3 Phase I Phase I Phase I Professional Learning Professional Learning Professional Learning Planning Planning Planning Phase II Phase II Phase II Implementation Implementation Implementation Phase III Phase III Phase III Evaluation Evaluation Evaluation
Outcomes • Participants will understand and recognize the need for tiered instruction • Participants will identify strengths and needs in the area of tiered instruction in his/her system • Participants will recognize the current effectiveness of coaching (Job embedded PD) in his/her school or system in relation to tiered instruction and student learning • Participants will identify next steps to improve tiered instruction and related coaching in his/her school or system
Journal • What does skillful instruction look like in your school? • How does your staff respond when students don’t learn and what is your role as the school leader? • How timely is our response? • How might we adjust our schedules to give additional support to students who are not learning?
Instruction Improvement Pyramid Special Kids Parents Quality Motivation Assessment & Monitoring Professional Development Teaching Materials Amount of Instruction Curriculum Leadership UIC Center for Literacy
What happens when Leadership is not at the top. Student Achievement Goals and Measures
Leadership Leading Professional Development and Instruction Student Achievement Goals and Measures
Outcome 3 Recognize the current effectiveness of coaching (job-embedded professional development) in his\her school or system in relation to tiered instruction and student learning
Professional Learning Communities • Rick DuFour’s work related to professional learning communities. • The whole focus of the PLC’s is working together to improve student learning. • What exactly is a PLC?
Professional Learning Communities • Now that we know what a PLC is, let’s examine Rick Dufour’s four essential questions. • We would like to take the four questions he asks in his book Whatever it takes, and use them to consider tiered instruction.
“More can be done to improve education by improving the effectiveness of teachers than by any other single factor.” Paul Wright, Sandra Horn, & William Sanders, 1997
What does the research say? • Take about 3 minutes to complete the quick quiz individually • Use the Simple Jigsaw protocol to read and discuss the article • “Grade” quick quiz
REFLECTION So what? How did this article help you better recognize the impact of effectiveness of coaching/Job embedded PD as it relates to student learning?
Where to begin? Begin With the End in Mind When Stephen Covey set out his 7 Rules for Highly Effective People, he offered this advice: Begin with the end in mind. In other words, work backwards from where you want to end up and make choices that will lead you there.
Back Mapping Remember our goal is that any training or professional development we provide should have a direct impact on classroom instruction and student learning. If we determine what the student needs to learn we should be able to use that information to determine what the adults need to know and do to meet that need.
Focused Professional Development • Imagine that you are in a balcony watching the professional development at your school. Describe what you see. • Where is it? • Who is there? • How are the participants seated? What are they doing? What are they saying What do you notice about the attitudes of the participants?
Moving Forward Now look at some of the characteristics that will move us closer to changes in instruction and student learning.
Looking to the Future Please understand I am not here to provide RTI training today, but the support I am providing is within the general guidelines of the state’s model.
Research on Tiered Instruction • Read Article • Form Three Groups • Plan and Present
Clarke County School System THREE-TIER INTERVENTION MODEL FOR STRUGGLING LEARNERS Comprehensive Core Program: State Standards and Current Curriculum English/Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies Non Mastery Assessments: AHSGE, ARMT, SAT-10, DIBELS, and Common Assessments AHSGE – Failed (any portion) ARMT – Level I or II SAT-10 – Stanine 1-4 DIBELS – Strategic or Intensive Common Assess. – 69 or Below Mastery Struggling Learners(as determined by achievement data mastery levels) On Grade Level Learners (as determined by mastery of standards) – Continue In the Core Program as Directed By Applicable State Standards and Current Curriculum TIER I Intervention: Universal/School-wide strategies focused on the individual academic needs of the student. TIER II Intervention: Small group targeted strategies- before, embedded, or after school. Additional time and support focused on the student’s individual academic needs. TIER III Intervention: Individualized, intensive, specific treatments focused on the student’s academic needs. ON-GOING MONITORING & SUPPORT Instructional Components for TIER I Intervention What’s different for the student in the regular classroom setting: cooperative learning, differentiated instruction, intensive short term instruction, etc. Instruction Components for TIER II Intervention: What’s different for the student outside the regular classroom setting: embedded intervention, extended day intervention, mandatory tutoring, impact teacher groups, etc. Instruction Components for TIER III Intervention: What’s different for the student outside the regular classroom setting: individualized intervention plan, reading/math recovery, home visits, summer school, etc. no yes Obtain Mastery Levels on Identified Standards? Obtain Mastery Levels on Identified Standards? no Obtain Mastery Levels on Identified Standards? no Consideration of special programs. yes yes
Three-Tier Model The Three-Tier Model is a model of prevention, linking scientifically-based research to practice, assessment, and professional development. In schools that serve large numbers of disadvantaged students, the triangle of the Three-Tier Model may be inverted.
Tier I: Core Instruction Instructional Goal: Ensure that the majority of students’ needs are met with the implementation of research-based instructional practices based on the Alabama Course of Study for each specific content area (delivered on grade-level) 80% Assessment: includes screening, progress monitoring, end of year outcome assessment, and specific core content assessments. Benchmark assessments of all students at least three times a year to identify need for intervention and ongoing progress monitoring. Professional Development: focus on teaching of core through initial, advanced, and follow up training; in-class coaching and lesson modeling; adequate planning time, assessment administration and data analysis; additional time to discuss student data and plan for instruction, and reflection.
SCENERIO You are a 10th grade geometry teacher you have 25 students and you know that 10 did not master the skill. What now?
Tier II: Strategic Supplemental Intervention Instructional Goal: additional assistance to enable students to be successful in Tier I, through more intensive, explicit instruction in small groups; beyond core instruction through pre-teaching, re-teaching, and targeted skills. Assessment:students are identified based on screening assessments, which may include progress monitoring, daily observation, classroom performance/participation. Professional Development:tied to curriculum and students’ specific needs; focus on assessment administration and data analysis; training for supplementary programs; additional time for discussion of data and planning instruction; in-class coaching
SCENERIO Your are a 10th grade geometry teacher you have 25 students and you know that 5 did not master the skill. What now?
Tier III: Intensive Intervention Instructional Goal:specifically designed instruction for students significantly below grade level, despite Tier I and Tier II efforts; instructional focus on accelerating learning to close the gap. Assessment:students identified as intensive on screening assessment; progress monitoring administered weekly/biweekly; formative assessments to determine areas of strengths and weaknesses and to target instruction Professional Development:tied to curriculum and students’ specific needs; focus on assessment administration and data analysis; focus on accelerating student progress; additional time to discuss data, plan instruction; in-class coaching
SCENERIO Your are a 10th grade geometry teacher you have 25 students and you know that 2 did not master the skill. What now?
Response to Intervention RtI RtI is part of Federal legislation (IDEA) for identifying special education placement. IDEA advocates the RtI process as an alternative to using the discrepancy between IQ and achievement to identify learning disabilities and determine student eligibility for special education services. Early intervention for allstudents is the focus of RtI. Whether or not they have a formal learning disability, students receive targeted instructional intervention to meet their specific learning needs. Problem-Solving Teams provide structure for classroom, intervention, and special education teachers to work together to make instructional decisions and evaluate interventions through a problem-solving method.
Inquiry Groups and Planning Elementary and Secondary • Where do we go from here? • Where do you want to go from here? • Do we have tiered instruction? • Every School • Every Grade-level • In every class
Inquiry GroupsPlanning, Implementation, and Monitoring Elementary and Secondary • Plan together on how we will ensure tiered instruction gets from the leader to the student. • Develop an outline, time-line, and methods of monitoring. • Your plans will serve as an exit slips.
Planning for the Implementation of High Quality Instruction and Coaching Choose a research-based instructional program/strategies and prepare staff. Design a comprehensive assessment system. Create a problem solving model. Develop a plan for three tiered interventions. Provide professional development. Develop a procedure for monitoring the implementation of instruction.