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Punctuation. Semicolons. Use a semicolon between independent clauses that are closely related in thought and are not joined by and, but, for, nor, or so, or yet. Terrence is a musician; he plays four instruments.

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  1. Punctuation

  2. Semicolons • Use a semicolon between independent clauses that are closely related in thought and are not joined by and, but, for, nor, or so, or yet. • Terrence is a musician; he plays four instruments. • If there is not a close relationship between the clauses, do not join them with a semicolon. Write the sentences as separate sentences. • Nantucket is an island; it has an airport. (wrong) • Nantucket is an island. It has an airport.

  3. Semicolons • Use a semicolon between clauses joined by a conjunctive adverb or a transitional expression. Use a comma after the conjunctive adverb or transitional expression. • Conjunctive: I was full; however, I ate more. • Transitional: I am annoyed; in fact, I’m angry. • Use a semicolon between items in a series if the items contain commas. • I want to visit Paris, France; Venice, Italy; and Vienna, Austria.

  4. Daily Practice One • Some of the sentences contain closely related ideas that should be combined with a semicolon…others should remain as two separate. Either combine the sentences, or label them as correct. • 1. The soup is gone. Should I make more? • 2. Many events have been scheduled. For example, there are two concerts coming up. • 3. Jules is the yearbook editor. His father works for a newspaper.

  5. Colons • Use a colon to mean “note what follows.” For example, use a colon before a list of items, especially after such expressions as as follows and the following. • Examples of plays by Eugene O’Neill are as follows: The Hairy Ape, Desire Under the Elms, and Long Day’s Journey into Night. • Do not use a colon before a list that serves as a direct object or an object of a preposition. • We served fish, a salad, and yams. --(Direct obj) • I have lived in Peru, New York, and Tyler, Texas.-- • (object of a preposition).

  6. Colons • Use a colon between independent clauses when the second clause explains or restates the idea of the first clause. • The weather was perfect for sailing: The sky was clear, and the wind was strong. • Use a colon between the hour and the minute (4:20), between chapter and verse of Biblical references (Exodus 1:2), between a title and subtitle(Charles Drew: Surgeon and Teacher), and after the salutation of a business letter (Dear Mr. DeSoto:).

  7. Daily Practice 2 • Insert colons where they are needed in the following sentences. • 1. Hikers need the following sturdy boots, light clothing, and a waterproof jacket. • 2. My paper was entitled “The Rain Forest Harvest of Shame.” • 3. The actor gave me advice Learn your lines, be on time, and don’t get emotional.

  8. Italics and Underlining • Italics are printed characters that slant to the right. • When you are writing or typing, indicate italics by underlining. When you are using a computer, you can use italics. • Use italics (underlining) for titles of books, plays, long poems, films, periodicals, works of art, record albums, long musical compositions, television series, ships, and aircraft. The words a, an, and the before a title are italicized only when they are part of the title.

  9. Italics and Underlining • Use italics (underlining) for words, letters, and figures referred to as such and for foreign words that have not been adopted into the English language. • In French, and enfant terrible is a person whose unruliness causes embarrassment.

  10. Daily Practice 3 • Write down which words should be underlined or italicized. • 1. The Titanic was supposedly “unsinkable”; yet, the ship sank in 1912. • 2. Rodgers and Hammerstein wrote the musicals South Pacific and Carousel. • 3. I often have difficulty keeping the words affect and effect straight in my mind.

  11. Ellipsis Points • Use ellipsis points (…) to mark omissions from quoted material and pauses in a written passage. If the quoted material that comes before the omission is not a complete sentence, use three points with a space before the first point. • Original: Winning isn’t everything; it’s the only thing. • With Omission: Winning…is the only thing.

  12. Ellipsis Points • To show that a full line or more of poetry has been omitted, use an entire line of spaced periods. • To indicate a pause in a written passage, use three ellipsis points with a space before the first point. • “Let’s see, …where was I?” Alexis said, trying to find her place.

  13. Daily Practice 4 • Rewrite these quoted passages, omitting the parts that appear in italics. Use ellipsis points to indicate where the material has been omitted. • Open your eyes to the opportunities around you. Never give up and never say “I can’t.” • “Donnie came over. He has a ticket for you. He left a note on the door.” 3. Wishes, even those that seem impossible, can come true.

  14. Hyphens • Use a hyphen to divide a word at the end of a line. Do not divide a one-syllable word. • Divide a word only between syllables. • Divide a word that is already hyphenated only at the hyphen. • Do not divide a word so that one letter stands alone.

  15. Hyphens • Use a hyphen with compound numbers from twenty-one to ninety-nine and with fractions used as modifiers. • Forty-eight actors two-thirds full • Use a hyphen with the prefixes ex-, self-, and all-; with the suffix –elect; and with all prefixes that precede a proper noun or a proper adjective. • Ex-president self-conscious all-pro • Governor-elect pro-American

  16. Hyphens • Hyphenate a compound adjective when it precedes the noun it modifies. Do not use a hyphen if one of the modifiers is an adverb ending in –ly. • A well-written poem a thoroughly enjoyable play

  17. Daily Practice 5 • In each phrase below, hyphenate the appropriate word. • 1. a wooded island in the mid Pacific • 2. a self fulfilling prophecy • 3 a fully lined jacket • 4. twenty senators elect

  18. Apostrophes • The possessive case of a noun or a pronoun shows ownership or relationship. TO form the possessive case of a singular non or an indefinite pronoun, add an apostrophe and an s. To form the possessive of a plural noun ending in s, add only the apostrophe. • Bird’s nest The birds’ nest • A year’s pay two years’ pay

  19. Apostrophes • Plural nouns that do not end in s form the possessive by adding an apostrophe and an s. • Children’s book the geese’s nest • Form the possessive of only the last word in a hyphenated word, in the name of an organization or business firm, or in a word group showing joint possession. • My mother-in-law’s car Al and Bob’s dog • Johnson and Johnson’s ad

  20. Apostrophes • However when a possessive pronoun is part of a word group showing join possession, each noun in the word group is also possessive. • Al’s and my dog….his and Anica’s cousin • Use an apostrophe to show where letters or numbers have been omitted in a contraction. Do not confuse contractions with possessive pronouns. • Who’s calling It’s hot outside.

  21. Daily Practice 6 • Rewrite the following phrases using possessive nouns and pronouns • A vacation of two weeks. • The home of Rosa and Lucas • A dance by her and Jiro • The nest of the mice • The teacher of her children • Trophies of amateurs

  22. SURVEY • Go to the following web address and complete the survey once you have started your computer… • http://tinyurl.com/cghsgrad • http://foxtwin.com/inferno/

  23. Dashes • Use a dash to indicate an abrupt break in thought. • This book-perhaps you’ve already read it-is excellent. • Also, use a dash to mean namely, in other words, that is, and similar expressions that come before an explanation. • Five dollars-the exact price of a ticket-is missing from my bag.

  24. Parentheses • Use parentheses to enclose material of minor importance in a sentence. Be sure that the material could be omitted without losing important information or changing the basic meaning or structure of the sentence. • Tom Cruise (my favorite actor) was on television last night. • Lana (she married my brother) has offered me a summer job.

  25. As shown in the example, punctuation marks are used within parentheses when they belong with the parenthetical matter. However, a punctuation mark is not placed within parentheses if the mark belongs to the sentence as a whole. • Dan brought my ticket. (What a nice guy!)

  26. Brackets • Use brackets to enclose and explanation within quoted or parenthetical material. • The actor exclaimed, “This [award] means a lot to me!” • Lou Gehrig (baseball player [1903-1941])was a courageous man.

  27. Daily Practice 7 • Write D if the italicized words should be set off by dashes. Write P if they should be set off by parentheses. Write B if they should be set off by brackets. • 1. Kirk Douglas born Issur Danielovitch has been a popular movie star for years. • 2. W. C. Fields don’t you love his movies? was born in Philadelphia. • 3. Harry Lillis Crosby (commonly called “Bing” 1903-1977) was a baritone. • 4. Diana Ross a former member of the Supremes starred in a film version of Billie Holiday’s life.

  28. SURVEY • Go to the following web address and complete the survey once you have started your computer… • http://tinyurl.com/cghsgrad • http://foxtwin.com/inferno/

  29. Quotation Marks • Use quotation marks to enclose a direct quotation-a person’s exact words. Place quotation marks at both the beginning and the end of a direct quotation. Begin the direct quotation with a capital letter unless it is only part of a sentence. • He jumped in to the taxi and said, “Follow the car!”

  30. Quotation Marks • When the expression identifying the speaker interrupts a quoted sentence, the second part begins with a small letter. • “I’m confident,” Luis said, “that we will win the championship.” • A direct quotation is set off from the rest of the sentence by a comma, a question mark, or an exclamation point. It is never set off by a period. • Gloria said, “There’s a special exhibit at the museum.” • “What is it?” I asked.

  31. Quotation Marks • Commas and periods are always placed inside the closing quotation marks, and colons and semicolons are always placed outside the closing quotation marks. • He said, “No, I won’t”; I, on the other hand, said, “Yes, I will.” • Question marks and exclamation points are placed inside the closing quotation marks if the quotation is a question or an exclamation. Otherwise they are placed outside the closing quotation marks. • Hank asked, “Where are you going?” • What kind of an answer is “I don’t care”?

  32. Daily Practice 8 • Add quotation marks as needed to the following sentences. Many will also require the insertion of end marks. • 1. She ran down the street yelling, Wait for me • 2. Plain women, said Katherine Hepburn, know more about men than beautiful ones do • 3. Who said, Beauty seen is never lost • 4. I describe my aunt Luna by saying, Her words are candy, but her actions are cod liver oil.

  33. Quotation Marks • When writing dialogue, enclose each speaker’s words in quotation marks and begin a new paragraph every time the speaker changes. • When a quoted passage consists of more than one paragraph, put quotation marks at the beginning of each paragraph and at the end of only the last paragraph in the passage.

  34. Quotation Marks • Use single quotation marks to enclose a quotation within a quotation. • “Why would you say, ‘Might makes right’?” the former boxer asked. • Enclose titles of articles, short stories, essays, short poems, songs, episodes of television series, and chapters of books with quotation marks. • Use quotation marks to enclose slang words, technical terms, and dictionary definitions. • In Philadelphia, a submarine sandwich is called a “hoagie”.

  35. Daily Practice 9 • Add quotation marks as needed to the following dialogue. Additionally, begin a new paragraph if one is needed. • Greek philosopher Diogenes the Cynic lived in a huge barrel. One day, Alexander the Great peered in to see the great philosopher. Is there anything that I can do for you? Alexander asked. Yes, answered Diogenes. I’d like you to stop blocking my light.

  36. Commas to Separate Items • Use commas to separate items in a series. • He recycled the newspapers, washed his car, and cut the grass. • Do not place a comma before the first item or after the final item in a series. • He enjoys Billy Joel, Elton John, and Stevie Wonder.

  37. Commas to Separate Items • When the last two items in a series are joined by and, or, or nor, you may omit the comma before the conjunction if the comma isn’t needed to make the meaning clear. • Clear without: I’m taking algebra, biology and French. • Unclear without: Eula, Luis, and Don are outside. (is Eula outside or being addressed?) • Clear with: Eula, Luis, and Don are outside.

  38. Commas to Separate • If all the items in a series are linked by and, or, or nor, do not use commas to separate them. • Use a comma to separate two or more adjectives preceding a noun. However, if the last adjective before the noun is part of the noun, as in the compound noun white cedar, do not place a comma before that adjective. • Use a comma: I had a long, quiet talk with Aunt Bea. • Omit: We sat on her big front porch.

  39. Daily Practice10 • Add commas to the following sentences. If the sentence is correct write C. • 1. In early spring, flower bloom birds build nests and people’s spirits rise. • 2. Either Bob or Rafael or Bart will start as quarterback after the half. • 3. I like Renee because she is such a dependable sensitive person.

  40. Commas to Join Clauses • Use a comma before and, but, or, nor, for, so, and yet when they join independent clauses to form a compound sentence. • We wanted to buy tickets, but the concert is sold out. • Don’t confuse a compound sentence with a simple sentence that has a compound with a simple sentence that has a compound verb. • I enjoyed the concert and decided to buy his record.

  41. Commas to Join Clauses • Like Compound verbs, compound subjects and compound objects are not separated by commas. • Compound subject: The band and the crowd joined in on the chorus. • Compound object: The lead singer plays the piano and the synthesizer.

  42. Commas with Introductory Elements • Use a comma after certain introductory elements, including the words yes and no and such mild exclamations as well and why at the beginning of a sentence. • Yes, I want to be an opera singer. • Use a comma after an introductory participial phrase or a series of two or more introductory prepositional phrases. A single prepositional phrase does not usually require a comma. • Hoping for a role, she auditioned for the director. (participial phrase) • From a seat in the back of the room, he listened. (prepositional phrases) • After her song the director applauded. (single phrase)

  43. Introductory Elements • Do not confuse an introductory participial phrase with a gerund phrase used as the subject of a sentence. Such a gerund phrase is not set off by commas. • Participial phrase: Singing well, Susana impressed him. • Singing well was hard because of her edgy nerves. (gerund phrase) • Use a comma after and introductory adverb clause. • As soon as the audition was over, Susana felt confident.

  44. Daily Practice 11 • Join the clauses • We planned a picnic. It rained. • Shandra practiced her speech. She felt confident. Add commas where they are necessary. • Often confused with Mel Gibson my uncle Pierre is really handsome. • Walking as fast as possible we reached the store just before closing.

  45. Commas with Nonessential Elements • Use commas to set off nonessential (or nonrestrictive) clauses and participial phrases. The term nonessential means that this type of clause or participial phrase contains information that isn’t needed to understand the meaning of the sentence. • Nonessential: Behruz, who is a track star, was accepted at Yale. • Nonessential phrase: Millicent, hoping for a scholarship, works hard.

  46. Nonessential clauses • In contrast, an essential (or restrictive) clause or participial phrase is one that can’t be left out without changing the meaning of the sentence. Because they are so important to the meaning of a sentence, essential clauses and phrases are NOT set off by commas. • Essential Clause: Everyone who believes that story is foolish. • Essential phrase: All students competing in the race are excellent runners.

  47. Daily Practice 12 • Rewrite the sentence with a comma if it is needed…write correct if it is not needed. • 1. All people who are found guilty will be fined or sent to jail. • 2. Theseus who was a figure in Greek myths battled the Minotaur. • 3. All students who want to be in the play must come to rehearsal. • 4. Kevin Kline who is an accomplished actor won an Academy Award.

  48. Commas with Elements that Interrupt • Use commas to set off elements that interrupt a sentence. One such element is an appositive or appositive phrase. It follows a noun or pronoun and usually identifies or explains it. When you use commas to set off an appositive phrase, be sure to include all the words contained in it. • Paul Tsongas, a former senator, grew up in Lowell, Massachusetts.

  49. Elements that interrupt • Sometimes an appositive is so closely related to the word(s) preceding it that it is not set off by commas. Such an appositive is called a restrictive appositive. • My cousin Lurleen grew up in Eureka Springs, Arkansas. • Words used in direct address are set off by commas. • Eubie, you are a terrific tennis player,. Thank you, Mallory.

  50. Elements that Interrupt • Parenthetical expressions, which are remarks that add incidental information or relate ideas to each other, are set off by commas. • After all, we did win the championship. • Generals who won the presidency include, for example, U.S. Grant. • Audrey Hepburn, not Katherine Hepburn, stars in this old movie.

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