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Model Checking Lecture 4 Tom Henzinger

Model Checking Lecture 4 Tom Henzinger. Model-Checking Problem. I |= S. System model. System property. System Model. -state-transition graph -weak or strong fairness constraints. System Properties. Temporal logics -STL (finite runs) :   , U

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Model Checking Lecture 4 Tom Henzinger

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  1. Model Checking Lecture 4 Tom Henzinger

  2. Model-Checking Problem I |= S System model System property

  3. System Model -state-transition graph -weak or strong fairness constraints

  4. System Properties Temporal logics -STL (finite runs) : , U -CTL (infinite runs) : , U,  -LTL (infinite traces) : , U Automata -specification automata (trace containment) -monitor automata (trace emptiness) -simulation automata (relation between states)

  5. A Classification of Properties -Finite:  -coFinite:  (safety) -Buchi:  (weak fairness) -coBuchi:  -Streett:  (   ) (strong fairness) -Rabin: (   )

  6. The Omega-Regular Languages (Automata) Streett = Rabin Buchi coFinite Finite coBuchi counter-free omega-regular (LTL)

  7. Model-Checking Algorithms = Graph Algorithms • Finite/coFinite: reachability • Buchi/coBuchi: strongly connected components • Streett/Rabin: recursive s.c.c.s • Simulation: relation refinement

  8. Graph Algorithms Given: labeled graph (Q, , A, [ ] ) Cost: each node access and edge access has unit cost Complexity: in terms of |Q| = n ... number of nodes || = m ... number of edges Reachability and s.c.c.s: O(m+n)

  9. The Graph-Algorithmic View is Problematic -The graph is given implicitly (by a program) not explicitly (e.g., by adjacency lists). -Building an explicit graph representation is exponential, but usually unnecessary (“on-the-fly” algorithms). -The explicit graph representation may be so big, that the “unit-cost model” is not realistic. -A class of algorithms, called “symbolic algorithms”, do not operate on nodes and edges at all.

  10. Symbolic Model-Checking Algorithms Given: a “symbolic theory”, that is, an abstract data type called region with the following operations pre, pre, post, post : region  region , , \ : region  region region  , = : region  region bool < >, > < : A  region , Q : region

  11. Intended Meaning of Symbolic Theories region ... set of states , , \, , =,  ... set operations <a> = { q  Q | [q] = a } >a< = { q  Q | [q]  a } pre (R) = { q  Q | ( r  R) q  r } pre (R) = { q  Q | ( r)( q  r  r  R )} post (R) = { q  Q | ( r  R) r  q } post (R) = { q  Q | ( r)( r  q  r  R )}

  12. If the state of a system is given by variables of type Vals, and the transitions of the system can be described by operations Ops on Vals, then the first-order theoryFO(Vals, Ops) is an adequate symbolic theory: region ... formula of FO (Vals, Ops) , , \, , =, , Q ... , , ,  validity,  validity, f, t pre (R(X)) = ( X’)( Trans(X,X’)  R(X’) ) pre (R(X)) = ( X’)( Trans(X,X’)  R(X’) ) post (R(X)) = ( X”)( R(X”)  Trans(X”,X) ) post (R(X)) = ( X”)( Trans(X”,X)  R(X’’) )

  13. If FO (Vals, Ops) admits quantifier elimination, then the propositional theory ZO (Vals, Ops) is an adequate symbolic theory: each pre/post operation is a quantifier elimination

  14. Example: Boolean Systems -all system variables X are boolean -region: quantifier-free boolean formula over X -pre, post: boolean quantifier elimination Complexity: PSPACE

  15. Example: Presburger Systems -all system variables X are integers -the transition relation Trans(X,X’) is defined using only  and  -region: quantifier-free formula of (Z, , ) -pre, post: quantifier elimination

  16. An iterative language for writing symbolic model-checking algorithms -only data type is region -expressions: pre, post, , , \ ,  , =, < >, , Q -assignment, sequencing, while-do, if-then-else

  17. Example: Reachability a S :=  R := <a> while R  S do S := S  R R := pre(R)

  18. A recursive language for writing symbolic model-checking algorithms: The Mu-Calculus a = ( R) (a  pre(R)) a = ( R) (a  pre(R))

  19. Syntax of the Mu-Calculus • ::= a | a |    |    | pre() | pre() | (R)  | (R)  | R pre =  pre =  R ... region variable

  20. Semantics of the Mu-Calculus [[ a ]]E := <a> [[ a ]]E := >a< [[    ]]E := [[  ]]E  [[  ]]E [[    ]]E := [[  ]]E  [[  ]]E [[ pre() ]]E := pre( [[  ]]E ) [[ pre() ]]E:= pre( [[  ]]E ) E maps each region variable to a region.

  21. Operational Semantics of the Mu-Calculus [[ (R)  ]]E := S’ := ; repeat S := S’; S’ := [[]]E(RS) until S’=S; return S [[ (R)  ]]E := S’ := Q; repeat S := S’; S’ := [[]]E(RS) until S’=S; return S

  22. Denotational Semantics of the Mu-Calculus [[ (R)  ]]E := smallest region S such that S = [[]]E(RS) [[ (R)  ]]E := largest region S such that S = [[]]E(RS) These regions are unique because all operators on regions (, , pre, pre) are monotonic.

  23. a = ( R) (a  pre(R)) a = ( R) (a  pre(R)) a = ( R) (a  pre(R)) a = ( R) (a  pre(R)) b U a = ( R) (a  (b  pre(R)))  a = ( R) (a  pre( R )) = ( R) (a  pre( ( S) (R  pre(S)) ))

  24. -every / alternation adds expressiveness -all omega-regular languages in alternation depth 2 -model checking complexity: O( (||  (m+n)) d ) for formulas of alternation depth d -most common implementation (SMV, Mocha): use BDDs to represent boolean regions

  25. Binary Decision Diagrams -canonical data structure for representing quantifier-free boolean formulas -equivalence checking in constant time -in practice, model checkers spend more than 90% of their time in “pre-image” or “post-image” computation -almost synonymous with “symbolic” model checking -SAT solvers competitive in bounded model checking, which requires no termination (i.e., equivalence) check

  26. Binary Decision Tree -order k boolean variables x1, ..., xk -binary tree of height k+1, each leaf labeled 0 or 1 -leaf of path “left, right, right, ...” gives value of boolean formula if x1=0, x2=1, x3=1, etc.

  27. Binary Decision Diagram • Identify isomorphic subtrees (this gives a dag) • Eliminate nodes with identical left and right successors (for this, nodes need to be labeled with variable names) For a given boolean formula and variable order, the result is unique. (The choice of variable order may make an exponential difference!)

  28. Operations on BDDs ,  : recursive top-down traversal in O(u  v) time if u and v are the number of respective BDD nodes ,  : (x) (x) = (0)  (1) Variable reordering

  29. Deciding Simulation

  30. Relation Refinement Given: state-transition graph (Q, , A, [ ] ) Find: for each state q  Q, the set sim(q)  Q of states that simulate q

  31. for each t  Q do sim(t) := { u  Q | [u] = [t] } while there are three states s, t, u such that t  s & u  sim(t) & sim(s)  post(u) =  do sim(t) := sim(t) \ {u} {assert if u simulates t, then u  sim(t) } Efficient enumerative implementation: O(m  n)

  32. Equivalent Variation for each t  Q do sim(t) := { u  Q | [u] = [t] } while there are three states s, t, u such that sim(s)  post(t)   & u  sim(t) & sim(s)  post(u) =  do sim(t) := sim(t) \ {u} {assert s  sim(s) } {assert if u simulates t and t  sim(s), then u  sim(t) }

  33. Symbolic Implementation Partition := { <a> | a  A and <a>   } for each R  Partition do sim(R) := R while there are two regions R, S  Partition such that R  pre(sim(S))   & sim(R)\pre(sim(S))   do R’ := R  pre(sim(S)) ; R’’ := R\pre(sim(S)) Partition := (Partition \ {R})  R’ sim(R’) := sim(R)  pre(sim(S)) if R’’   then Partition := Partition  {R’’}; sim(R’’) := sim(R)

  34. -symbolic algorithm applies also to infinite-state systems -it terminates iff there is a finite quotient so that any two equivalent states simulate each other

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