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Mihir Bellare  Alexandra Boldyreva  Adriana Palacio

An Uninstantiable Random-Oracle-Model Scheme for a Hybrid-Encryption Problem. Mihir Bellare  Alexandra Boldyreva  Adriana Palacio U niversity of C alifornia at S an D iego. The Random-Oracle (RO) model [BR93]. (M). . a. H. h=H(a). . b. A. G.

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Mihir Bellare  Alexandra Boldyreva  Adriana Palacio

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  1. An Uninstantiable Random-Oracle-Model Scheme for a Hybrid-Encryption Problem Mihir Bellare  Alexandra Boldyreva  Adriana Palacio University of California at San Diego

  2. The Random-Oracle (RO) model [BR93] (M) .. a H h=H(a) .. b A G g=G(b) .. • Algorithms of the scheme, as well as the adversary have oracle access to random functions. • Very popular: there are numerous schemes designed and proven secure in this model.

  3. Moving to the real world However, the RO model is an idealized setting. To get a real-world scheme we must instantiate the ROs with real functions.

  4. Instantiation of this scheme via SHA1 (M) .. h=SHA1(a) .. g=SHA1(b) ..

  5. Instantiation: more generally Let F1, F2 be poly-time computable families of functions (M) .. h= F1L1(a) .. g= F2L2(b) ..

  6. Security of instantiated schemes RO model thesis: If a scheme is proven secure in the RO model, then it remains secure under a suitable instantiation. Question: Is this true? Answer: No. Past work has shown the existence of uninstantiable schemes.

  7. Uninstantiable schemes Definition. A scheme is uninstantiable (with respect to some cryptographic goal) if • The scheme satisfies the goal in the RO model • No instantiation satisfies the goal in the standard model

  8. Examples of uninstantiable schemes

  9. Examples of uninstantiable schemes _ + _ + _ +

  10. John Smi Euro crypt Reaction OK, but “in practice”, the RO model thesis is true Practical RO model thesis: The RO model thesis holds for “natural, practical” schemes for “practical” goals.

  11. Our work We present a RO model scheme that • is simple and natural, and resembles existing RO model schemes. • is for a practical security goal. • but is uninstantiable.

  12. Caveats and impact • Our result does have artificial aspects as we will see, and should not be taken to indicate that the practical RO model thesis is false. • But it shows that uninstantiable schemes arise in more practical situations than indicated by previous work.

  13. Plan • The goal • The scheme • The positive result • The negative result • Conclusions

  14. Plan • The goal • The scheme • The positive result • The negative result • Conclusions

  15. pkR C AE M Classical view of asymmetric encryption usage AS = (AK,AE,AD) M skR Sender Receiver R

  16. SS = (SK,SE,SD) AS = (AK,AE,AD) pkR C0 K SK AE K K M1 M2 Mn Cn C1 M1 Mn … SE SE … … AS + SS = Multi-Message (MM) Hybrid (AS,SS) In practice: hybrid approach skR Sender Receiver R

  17. Goal: IND-CCA-secure MM-Hybrid Encryption We can define, in a natural way, IND-CCA security for an MM-hybrid scheme (AS,SS). Certainly, a necessary condition for IND-CCA security of an MM-hybrid (AS,SS) is IND-CCA security of SS. But what do we need from the asymmetric encryption scheme AS?

  18. IND-CCA MM-hybrid (AS,SS) IND-CCA AS Any IND-CCA SS Easy theorem: However, the above could be true even if AS satisfies a weaker condition than IND-CCA. + =

  19. IND-CCA-preserving asymmetric schemes What emerges: A new notion of security for asymmetric encryption schemes. Definition: An asymmetric encryption scheme AS is IND-CCA-preserving if = + Any IND-CCA SS IND-CCA MM-hybrid (AS,SS) AS

  20. Stronger notion Weaker notion Why IND-CCA-preserving schemes? For asymmetric schemes IND-CCA IND-CCA-preserving In particular, an IND-CCA preserving scheme need not even be randomized, since it is used to encrypt random keys. The hope: IND-CCA-preserving schemes more efficient than existing IND-CCA ones. The benefit: Security of encryption in practice at lower cost.

  21. Summary Our goal: IND-CCA preserving asymmetric encryption

  22. Plan • The goal • The scheme • The positive result • The negative result • Conclusions

  23. * H: {0,1}k q G: 2q+1{0,1}k Hash ElGamal RO model asymmetric encryption scheme HEG = (AK,AE,AD) pk = (k,q,g,X=gx), sk = (k,q,g,x), * where q, 2q+1 are primes and g has order q in 2q+1 (Y,W) (K) KG(Yx)W If gH(K)=Y then Return K else Reject rH(K) PG(Xr) Return (gr,PK) Note.HEG is deterministic and thus not even IND-CPA!

  24. Plan • The goal • The scheme • The positive result • The negative result • Conclusions

  25. Security of Hash ElGamal Theorem 1.Under the Computational Diffie-Hellman assumption (CDH) HEG is IND-CCA-preserving in the RO model. = + Any IND-CCA SS IND-CCAMM-hybrid(HEG,SS) HEG

  26. HEG is similar to existing schemes GEM, GEM1, GEM2, FO, REACT… Something almost identical (but randomized) appeared in [BaLeKi00].

  27. Plan • The goal • The scheme • The positive result • The negative result • Conclusions

  28. John Smi Euro crypt Now, the interesting stuff Theorem 2 .No instantiation of HEG is IND-CCA-preserving in the standard model. I.e. it is IND-CCA preserving in the RO model, but no standard model implementation of it is IND-CCA preserving? Right! More precisely…

  29. Security of HEG instantiations Let F1, F2 be poly-time computable families of functions Theorem 2. For any F1, F2 the above standard model asymmetric encryption scheme is not IND-CCA preserving. (K) rF1L1(K) PF2L2(Xr) Return (gr,PK)

  30. A caveat • Proof of Theorem 2 shows that for every F1, F2 (poly-time families of functions) THERE EXISTSSS such that (HEG,SS) is not an IND-CCA secure MM-hybrid. • But SS is an artificial scheme, depending on F1, F2. • Theorem 2 does not imply that e.g. (HEG,CBC-type SS) is insecure. • So although HEG is simple and natural, there is some artificiality under the rug.

  31. However, we still believe the result is valuable because we have • A practical goal: IND-CCA preserving encryption • A simple, natural scheme resembling existing RO schemes: HEG. • Yet HEG is uninstantiable: its real-world implementation loses the security property. • And HEG is innocuous looking; one would not suspect any anomalies in advance.

  32. About the proof of Theorem 2 Let HEG be ANY instantiation of HEG via poly-time computable families of functions. • We present a symmetric encryption scheme SS=(SK,SE,SD), such that • SS is IND-CCA secure • (HEG,SS) is not IND-CCA secure

  33. Def. An asymmetric encryption scheme is ciphertext-verifiable if there is a poly-time algorithm CV pk 1, if C is a valid encryption of M under pk 0, otherwise M CV C • Claim. Anyinstantiation HEG of HEG is key- and ciphertext-verifiable. Key and ciphertext verifiability • Def. An asymmetric encryption scheme is key-verifiable if there is a poly-time algorithm KV: 1, if pk is a valid public key 0, otherwise pk KV

  34. Sound operations sinceHEG is key- and ciphertext verifiable SS construction for Proof of Theorem 2 Let SS’=(SK’,SE’,SD’) be any IND-CCA symmetric scheme. SEK1||K2(M) SK(1k) K1 SK’(1k/2) K2 {0,1}k/2 Return K1||K2 C’ SE’K2(M) Parse M as M1||M2 If M1 is a valid pk for HEG and if M2 is a valid HEG ciphertext of K1||K2 under pk Then Return C’||0 else Return C’||1

  35. We show that SS is IND-CCA. • In order to show that (HEG,SS) is not IND-CCA we use the fact that HEG is key- and ciphertext-verifiable. The details are in the paper. • In general: no key- and ciphertext-verifiable scheme is IND-CCA preserving.

  36. Plan • The goal • The scheme • The positive result • The negative result • Conclusions

  37. Conclusions • We presented a simple uninstantiable scheme for a practical goal • We do not suggest one abandon the RO model. • We do suggest that designers of RO model schemes pay more attention to the question of instantiation, which is usually entirely neglected. • Our examples shows that uninstantiable schemes really come up.

  38. Thank you!

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