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Zoomers Lesson 4

Zoomers Lesson 4. The Big Idea of this Investigation. Our physical world is governed by the properties and interaction of objects and how force affects motion. ENGAGING SCENARIO.

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Zoomers Lesson 4

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  1. ZoomersLesson 4 TESLA Balance and Motion 2011

  2. The Big Idea of this Investigation Our physical world is governed by the properties and interaction of objects and how force affects motion.

  3. ENGAGING SCENARIO The Lewiston Toy Company is very pleased with the information we have given them about tops. They now have a new problem for us to work on. They are thinking about making some toys that are called zoomers. The Lewiston Toy Company thinks these models could be used to make more rotating toys and they need your help in testing them to see if they will work. They have sent us some materials and printed information that may help us. They also need us to continue to keep accurate records and labeled drawings in our science notebooks so we can report what we found out in a couple of weeks. What is the problem we need to solve? What do we need to investigate?

  4. Kit Inventory These are the objects that have been sent to us by the Lewiston Toy Company. I have put them in this large bag. Let’s see if we can identify them. • What color/shape is the object? • Where have you seen this object before? • What do you think we will use this for in the unit?

  5. New Vocabulary The tops we previously made were spinning toys because they rotated around an axis when they were in motion. The Lewiston Toy Company hopes that we can use some new materials to make another toy called a Zoomer. The Lewiston Toy Company has sent enough materials so that everyone will receive string and disks to build a zoomer. • How can we tell if something is spinning or rotating?

  6. Focus Question(What is the problem?) • Discuss with your group of scientists a possible focus question for this investigation. How can we make a zoomer that spins? Prediction (related to the focus question) I think that if we ___________________________ the zoomer will spin. I think this because… NOTEBOOK ENTRY

  7. Solving our Problem Scientists always try to make careful observations. Record examples of how you assembled your zoomer in your science notebook. Scientists use labels and pay attention to detail so other people can understand their drawings. Test your ideas to see if you can solve the problem. If you think you found a design that works, make a drawing of your design in your science notebook. Be sure to label all of your drawings. • Sometimes scientist like to record the ideas that don’t work because these ideas can also help us understand the problem. NOTEBOOK ENTRY

  8. Making Meaning Conference How did you use the materials to make a zoomer? How were you able to get your zoomer to spin? Were you able to make your zoomer spin fast or slow? The Lewiston Toy Company also sent along some different round disks and some squares to test and see if they can be made into zoomers. Test your ideas to see if you can make these new materials into zoomers. If you think you have an idea that works, make a drawing of your design in your science notebook. Be sure to label and describe what you observed. NOTEBOOK ENTRY

  9. Making Meaning Conference How are tops and zoomers the same? How are they different? How did you start the spinning motion of your top? Your zoomer? How can you change the spinning motion of a zoomer? Does the design of your zoomer change the way it spins?

  10. Claims and Evidence Use your own words, or words from the word wall, to help you complete the following sentences in your science notebook. I claim that zoomers are put into motion by… I know this because… I claim that zoomers can spin fast or slow by… I know this because… NOTEBOOK ENTRY

  11. Reflection/Conclusion Revisit your original prediction and respond to one of the following stems: My prediction was accurate or was not accuratebecause….. I wish to revise my prediction because… My original thinking has changed because… What did you learn…? What really surprised you…? What new questions do you have…? What would you like to know more about…? NOTEBOOK ENTRY

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