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One Impressive Feature Of The English Judicial System

One Impressive Feature Of The English Judicial System. ◆ Some special features of British judicial system ◆The impressive feature:the use of lay people in the judicial system ◆The use of unprofessional people in China presenter: 张 凤 美. ( Ⅰ )Some features of the judicial system in Britain.

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One Impressive Feature Of The English Judicial System

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  1. One Impressive Feature Of The English Judicial System ◆Some special features of British judicial system ◆The impressive feature:the use of lay people in the judicial system ◆The use of unprofessional people in China presenter:张 凤 美

  2. (Ⅰ)Some features of the judicial system in Britain • Independence of the judiciary • Judges must have been practising in the legal profession for a certain years before appointed a judge • The use of professionals and lay people in the judicial system • The twelve person jury system

  3. (Ⅱ)The use of lay people in the judicial system ▲Magistrate ▲The jury

  4. Magistrates in the courts ◆Who are magistrates? ◆Requirements of the magistrates and the balance bench (age,gender, geographical spread, occupation ,ethnic origin,etc.) ◆ Duties and responsibilities of magistrates (Criminal matters,Civil matters )

  5. Judicial oath I, ............, do swear that I will well and truly serve our Sovereign Lady Queen Elizabeth the Second in the office of Justice of the Peace for the City of ................, and I will do right to all manner of people after the laws and usages of this realm, without fear or favor, affection or ill will. So help me God.

  6. The jury ◎Who can be jurors? ◎The functions of the jury. “…the jury is the lamp that shows that freedom lives…” —Lord Devlin ◎Duties of a juror

  7. The Old Bailey (High Court)

  8. (Ⅲ)The situation in China • The jury in Hongkong is similar to that in UK • The jury in mainland China is different form that in UK

  9. References http://www.magistrates-association.org.uk/ http://www.china.org.cn/chinese/LP/35155.htm http://big5.xinhuanet.com/gate/big5/news.xinhuanet.com/forum/20033/10/content_767281.htm http://www.shlawpage.com/gwfz/gwfz/html/gwsf/html/gat/20000003.htm Contemporary British Culture and Society Thank you for your listening!

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