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The Types of Certificate of Sponsorship and How to Get a COS

Once your Sponsor License is in place, you must be sure to assign the proper CoS to your potential employee. To accomplish this, you must compile all pertinent details about the position for which you are applying, including the anticipated pay.<br><br>Once the data is ready, it must be entered into the Sponsor Management System (SMS). The COS will subsequently be generated by the SMS as an individual reference number. Your prospective employee will use this number when applying for a visa.<br>How Long Will it Take to Obtain a CoS?<br>Being a sponsored employer shouldn't make getting a CoS a time-consumi

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The Types of Certificate of Sponsorship and How to Get a COS

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  1. TheTypesofCertificateofSponsorshipandHow toGetaCOS Acertificateofsponsorship(CoS)isanelectronicdocumentthattestifiesthataqualifiedandsincereimmigranthasbeen offeredemploymentoraplaceofstudybyalicensedUKfirmoreducationalinstitution. WhatisaCertificateofSponsorship? WhenhiringaforeignpersononaTier2SkilledWorkerVisaorTier5Visa,aUK-basedfirmmustsubmitanapplicationfora CoS.Yourprospectiveemployeewillutilizethecertificateassupportingdocumentationfortheirvisaapplicationafterithas beenobtained.AcertificateofsponsorshipmayonlyberequestedbyemployerswhohaveaSponsorLicence. Oncethepositionhasbeenformallyoffered,theemployershouldonlystarttheCoSapplication.Anemployermustinclude informationaboutthepositionandremunerationwiththeapplication.TheemployerrunstheriskofhavingtheirSponsor Licencesuspendedifthereareanydiscrepanciesbetweentheinformationgivenandthetruth. ThegovernmentpresentlyofferstwodifferenttypesofCOS:limitedandunrestricted.Only20,700oftheRestrictedkindare currentlysuppliedannually.

  2. TypesofCertificatesofSponsorship(CoS) DefinedCoS Those applying for a skilled worker visa from outside the UK must submit defined certificates. Once you obtain your sponsor license, you must submit an application using the online Sponsorship Management System (SMS) if you want to grant a defined certificate of sponsorship. The overseas worker will be given the application if UKVI approves it, at which point they can apply for a visa. Application processing for designated CoSsnormally takes one business day. UndefinedCoS Undefined certifications are required for all sponsored visa applications, including those from UK citizens seeking a skilled worker visa. You will be required to estimate how many undefined certificates you will require during the first year of sponsorship when submitting your sponsor license application as a sponsoring organization.\ HowtoGetaCertificateofSponsorship(CoS)? An employer must first get a Sponsor Licence before submitting a certificate of sponsorship application. The CoS effectivelyserves as confirmation that theemployee has a joboffer from asponsored employer, hencethis isthe primary

  3. Once your Sponsor License is in place, you must be sure to assign the proper CoS to your potential employee. Toaccomplish this, youmustcompile all pertinentdetails about the positionfor which youare applying, includingthe anticipated pay. Once the data is ready, it must be entered into the Sponsor Management System (SMS). The COSwill subsequently be generated by the SMS as an individual reference number. Your prospective employee will use thisnumber when applying for avisa. HowLongWillitTaketoObtainaCoS? Being a sponsored employer shouldn't make getting a CoS a time-consuming procedure. Your potential employee's unique reference number will be generated practically immediately when all the necessary data has beenobtainedandenteredintotheSMS.Theircertificateofsponsorshipisareferencenumberthatneeds tobe entered on their visa application.

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