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Kindergarten Curriculum Night

Kindergarten Curriculum Night. September 19, 2013. Math. Counting and Cardinality. Count to 100 by ones and tens and count on from a given number Write numbers from 0-20 Represent a number of objects with a written numeral

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Kindergarten Curriculum Night

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Kindergarten Curriculum Night September 19, 2013

  2. Math

  3. Counting and Cardinality • Count to 100 by ones and tens and count on from a given number • Write numbers from 0-20 • Represent a number of objects with a written numeral • Count to tell the number of objects (in a line, scattered or in a circle) • Compare sets of objects using greater than, less than, and equal to

  4. Operations and Algebraic Thinking • Solve addition and subtraction word problems within 10 by using objects or drawings • Decompose numbers under 10 in more than one way • Fluently add and subtract within 5

  5. Number and Operations in Base Ten • Compose and decompose numbers between 11-19

  6. Measurement and Data • Describe and compare measureable attributes of objects • Sort objects into categories and compare the numbers of objects in each category

  7. Geometry • Describe objects by their shape and position • Correctly name shapes regardless of size or orientation (circle, square, triangle, rectangle, hexagon, cube, cone, cylinder, sphere) • Identify shapes as 2D or 3D • Analyze and compare shapes by the number of sides and vertices and other attributes • Draw and build shapes • Compose simple shapes to form larger shapes

  8. Writing

  9. Standards • Use a combination of drawing, dictating, and writing to compose… • Opinion pieces • Informative/explanatory texts • Narrations of events, sequence of events, and to provide reactions

  10. Production and Research • Peer support • Digital tools for publishing • Collaboration • Research Projects • Recalling information

  11. Writing Rubrics

  12. Reading

  13. Concepts of Print • Concepts of Print is very important. • *Knowing where the front of the book and the back of the book is located. • *Making sure your child knows how to point to the words in the left to right direction and where to go at the end of the line and where to start on the next page. • *One to one- pointing to the word while reading it. • *A kindergarten student will learn the difference between a letter, word, and sentence.

  14. Story Elements • *A kindergarten student will learn about the title, author, and illustrator and where they are located. • *A kindergarten student will learn about the setting of a story (where the story takes place) and the characters in a story. • *A kindergarten student will learn the difference between a fiction and nonfiction story.

  15. While Reading… • As you read to your child, have them predict the outcome of the story, make connections to the story, make up a new ending to the story, describe their favorite character, give examples of why they enjoyed the story or did not like the story, tell you about the context clues around the page (what do they see in the pictures?). • Let your child tell you about what happened in the beginning, middle and ending of the story.  Have your child summarize the story.  Have your child make a flow map retelling the events in the story (sequencing). • We are wanting our children to answer higher level thinking questions- analyze, summarize, determine, explain.

  16. Writing about Reading • Your child can write about characters in their story, make up new endings, practice writing the title on their reading logs, find words that they know and write them down, make up their own story. • **Reading Logs for PTO- 150 minutes for 2 months (around 5 minutes 5 days a week)

  17. Behavior

  18. REACH • R-Respect for self and others • E-Effort doing their best • A-Accountability • C-Control over all actions • H-Honesty at all times

  19. Behavior continued… • School Expectations • Behavior Logs • Positive Behavior School/Home

  20. Independence

  21. Arrival-Walking into school/down the yellow hall by themselves or with a buddy from class. • I can’t vs. I will try (problem solving) • Homework • Continuing at Home • Responsibilities • Higher level thinking

  22. Questions?

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