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The simpsons ’ family tree

The simpsons ’ family tree. Who is that man?. He is Ho mer Simpson /)hFxmF/ He is the fa ther /)fà:DF/. Who is that woman ?. She is Marge Simpson /)mà:dG/ She is the mo ther /)myDF/. Who is that boy?. He is Bart Simpson

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The simpsons ’ family tree

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The simpsons’ familytree

  2. Whoisthat man? • He is Homer Simpson /)hFxmF/ • He is the father /)fà:DF/

  3. Whoisthatwoman? • She is Marge Simpson /)mà:dG/ • She is the mother /)myDF/

  4. Whoisthat boy? • He is Bart Simpson /)bà:t/ • He is the son /)syn/

  5. Whoisthat girl? • She is Lisa Simpson /)li:zF/ • She is the daughter /)dc:tF/

  6. Whoisthat baby girl? • She is Maggie Simpson /)mAgi/ • She is the daughter

  7. Whoisthat man? • He is Abraham Simpson /)eqbrFhAm/ • He is the grandfather /)grAnd(fà:DF/

  8. Who are thesewomen? • They are Patty and Selma Bouvier /)pAti/ /)selmF/ • They are the aunts /)à:nts/

  9. Whoisthatwoman? • She is Mona Simpson /)mFxnF/ • She is the grandmother /)grAnd(myDF/

  10. Whoisthat man? • He is Herbert Simpson /)hE:bFt/ • He is the half-brother /)hà:f(bryDF/

  11. Whoisthat man? • He is Clancy Bouvier /)klAnsi/ • He is the grandfather

  12. Whoisthatwoman? • She is Jackie Bouvier /)dGAki/ • She is the grandmother

  13. Whoisthatlittle Girl? • She is Ling Bouvier /)lqC/ • She is the niece /)ni:s/

  14. Now look at THE SIMPSONS’FAMILY TREEVERY CAREFULLYand memorize as manywords as youcan

  15. Whois Abraham for Mona? Abraham Mona

  16. Abraham is the husband of Mona /)hyzbFnd/ • Abraham is Mona’s husband

  17. WHois MONA for Abraham? Mona Abraham

  18. Mona is the wife of Abraham /)waqf/ • Mona is Abraham’swife

  19. WhOis Mona for herbert? Mona Herbert

  20. Mona is the stepmother of Herbert /)step(myDF/ • Mona is Herbert’sstepmother

  21. Whoisherbert for mona? Herbert Mona

  22. Herbert is the stepson of Mona /)step(syn/ • Herbert is Mona’s stepson

  23. Whoishomer for patty and selma? Homer Patty and Selma

  24. Homer is the brother-in-law of Patty and Selma /)bryDFrqn(lc:/ • Homer is Patty and Selma’s brother-in-law

  25. Whoishomer for ling? Homer Ling

  26. Homer is the uncle of Ling /)yCkl/ • Homer is Ling’s uncle

  27. Whoisbart for patty and selma? Bart Patty and Selma

  28. Bart is the nephew of Patty and Selma /)nefju:/ • Bart is Patty and Selma’s nephew

  29. Whoisbart for ling? Bart Ling

  30. Bart is the cousin of Ling /)kyzn/ • Bart is Ling’s cousin

  31. Whois marge for abraham? Marge Abraham

  32. Marge is the daughter-in-law of Abraham /)dc:tFrqn(lc:/ • Marge is Abraham’s daughter-in-law

  33. Whoishomer for jackie? Homer Jackie

  34. Homer is the son-in-law of Jackie /)synqn(lc:/ • Homer is Jackie’s son-in-law

  35. Whoislisa for abraham? Lisa Abraham

  36. Lisa is the granddaughter of Abraham /)grAn(dc:tF/ • Lisa is Abraham’s granddaughter

  37. Whoisbart for abraham? Bart Abraham

  38. Bart is the grandson of Abraham /)grAn(syn/ • Bart is Abraham’s grandson

  39. Yourturnnow!!!

  40. Whois Abraham for Mona? Abraham Mona

  41. Abraham isMona’shusband

  42. WHois MONA for Abraham? Mona Abraham

  43. Mona isAbraham’swife

  44. Whois Mona for herbert? Mona Herbert

  45. Mona isHerbert’sstepmother

  46. Whoisherbert for mona? Herbert Mona

  47. Herbert ismona’sstepson

  48. Whoishomer for patty and selma? Homer Patty and Selma

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