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COMPLIANCE. Compliance = the result of direct pressure to respond to a request Robert Cialdini : compliance techniques : ways in which individuals are influenced to comply with the demands of others.
Compliance = the result of directpressure to respond to a request • Robert Cialdini: compliancetechniques: ways in whichindividualsareinfluenced to complywith the demands of others
Sixfactorsthatinfluence the likelihoodthatpeoplewillcomplywith a request: • Authority • Commitment -foot-in-the-doortechnique -low-balling -hazing 3) Liking 4) Reciprocity - reciprocityprinciple - door-in-the-facetechnique 5) Scarcity 6) Socialproof
Groupwork – havefun! At leastonefactor/technique to each of the groups… Task: Teachthiscompliancetechnique/factor for others in theory and in practice: somegroupsplanadvertisements, somemakedramas…
Somegroupsmakeadvertisements (one/group) using 1-4 of these! 1. Authority 2. Liking 3. Scarcity 4. Social proof Somegroupsmakedramas (one/group) of these. 5. foot-in-the-doortechnique 6. low-balling 7. Hazing 8. reciprocityprinciple 9. door-in-the-facetechnique