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Panel Session

Panel Session. Internet Telephony the next killer application?. Eugenio Guarene CSELT e-mail: eugenio.guarene@cselt.it. Voice over IP services. Internet Telephony PC-to-PC PC-to-Phone Phone-to-Phone IP-Fax. Voice/data integration Corporate. Value added services Call centres CSCW

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Panel Session

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Panel Session Internet Telephony the next killer application? Eugenio Guarene CSELT e-mail: eugenio.guarene@cselt.it

  2. Voice over IP services • Internet Telephony • PC-to-PC • PC-to-Phone • Phone-to-Phone • IP-Fax • Voice/data integration • Corporate • Value added services • Call centres • CSCW • Web help desk

  3. IP network Basic elements for a service architecture Directory Server Messaging Server, VAS Network Mgmt Billing Server Client PC Gatekeeper Client PC PSTN Vocal Gateway Vocal Gateway

  4. Protocol efficiency: RTP/UDP/IP Version HLen TOS Total Length Identification F Fragment Offset IP header 5 words20 bytes TTL Protocol Header Checksum Source Address Destination Address 2 words8 bytes Source Port Destination Port UDP header Message Length Checksum (optional) V=2 P X CC M PT Sequence Number 3 words12 bytes RTP header Time Stamp Synchronization SouRCe (SSRC) identifier Payload

  5. Bandwidth and statistical multiplexing Measured in a window of 250ms 32 28 24 20 Bandwidth (kbit/s) 16 12 8 4 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 Time (sec)

  6. Dalay budget Frame LookAhead Coder TX Contribution Frame LookAhead TX processing Network Originated by the network RX buffering RX contribution RX processing total delay

  7. IP WAN Network delay and jitter control Data Pkt Voice Pkt PBX PBX GW GW R R

  8. Sea Bulk Phone Access of multiservice carriers to SEA-BONE SEA-BONE Internet trunks R u s s i a Internet Local and regional Service Providers R IWF I n d i a INTL EXCH I s r a e l International PSTN PSTN trunks

  9. Sea Bulk Phone SEABONE International PSTN A “Toll Quality” ITSP GK Local PSTN SBP Server GW B Billing “Toll Quality” GW ITSP GW Local PSTN GK GK Internet A “Internet Quality” ITSP

  10. A A A A M B M B M B M B L C L C L C L C K D K D K D K D J E J E J E J E I F I F I F I F H G H G H G H G A A A A M B M B M B M B L C L C L C L C K D K D K D K D J E J E J E J E I F I F I F I F H G H G H G H G Product evaluation A: Core End side PSTN interface B: Core End side implementation C: Edge End side - PSTN Interface D: Edge End side Implementation E: Voice Transport Techniques F: Routing of Calls G: Networking Security Issues H: Voice coding & QoS performance I: Network management J: Service management K: Equipment requirements L: End-user service feature M: Organizational & technical assistance

  11. PABX PABX WS WS PC PC PC WS PC PC PC WS PC Corporate Communications LAN R ATM/FR WAN Headquarter SOHO LAN R Corporate Backbone IP WAN --> Internet R Remote Site X R LAN R NAS LAN R X X LAN PSTN ISDN Dial-up User

  12. PABX PABX PC PC PC PC PC PC WS WS WS WS PC Voice-data integration LAN R ATM/FR WAN Headquarter SOHO LAN R Corporate Backbone IP WAN --> Internet R Remote Site X R LAN R NAS LAN R X X LAN VGW VGW PSTN ISDN Dial-up User

  13. PC WS WS PC PC WS PC WS PC PC PC PABX-less company LAN R ATM/FR WAN Headquarter SOHO LAN R Corporate Backbone IP WAN --> Internet R Remote Site X R LAN R NAS LAN R X X LAN VGW PSTN ISDN Dial-up User

  14. Voice-data application: an example Internet Local PoP PPP to IP gateway Server Merchant central site LAN CO Router Web server GW Local stores

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