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Sexual Assault Education and Resources

Sexual Assault Education and Resources. Presented by Safer, a program of Cal Poly’s Gender Equity Center. I am…. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=blJbXZ6_2ro. What is the current climate regarding sexual assault at Cal Poly?. Sexual Assault Incidents in May

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Sexual Assault Education and Resources

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  1. Sexual Assault Education and Resources Presented by Safer, a program of Cal Poly’s Gender Equity Center

  2. I am… • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=blJbXZ6_2ro

  3. What is the current climate regarding sexual assault at Cal Poly? • Sexual Assault Incidents in May • Concerns with students in regards to alcohol and sexual assault • Scenarios from audience • Changes in Safer Program • On campus crisis and advocacy services • Reporting of sexual assault at Cal Poly is low • The more advocates we have, the more people will feel safe to report a sexual assault and seek help • Changing a culture at Cal Poly

  4. The importance of changing the culture at Cal Poly • Changing the focus of sexual assault education • Faculty and Staff can become a role models and advocates for preventing sexual assault • Implementing more social justice topics in courses

  5. What is Sexual Assault? • Any sexual acts without consent • The survivor may be forced, threatened, or manipulated • The three factors to consent: • Both participants are fully conscious and not incapacitated by drugs or alcohol • Both parties have clearly communicated their willingness/permission • Both parties are positive and sincere

  6. Types of Sexual Assault • Rape • Attempted Rape • Sexual Battery • Sexual Harassment • Child Molestation • Incest • Spousal Rape • Unlawful Sex with a Minor

  7. Myths • Victims of sexual assault “ask for it” by the way they dress • No one ever “asks” to be raped • Nationally, individuals wearing sweatpants are more likely to be assaulted than wearing skirts† • A person who has been sexually assaulted will be hysterical • Reactions to traumatic events are unique for each individual • 20% of reported rapes are false • Only around 2% of reported rapes are false, a lower average than burglary* † The Sexual Assault Recovery and Prevention Center *National Institution of Justice

  8. Facts • The number one date rape drug is alcohol • 96% of sexual assaults that occur in San Luis Obispo are from alcohol as either a complete or partial factor • Sexual assault is the most unreported violent crime in the United States • Rape is the 2nd most violent crime in the United States behind murder, meaning… • Rape is the most violent crime a person can live through • The majority of sexual assault victims are between the ages of 14 and 25

  9. Bystander Intervention • Defined: Willingness to assist a person in need of help • Bystander Intervention = Helping People, empathy and taking care of the people around us • What we generally think • Rescuing an individual mid-assault • Removing a friend from a situation where they appear uncomfortable • What you can do as a faculty or staff member • Do not support inappropriate rhetoric (i.e. That assignment ‘raped’ me.) • Ask if a student needs resources • Be engaged, be empathetic, and be educated

  10. What to do if a Survivor Discloses to You • Most survivors only disclose to one person, and your reaction will either support or hinder their healing process • Be supportive, listen to them, and most importantly: believe them • Provide information, advocacy, resources, and options • Ex: Walk them to the Safer office • Let the survivor make the decisions • Sexual assault takes away a person’s rights • Reporting a sexual assault • Clery Act Crime Statistic / Incident Reporting Form

  11. Overview On Campus Off Campus • Safer • Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities • University Police Department • Student Ombuds Services • The SARP Center • Women’s Shelter of San Luis Obispo • Rape, Abuse, Incest National Network (RAINN)

  12. Resources on Campus – Safer • Location: UU 217 • Hours: 9 am – 5 pm Monday through Friday • Crisis Services • First-stop resource center for all Cal Poly students, faculty and staff • Professional staff, state certified rape-crisis counselors and volunteers with the SARP Center • Crisis counseling by appointment through our coordinator (Christina Kaviani) and assistant coordinator (Veronica Heiskell) • Option anonymous reporting at the Safer office • Advocacy and accompaniments

  13. Resources on Campus – Safer (cont.) • Education Services • Presentations to the Cal Poly community, including academic departments, University Housing, Greek Life, and Athletics • Events and workshops focusing on sexual assault risk reduction • Run to Remember is Oct 19th! • Focus on gender specific sexual assault prevention • Men and Masculinities Program • Safer Volunteering Training Program • Contact: 756-2282 or safer@calpoly.edu

  14. Safer and University Learning Objectives • A.    Leadership Development • B.     Effective communication • C.     Social Responsibility • D.    Collaboration • E.     Career Choices • F.      Intellectual Growth • G.    Healthy Behavior • H.    Meaningful Interpersonal Relationships

  15. Resources on Campus – Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities • Location: Building 124, Room 127 • Hours: 8 am – 5 pm Monday through Friday • Investigation into Student Misconduct • Examples of Misconduct: Physical assault including rape or other sexual assault; Use, possession, and/or sale of controlled substances or illegal drugs; Interpersonal violence, threats of violence, or stalking; Vandalism; Hazing • Investigation is separate from other entities (ex. University Police Department) • This means that only 51% proof is need, or “more than likely”, for the OSRR to take action

  16. Resources on Campus – Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities (cont.) • Student Disciplinary Sanctions • Financial – Financial aid status can be conditioned, limited, cancelled or denied • Educational and remedial sanctions – Assignments, training, counseling, community service • Denial of access to campus – Student is not permitted on university property or specific areas of campus for a designated period of time • Disciplinary probation • Suspension • Expulsion • Admission or Readmission – Admission or readmission may be qualified, revoked, or denied • Contact: 756-2794 or osrr@calpoly.edu

  17. Resources on Campus – University Police Department • Location: Building 74 • Hours: 24/7 • Patrol • Dispatches, via on-campus 9-1-1 Communications Center, uniformed Police Officers twenty-four hours per day, every day of the year, who are empowered by the State of California to enforce federal, state, and local law as well as university regulations. • Investigations • Goals: early intervention through prompt investigations and assisting Patrol Officers • Members of the Investigative Unit work closely with other local, state, and federal agencies to insure up-to-date distribution of crime trends and to enhance their own investigative skills. • Currently has one full time Investigator and one part time Investigator.

  18. Resources on Campus – University Police Department (cont.) • Escort Van Services • Provides a ride from designated pick up points to anywhere on campus or up to 1/2 mile off campus • Seven days a week, from 7 pm to 1 am • Campus Connections • University Housing education and enforcement • Collaboration with Safer • Contacting SARP Center (off campus) for a sexual assault Advocate • Contact: 756-2281 (general) • Bill Watton (Chief of Police) at 756-6650 or wwatton@calpoly.edu

  19. Resources on Campus – Student Ombuds Services • Location: Building 35 (REK Library), Room 113 • Hours: 10 am – Noon Monday through Friday and by appointment • Standards of Practice • Confidential – No permanent records are maintained; The only exception to confidentiality is when there appears to be imminent risk of serious harm to self or others • Informal – Does not participate in any internal or external formal processes • Impartial – Promotes fair and equitable processes and procedures • Independent – Operates independently of administrative structures

  20. Resources on Campus – Student Ombuds Services (cont.) • Types of Issues • Academic Concerns, Incivility, Disciplinary Matters, Cultural Conflicts, Grade Disputes, Student Employment, Records Appeals, Roommate Concerns, Student / Instructor Misunderstandings • Does not share information with any entity • Contact: 756-1380 or ombuds@calpoly.edu

  21. Recap – On Campus • Safer • Crisis Services, Education, and Resources and Referrals • Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities • Disciplinary / University Action • University Police Department • Legal Action / Reporting • Student Ombuds Services • General Resource Referral

  22. Resources off Campus – The SARP Center • Location: 51 Zaca Lane Suite 140 San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 • Hours: Monday through Friday from 8:30 am to 5 pm; Wednesday 5 pm to 7 pm by appointment only • Crisis Services • 24-hour rape crisis line operated by SARP Center volunteers • Provide both scheduled and drop-in peer counseling, and advocacy and accompaniment services • Education Services • Offers educational presentations to all of San Luis Obispo county • Women’s empowerment and self-defense workshops

  23. Resources off Campus – SARP Center (cont.) • Counseling Services • Provide support groups for specific survivors • Offers long-term clinical counseling (12 weeks) • The main differences between Safer and SARP Center: • SARP Center offers clinical, long term counseling • 24-hour Crisis Line • Safer is for crisis, referral services, and education during business hours for on campus entities • Contact: 545-8888 or contact@sarpcenter.org

  24. Resources off Campus – Women’s Shelter of San Luis Obispo • Location and Hours: Call (805) 781-6401 • 24-Hour Crisis Line: 781-6400 • Counseling and Child Services • Services free to victims • Available to women, teens, children, and men • Legal and Transitional Housing • Temporary Restraining Order (TRO) Assistance, Court Accompaniment • Emergency Shelter • Confidential emergency location for victims of intimate partner violence • Volunteer and Donation Services

  25. Resources off Campus – Rape, Abuse, Incest National Network (RAINN) • Location and Hours: 24-hour, seven day a week national network • Contact: info@rainn.org • Sexual Assault Hotline • “When a caller dials 1.800.656.HOPE, a computer notes the area code and first three digits of the caller's phone number. The call is then instantaneously connected to the nearest RAINN member center. If all counselors at that center are busy, the call is sent to the next closest center.” • Confidential (according to state laws)

  26. Recap – Off Campus • The Sexual Assault Recovery and Prevention (SARP) Center • 24-hour crisis line and counseling services • Women’s Shelter of San Luis Obispo • Housing to escape from intimate partner violence and abuse • Rape, Abuse, Incest National Network (RAINN) • National crisis line that connects the caller to a local rape crisis center

  27. Other helpful resources… • Cal Poly Counseling Services – 756-2511, Building 27 Room 136 • Cal Poly Pride Center – 756-PRIDE, UU Room 209 • SLO Police Department – (805) 781-7317 • North County Women’s Shelter – (805) 574-3583

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