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Chesapeake Bay Program Office (CBPO) Maintain Healthy Watersheds GIT (GIT4)

Chesapeake Bay Program Office (CBPO) Maintain Healthy Watersheds GIT (GIT4). GIT4 Overview and CBPO Update November 19, 2009. Mark Bryer The Nature Conservancy Chair, GIT4. Mike Fritz Environmental Protection Agency Coordinator, GIT4. Jake Reilly Chesapeake Research Consortium

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Chesapeake Bay Program Office (CBPO) Maintain Healthy Watersheds GIT (GIT4)

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  1. Chesapeake Bay Program Office (CBPO)Maintain Healthy Watersheds GIT (GIT4) GIT4 Overview and CBPO Update November 19, 2009 Mark Bryer The Nature Conservancy Chair, GIT4 Mike Fritz Environmental Protection Agency Coordinator, GIT4 Jake Reilly Chesapeake Research Consortium Staff, GIT4

  2. A Shared Vision A system with abundant, diverse populations of living resources, fed by healthy streams and rivers, sustaining strong local and regional economies, and our unique quality of life. Goal 1: Protect & Restore Fisheries Restore, enhance and protect the finfish, shellfish and other living resources, their habitats and ecological relationships to sustain all fisheries and provide for a balanced ecosystem. Goal 2: Protect & Restore Vital Aquatic Habitats Goal 3: Protect & Restore Water Quality Restore those habitats and natural areas that are vital to the survival and diversity of the living resources of the Bay and its rivers. Achieve and maintain the water quality necessary to support the aquatic living resources of the Bay and its tributariesand to protect human health. Goal 4: Maintain Healthy Watersheds Develop, promote and achieve sound land use practices which protect watershed resources and water quality, maintain reduced pollutant loadings for the Bay and its tributaries, and restore and preserve aquatic living resources. Goal 5: Foster Chesapeake Stewardship Promote individual stewardship and assist individuals, community-based organizations, businesses, local governments and schools to undertake initiatives to achieve these goals and our shared vision. Goal 6: Enhance Partnering, Leadership & Management Improve and enhance the leadership and management of the Chesapeake Bay Program partnership. Framework for Conserving and Restoring the Chesapeake Watershed (from CAP Report to Congress)

  3. CBP Organizational Structure and Leadership 10-07-09 Citizens’ Advisory Committee Chair - Jim Elliot Hunton/Williams Independent Evaluator NAS Chesapeake Executive Council Chair - Governor Tim Kaine, VA Principals’ Staff Committee Chair - Preston Bryant, VA Local Government Advisory Committee Chair - Tommy Wells D.C. Council Management Board Chair - Jeff Lape, EPA ActionTeams Monitoring Realignment Chair – Tango, USGS Staff – Barnes, CRC Scientific & Technical Advisory Committee Chair - Doug Lipton UMd Goal Implementation Teams Technical Support & Services Protect & Restore Fisheries Protect & Restore Vital Aquatic Habitats Protect & Restore Water Quality Maintain Healthy Watersheds Foster Chesapeake Stewardship Enhance Partnering, Leadership & Management Dennison UMd Bennett USGS Shenk EPA Barnes/Gorka CRC Chair ViceChair Cdtr Staff Robertson NOAA O’Connell MdDNR Green UMd TBD CRC • Miranda • USFWS • Marczyk • NGO(DU) • Greiner • USFWS • Freeman • CRC Korancai (co-chair) EPA Hansen (co-chair) UDel Antos EPA Streusand/Kilbert CRC Bryer NGO(TNC) Hall MdDP Fritz EPA Reilly CRC Maounis NPS Barrett PaDCNR Handen NPS Hopkins CRC Edward EPA Foreman VaDCR Allen EPA Harris CRC Implementation Workgroups (TBD) Implementation Workgroups (TBD) Implementation Workgroups (TBD) Implementation Workgroups (TBD) Implementation Workgroups (TBD) Implementation Workgroups (TBD)

  4. Goal 4: Maintain Healthy Watersheds Develop, promote and achieve sound land use practices which protect watershed resources and water quality, maintain reduced pollutant loadings for the Bay and its tributaries, and restore and preserve aquatic living resources.

  5. GIT Core Functions • Set and clarify common goals • Establish and maintain common accountability • Investments (restoration effort) • Returns on investments (environmental results) • Coordinate implementation

  6. Current CBP Drivers • Executive Order Strategy • 92 TMDLs for Tidal Segments

  7. From the Draft E.O. Strategy • Chesapeake Farms and Forests • Focus on the highest priority watersheds by identifying the watersheds and their most critical acres for immediate conservation action • Accelerate conservation adoption by working with partners to expand the range of incentives • Focus and integrate federal and state programs by focusing programs on priority conservation practices • Launch a “shared federal leadership” commitment to support ecosystem markets in the Chesapeake Bay

  8. From the Draft E.O. Strategy Chesapeake Treasured Landscapes Initiative • Coordinate federal funding to support state and local landscape conservation • Provide incentives and assistance for landscape conservation

  9. From the Draft E.O. Strategy Planning for Livable Communities • Encourage watershed planning: “DOT and EPA will work under the accountability program of implementation of TMDLs for the Bay watershed to ensure a watershed plan is put in place for each of the six watershed states and the District of Columbia that incorporates transportation planning and mitigation opportunities that can be implemented on a watershed basis with a plan and/or incentives to preserve high-priority resources” • Promote livable, sustainable communities

  10. From the Draft E.O. Strategy Planning for Livable Communities • Promote livable, sustainable communities: “Sustainable development will be promoted through assistance and tools to local governments which foster safe and smart growth”

  11. GIT4 Role in the E.O. Strategy • NEAR TERM: • CBPO is the forum for developing a Coordinated Strategy: state, local, federal • Recommend goals, milestones, indicators, strategies • Deadlines January 2010, March 2010 • Joint GIT4/GIT5 land conservation goals workshop in January • Goals, milestones, indicators, strategies to maintain healthy watersheds • LONG TERM: • GITs responsible for implementing strategies within an adaptive management framework

  12. GIT4 Role in the Bay-Wide TMDL “EPA expects the States and the District of Columbia to describe procedures for estimating additional loads due to growth and to provide EPA with information that will allow it to provide for pollution load reductions that are at least sufficient to offset the growth and development that is anticipated in the watershed between 2011 and 2025.” EPA Expectations Letter, November 4, 2009, p. 26

  13. GIT4 and the Bay-Wide TMDL “EPA encourages States and the District to make local decision-makers fully aware of their process for accounting for future growth as articulated in their Watershed Management Plans and tracked in their two-year milestones so that local partners may incorporate measures to minimize or offset future growth into land use and capital planning processes” - EPA Expectations Letter, November 4, 2009, p.27

  14. Current Metrics Are these sufficient?

  15. Current Environmental Results Metric

  16. Current Effort Metrics

  17. Sample Dashboard from the Chesapeake Action Plan

  18. Suggested GIT4 Near-Term Roles • Contribute to Final E.O. Strategy by recommending: • Common goals (measurable desired results) • Milestones • Indicators • Strategies • Coordinate, support planning for TMDL cap maintenance • Support mitigation of growth impacts through planning and implementation of resource land conservation

  19. Goal 4: Maintain Healthy Watersheds Develop, promote and achieve sound land use practices which protect watershed resources and water quality, maintain reduced pollutant loadings for the Bay and its tributaries, and restore and preserve aquatic living resources.

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