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Schools’ Termly Finance Seminars 3 rd March 2011

Schools’ Termly Finance Seminars 3 rd March 2011. Rufus Centre Flitwick. Agenda. 9.15 Introduction – Gina Chandler 9.20 Health & Safety – Philip Potter 9.35 Internal Audit – Emerging Risks, Roger Willoughby 9.45 Year End – Gina Chandler 9.55 Schools Forum – Gezim Leka

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Schools’ Termly Finance Seminars 3 rd March 2011

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  1. Schools’ Termly Finance Seminars 3rd March 2011 Rufus Centre Flitwick

  2. Agenda 9.15 Introduction – Gina Chandler 9.20 Health & Safety – Philip Potter 9.35 Internal Audit – Emerging Risks, Roger Willoughby 9.45 Year End – Gina Chandler 9.55 Schools Forum – Gezim Leka 10.00 2011-12 Budgets – Gezim Leka 10.10 Schools Transferring to Fully Funded Status – Gina 10.15 Licensed Deficits & Surplus Balances – Gina 10.25 Comfort Break 10.40 Year-end Workshop – Ann Mathers

  3. HSE review of management of asbestos in schools Between 07-10 HSE undertook a national review of all LA’s management of asbestos in schools. Initially looking at system built schools (those constructed between 1954 and 1980) Findings from HSE review – no concerns with system built schools but identified: Inaccuracies in original BCC buildings surveys (completed 97) Asbestos training Management of asbestos in buildings projects HSE wrote to Richard Carr, CE outlining concerns and requests CBC to display a copy of their letter on all school notice boards Unions informed

  4. CBC Response to HSE SLA has been set up with Cambridgeshire County Council for asbestos consultancy services A programme of new asbestos management surveys to be undertaken in all CBC schools based on risk 89 prioritised schools (boiler houses with no data and no access from 97 surveys) A number of school boiler houses re-surveyed in isolation for surveyors to return to complete rest of school All schools to be re-surveyed (asbestos management survey) by December 2011 during school holidays CBC to review the Council’s asbestos policy and re-issue in May 2011 Free Asbestos awareness training for all schools . New surveys to be stored online NEW Frontline system for schools and contractors to both access Further 1:1 training to be provided on Frontline system Please allow access during schools holidays for your new asbestos management survey.

  5. CCC Asbestos Consultancy Services Allows CBC access to framework of asbestos surveying companies and asbestos consultants. Asbestos consultancy advice (day to day asbestos management issues and for building projects). Oversee management surveys on behalf of CBC. Upon instruction oversee refurbishment and demolition surveys. Emergency response to an incident. Phil Hill – Asbestos and Legionella AdviserT: 01223 699120 E: Philip.Hill@cambridgeshire.gov.uk

  6. School Notifiable Projects (SNP’s) – what is notifable to LA? • An application is required if: • The project is altering, or extending the structure of the building, or for major alterations to • services. • The project is an external project and may be compromising the Authority’s long term plans for the • site. • Examples include: • Extending a classroom • Building new classrooms/library • Removal of a swimming pool • Installing an external canopy/structure including outdoor shelters • Installing new windows • Provision of new plant equipment i.e. boilers, pumps, air conditioning units, hot water systems, • play equipment, surface coverings etc. • Boundary fences • Driveways and paths • Electrical works • Major adaptations, or alterations which change the size, or shape of a space

  7. SNP - Process Guidance on SNP’s on the schools website:http://www.learning.centralbedfordshire.gov.uk/ Full link: http://trid-live.cbc.int:81/education-and-learning/school-planning-projects/school-notifiable-projects.aspx Complete SNP 1 form and submit to Sandie Stocking in School Organisation and Capital Planning Team Tel: 0300 300 5908 sandie.stocking@centalbedfordshire.gov.uk Allow a timescale of up to a term from application to approval. (ie. for a summer holiday project it is recommended that a SNP1 be submitted by Easter). Projects require sufficient planning and notifications for example: • Building Regulation approval – 10 days • Insurance (additional temporary cover) – 10 days • Planning Application approval – 6 to 8 weeks • Asbestos survey/intrusive works – 2 to 3 months

  8. School Managed Building projects - asbestos Building projects that affect the fabric of the building will require a refurbishment/demolition survey prior to building projects commencing for example; Window & door replacement Lighting and ceiling work Roof work, inc. guttering Toilet refurbishment Recommend schools contact Phil Hill 01223 699120 Philip.Hill@cambridgeshire.gov.ukat CCC directly to arrange a refurbishment/demolition survey costs to be borne by school project budget

  9. Free Asbestos Training At least 3 members of staff from each school should attend asbestos awareness training (Headteacher, site agent, office manager): • The course will cover:- -information on what asbestos is and how the law applies to you, -the health effects, -where it may be found in buildings and plant rooms, -how to avoid risk from asbestos, -asbestos log book and permit to work system, -asbestos surveys and planned works, -steps to take if there were to be an uncontrolled release of asbestos. Venue: Council chamber, Chicksands Dates: 8th March, 1st April, 18th May, Sessions 09.30 – 12.30 and 3.30 – 16.30 To book a place on this course contact: Suzanne.parratt@centralbedfordshirecouncil.gov.uk Tel 0300 300 6517 Health and Safety Team Tel: 0300 300 4985 Corporatehealth&safety@centralbedfordshire.gov.uk

  10. Internal AuditRoger Willoughby, Audit Manager Current issues and risks Extended leases Fully funded bank account School Fund Economic Environment & Fraud

  11. Extended Leases Key Considerations • Council Contract Procedure Rules • Whole Life Costs • ‘Hidden’ costs • Risk of lack of flexibility • Appropriate documented scrutiny • Example: ICT finance leases

  12. Full Funded bank account • Fully Funded Bank Account Scheme • School responsible for maintaining prime records • “1.2 … The accounting records are, therefore, the prime accounting records of the LA and as such are the records that may be inspected by the LA’s auditors, Inland Revenue and other Agencies.”

  13. School Fund • Financial Regulations for Schools (para 210): “Governing bodies and Headteachers must ensure that the standards outlined elsewhere in these Regulations are followed for all voluntary funds as parents and other benefactors are entitled to the same standards of stewardship for such funds and associated bank accounts.”

  14. School Fund • Regular bank reconciliations • Separation of duties • Cash handling carries specific risks • Needs to be receipted and recorded • Controls should be in place to protect funds AND people • Trust is NOT a good control

  15. Economic Environment & Fraud • Desperate times… • Fraud triangle = Motivation, Opportunity, Rationalisation • Internal control limits “opportunity” • Transparency agenda for public sector • Availability of purchasing information

  16. Year – End 2010-11 Year end timetable is available on the Schools learning portal. All forms also available on website – paper copies will not be sent to schools Key Dates • Invoices 12 noon 25th March • Final imprest claims 12 noon on 25th March • IDI’s to include on P12 with SFA by 1St April • P12 close 5th April, reports emailed out 6th April • Latest date for receipt of Fully Funded returns 15th April as per FF Scheme. • Income deadlines : • Paid into any bank including Nat West 29th March • Any material amounts received after 29th can be paid in up until 31st March, but must be into a Natwest Branch (fax full details to cashiers)

  17. Year End 2010-11 • Accruals to SFA by 8th April • De-minimus £1,000 per individual invoice, set in LA’s Accounting Policies. (Non-schools is £10K) • none will be posted without backup or if any one item is below £1,000. • Chief Accountant has right to reverse accrual, cannot have unsubstantiated accruals in the accounts. • Start chasing all suppliers now for material invoices to pay rather than accrue.

  18. Year End • Send in Nil returns – will not be chased • No Herts invoices or Supply (teachers)/Overtime (non teachers) accruals will be processed by LA– Schools to do their own

  19. Year End 2010-11 • Imprest bank and petty cash accounts reconciliation and submission, guidance on website & at FF workshops. • DFC return with copy invoices, templates for completion will be emailed out 5th April.

  20. Year End 2010-11 • Inventories – no need to submit, however still requirement to complete. • Direct Revenue Financing - can only be used where formula capital allocations for that financial year have been fully utilised. Must use formula capital funding first. Exception would be where we have allowed c/fwd on basis its for a specific project. - cannot be done if it puts the revenue budget into deficit position.

  21. Year End Leasing & Payments Contribution Return • Finance Lease – when all risks/rewards transfer to the LA. Finance Regs don’t allow schools to enter into Finance Leases without LA consent. • Operating Leases – allowed Auditors test to establish whether leases are Finance or Operating

  22. Year – End 2010-11 • Earmarked Funds Form with Preliminary CFR • Final CFR • Declaration of Grant Income and VAT declaration with CFR • Schools holding money for a network or a hub of schools. Additional return for CFR in line with DfE request.

  23. Year End 2010-11 • Fully Funded deadline 15th April complete with all backup. If don’t meet deadline Chief Accountant still wants accounts closed by deadline, so will distort schools figures. • SFA’s have to finish posting by 28th April • Michael Miller - Chief Accountant willing to discuss, schools need to achieve deadlines – 0300 300 5106.

  24. Year End 2010-11 Centrally funded schools Revenue & Capital balances will be transferred to bank accounts after CFR complete and net of accruals Note: cash transferred maybe different from actual balance

  25. Budget 2011-12 • Schools budgets for 2011-12 have been largely protected following the announcements in December. • Grants that were previously delegated to schools at the beginning of the year and included in the Standards Fund booklet have now merged into the DSG and will be visible clearly in your School Budget Shares for 2011-12 on the formula allocation sheet. • Those grants that were retained centrally for 2010-11 proposals have been made to the Schools Forum on Monday.

  26. Budget 2011-12 • Schools that received a Minimum Funding Guarantee (MFG) top up for 2010-11 and if still applicable will see a reduction in their budget as the MFG has been set at negative 1.5%. • It should be noted that the introduction of the Pupil Premium Grant for pupils eligible for free school meals will be paid to schools in addition to School Budget Shares. • Introduction of EYSFF • Formula allocations for 2011-12 will be sent week ending 18th March.

  27. Budget 2011-12 • Guide to Formula (including EYSFF) • Budget Guidance Notes Will be available on the schools learning portal.

  28. Budget 2011-12 Returns by 31st May • Two year Budget Plan • Budgeted Cash-flow, • Budgeted Balance sheet. • Back-up of salaries, • Schools requesting licensed deficits submit recovery plans & reasons for deficit

  29. YPLA Funding for Upper Schools Potential reductions for 2011-12 YPLA financial year (August 11 – March 12) :- • Removal of Pensions Funding • 25% reduction in Teachers Pay Grant • 3% reduction in per pupil funding • Allocations from YPLA not yet received

  30. Schools Forum DfE directed Changes consulted with schools in January, report to Schools Forum on 7th March Proposed revised Scheme for Financing Schools from April 2011 available on learning portal.

  31. Schools Forum Revisions to Scheme for Financing Schools directed by DfE’s guidance:- • Schools must be allowed to opt out of LA Contracts • Removal of FMSiS • Encouragement of use of Procurement cards - delayed until work completed to ensure adequate controls are in place with further report to Schools Forum later in the year. • No longer requirement clawback mechanism and LAs should consider relaxing existing mechanism • Maximum length of deficit 3 years • Inclusion of guidance relating to how costs of redundancies and early retirements should be funded

  32. Schools Forum Other reports to Mondays meeting include:- • Carbon Reduction • ICT including Broadband, Learning Platform, migration to G2 • DSG Estimated Allocations • Distribution of grants Further information from Schools Forum website

  33. Schools Forum Results from Monday’s meeting will be confirmed with schools and minutes, agendas, and papers available on CBC’s website.

  34. Devolved Formula Capital Guidance • Used by school for any capital purpose relating to school buildings & assets including ICT equipment. • DFC instalments will be paid to LA in May 40% and July 60%. Advances into schools bank accounts will follow this profile rather than termly for 2011-12. • Time limits for spending grants for 2011-12 is March 2014. • Grant left unspent is at risk of clawback.

  35. Devolved Formula Capital Guidance Guidance on amounts to be distributed for 2011-12 sent out, cannot vary from DfE formulae. LA Schools • £4,000 per school • £11.25 Primary / £16.875 Secondary / £33.75 Special • Confirmation of actual amount based on January 10 census data with budget.

  36. Devolved Formula Capital Guidance For VA Schools guidance states that allocations adjusted for each Governing Body’s contribution and eligibility for VAT • £4,320 per school • £12.15 Primary / £18.23 Secondary / £36.45 special • Further information from grant provider

  37. CFR • Same submission as last year – via COLLECT • Prelim to SFA by 10th June • Earmarked Funds form • Declaration of Grant Income • Income held for Network or Hub of Schools • Final to SFA by 17th June. Dates will be confirmed as no dates from DfE for LA’s submission.

  38. New Fully Funded Schools If didn’t come on Tuesday please attend one of the training dates Tuesday 15th (pm) or 22nd (am) at the Forrest Centre. Contact SFA to book place Further guidance on:- • Year end • Completion of monthly returns

  39. New Fully Funded Schools • Bank accounts set up, Cheque & paying in books available for collection at workshops. • Check website for up to date information, guidance and news

  40. Licensed Deficits • Involvement from HR and SIP • Terms & Conditions of agreement include attendance at Governors Meetings • Monitoring on a monthly basis to be submitted • Template on website • If requesting LD for 2011/12 MUST accompany budget plan by 31st May

  41. Licensed Deficits • Deficits already agreed for 2011-12, must submit revised recovery plan showing still within agreed amount • If cannot keep to agreement, T&C’s inform authority ASAP • Submit revised recovery plan with explanations of why couldn’t keep to original recovery plan • Must recovery within three years (dependant on Schools Forum meeting on 7th March)

  42. Surplus Balances • Balance Control Mechanism still in place for balances from 2010-11. 8% Nursery, Lower & Special 5% Middle & Upper • Anything in BO1 Committed MUST have evidence sent with earmarked funds form • Anything over allowances in B02 SHOULD have reasons why to be submitted to Surplus Balance sub-group

  43. Surplus Balances • Sub-Group will meet in June/July and decide on any recommended clawback to Schools Forum but expect light touch approach. • %’s are not targets, but maximum percentage which should reasonably be retained to deal with unforeseen circumstances. • Recommendation to Schools Forum on Monday - no mechanism for balances at the end of 2011-12.

  44. Mileage Claims •  Revised guidance for claiming travel and subsistence on HR Schools Secure Site • www.learning.centralbedfordshire.gov.uk/myportal/custom/files_uploaded/uploaded_resources/1387/TravelandSubsistencePolicy.pdf • Staff must provide VAT receipts with claims

  45. Dates of Next Finance Seminar Thursday 26th May 2011 Rufus Centre, Flitwick

  46. Workshop Spring Term Year End Workshop

  47. Year End Workshop Agenda • Forms to be completed • Accruals – General • Payments in Advance • Creditors • Receipts in Advance • Debtors • Earmarked Funds • Direct Revenue Financing • Imprest Declaration • Fully Funded Schools Budget Submission 2011-12

  48. Forms to be Completed • Timetable will be made available on the Learning Portal • Blank templates will be available for year end on the Learning Portal • ALL forms to be completed by central schools. Fully Funded schools have separate arrangements covered by the scheme for FF Schools. If nothing to declare then MUST be marked “Nil Return” • Accruals • Earmarked Funds Form (accompanied by back up/ exempt income declaration and grant information) • DRF Declaration • Imprest Declaration • ALL forms to be returned to your School Financial Advisor by the as specified on the Year End timetable

  49. Accruals - General • Value must be rounded to the nearest £1 • Back up must be provided • Signed by Headteacher • Group accruals by GL code – one GL code per worksheet if manageable • None under £1000 • Above £1,000 per any one item MUST be included • No expenditure on income GL codes or income on expenditure GL codes

  50. Payments in Advance • Purple Form • Payment made for goods and services in 2010/2011 which are to be received after 31st March 2011 • Back up with copy of invoice • Expenditure G/L to be used

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