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Anglicky v odborných předmětech "Support of teaching technical subjects in English “. Tutorial: Obchodní akademie Topic : Logical F unctions Prepared by : Mgr. Zdeněk Hrdina. Projekt Anglicky v odborných předmětech, CZ.1.07/1.3.09/04.0002
Anglicky v odborných předmětech"Support ofteachingtechnicalsubjects in English“ Tutorial: Obchodní akademie Topic: LogicalFunctions Prepared by: Mgr. Zdeněk Hrdina Projekt Anglicky v odborných předmětech, CZ.1.07/1.3.09/04.0002 je spolufinancován Evropským sociálním fondem a státním rozpočtem České republiky.
IF function • Allows to adddecisionmakingintoformulas • IF(condition, yes, no) • condition– anyvalueorexpressionthatcanhavethelogicalvalues TRUE or FALSE • yes – valuereturned by thefunctioniftheconditionevaluates to TRUE • no - valuereturned by thefunctioniftheconditionevaluates to FALSE
Examplesofconditions • comparisonwith a reference: e.g. A1>C3 • comparisonwith a numericvalue: e.g. A1>3 • comparisonwith a text string: e.g. A1="bank" (text stringsneed to beenclosed in quotationmarks) • comparisonwith a dateortime: Wecannot use a simple comparison as in A1="1.1.2010" A1=VALUE("1.1.2011") A1=DATE(2011;1;1) It is possible to use a comparison with a reference to a cell with a date
Nestingmultiple IF functions • Thetypicalusageofthe IF functioniswhenthere are onlytwopossiblesituations (condition met x condition not met) • Ifthere are more possiblesituations (3 and more), itispossible to use nested IF functions (startingwith Excel 2007 youcan use up to 63 nested IF functions)
AND function • Itisusedwhenthere are multipleconditionswhichneed to be met atthesametime • AND(condition1, condition2,…) • condition1 - anyvalueorexpressionthatcanhavethelogicalvalues TRUE or FALSE • up to 255 conditionscanbeused • Theresultofthefunctionis TRUE ifalltheconditions are met atthesametime, ifat least oneconditionevaluates to FALSE, theresultofthefunctionis FALSE
OR function • Itisusedwhenthere are multipleconditions, and itisenoughifonlyoneofthemis met • OR(condition1, condition2,…) • condititon1 - anyvalueorexpressionthatcanhavethelogicalvalues TRUE or FALSE • Theresultofthefunctionis TRUE ifat least oneconditionis met, if no conditionis met, theresultofthefunctionis FALSE
Combining IF, AND, OR • Example 1: weneed to determinewhetherthevalue in cell A1 is in the interval from 10 to 20 Example 2:if the value in cell A1 is equal to Praha or Brno, the result should be “city”, otherwise “town”
Exercise • Solvethegiventask. • zadání.xlsx
Sources • BARILLA, Jiří, Pavel SIMR a Květuše SÝKOROVÁ. Microsoft Excel 2010: Podrobná uživatelská příručka. Brno: ComputerPress, 2010. ISBN 978-80-251-3077-3. • WALKENBACH, John. Microsoft Excel - vzorce a funkce. Praha: Mobil Media a.s., 2001. ISBN 80-86593-01-0. • Microsoft Office. MS EXCEL Funkce - Logické [online]. 2010-01-01 [2011-12-30]. <http://office.lasakovi.com/excel/funkce/ms-excel-funkce-logicke/>