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    1. REMHDCO Stacie Hiramoto, MSW Director of Special Projects Mental Health Association in California (916) 557-1167 shiramoto@mhac.org

    3. The Statewide Mental Health Community Mainstream mental health coalition whose “Agenda for Fairness” started off with: “RIGHT TO TREATMENT: Every Californian, whether citizen or legal immigrant, should have access to mental health care.”

    4. REMHDCO “Racial and Ethnic Mental Health Disparities Coalition” A coalition of people from non-profit organizations whose mission is to work to reduce mental health disparities through advocacy for racial and ethnic communities.

    5. REMHDCO Represents: Underserved, unserved and inappropriately served racial and ethnic communities including: Latino Asian/Pacific Islander Native American African American Also: non-English and limited English speaking, immigrant and refugee, and Muslim communities

    6. REMHDCO FACTS Three prominent members: LCHC, CFRA, and CPCA Formed in Fall of 2007 Volunteer Organization Representatives of non-profits Professionals and community leaders Consumers and family members

    7. What has REMHDCO Done? Mental Health Services Oversight and Accountability Commission meetings PEI Resource document clarified DMH Stakeholder process Advocacy on Statewide Projects

    8. REMHDCO What we want to be is a force in the statewide mental health community! So many policy discussions are being held and decisions are made regarding MHSA and statewide mental health without the voice of communities of color at the table.

    9. How Can We Help You? Represent Latino and other communities of color on the MHSA Serve as a resource for statewide organizations Serve as a resource for local agencies regarding the county process

    10. How can you help REMHDCO? Join! There is no cost. Get other organizations and individuals to join. Invite us to make presentations Support our efforts to secure funding


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