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Teacher Evaluation -AFT/UFT Team - T eacher E valuation and D evelopment -APPR

Teacher Evaluation -AFT/UFT Team - T eacher E valuation and D evelopment -APPR. Data Summit July 27, 2012 Carol Pallas, Ed.D. Annual Professional Performance Review (APPR).

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Teacher Evaluation -AFT/UFT Team - T eacher E valuation and D evelopment -APPR

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  1. Teacher Evaluation-AFT/UFT Team-Teacher Evaluation and Development -APPR Data Summit July 27, 2012 Carol Pallas, Ed.D

  2. Annual Professional Performance Review (APPR) “Nothing is more important to student success than the effectiveness of teachers and principals. All of us involved in education are proud of the work we do-and we know that we can do better if we have the right tools” NYSED, 2012

  3. AFT/UFT Labor-Management Training • AFT and UFT have partnered to develop and deliver an institute on leading and facilitating school improvement • At the core is the importance of district and union leadership partnering as a team to develop strong instructional plans that result in higher student achievement • GTA Leadership and District Team attended Leadership Institute in NYC facilitated by UFT Teacher Center facilitators • UFT facilitators then came to Greece in April to work with secondary school teams

  4. AFT Training continued… Participated in interactive sessions focus on the work of improving schools including: • Skills and Structures for Effective communication • Team building • Data analysis for comprehensive educational planning • Professional development to support student achievement • Teacher development to support student achievement • Action Planning

  5. Teacher Development and Evaluation (TED) What is TED? -An integrated system for advancing teacher growth and student learning Who developed TED? -NYSUT Labor/Management Innovation Initiative Teams Why do we need to know about TED? -Used as a framework for creating the new teacher evaluation (APPR) and professional development

  6. TED framework “Every child deserves a quality teacher in the classroom” • NYS Teaching Standards • NYSUT Rubric • Four Phases of TED • Cycle of Evaluation • Rating and Scoring Teacher Effectiveness • Developing and Supporting Teachers • Conditions of Teaching and Learning Focuses on teachers as participants in, not recipients of, evaluation and professional development

  7. NYSED Adoption Regulations of new APPR adopted by the Board of Regents on March 30, 2012 Known as Education Law 3012-c- NYSED provided a summary of the provisions- the “purple memo” Amended by Chapter 21 of the Laws of 2012

  8. State vs Local Determinations State determined: • Scoring bands for local subcomponents and for the composite score to determine total rating or HEDI: -Highly Effective -Effective -Developing -Ineffective

  9. State vs Local Determinations continued State determined: • Process for assigning points to educators for State Growth or other Comparable Measures Subcomponent • Districts actually determine the points assigned to educators with Student Learning Objectives or SLOs following State guidance

  10. State vs Local Determinations continued Local determinations: • Scoring bands for other measures of effectiveness (60 points) subcomponent • The process for assigning points in locally-selected measures and other measures subcomponents • Teacher and Principal Improvement Plans • Appeals process

  11. Teacher APPR • 20 points for State assessment measure (e.g., 3-8 ELA and Math assessments) • 20 points for Local assessment measure (Regionally developed BOCES assessments) • 60 points for other comparable measures (31-observations, 29-negotiated) • Teacher Improvement Plan (negotiated) • Appeals Process (negotiated)

  12. Process-Teacher APPR Initial meeting leadership team of GTA, NYSUT representative and District team to co-plan a series of meetings to research, plan, negotiate and write the draft of the new APPR Studied new teacher standards and State approved rubrics – followed NYSUT guidelines and used NYSUT and TED materials and resources to develop plan Met from January through July 2012 a total of 12 times; three full day sessions

  13. Process-Teacher APPR continued • Organized into subcommittee teams to research and plan subcomponents of APPR • Shared draft of plan with edits over several meetings - final meeting to submit plan to SED, sign Memorandum of Agreement for pilot of plan, and SED certification form on July 3, 2012

  14. Teacher APPR Highlights: • Based upon the premise of evaluation as a collaborative process in which teacher and evaluator engage in a professional conversation and focused professional development - teachers are participants in, and not recipients of, their own evaluations • Agreed upon use of the NYSUT rubric

  15. Teacher APPR continued Highlights: • Incorporates the NYS Teaching Standards • Lays out a plan for orientation, training and professional development for all; teachers and evaluators on each component of the APPR

  16. Teacher Evaluation Process Goal Setting with evaluator Two observations; one announced, one unannounced and five informal walk-throughs Five annual meetings between teacher and evaluator, including a mid-year check-in meeting and end of the year summary meeting Use of Running Record form to record ratings and evidence of performance Use HEDI ratings from agreed upon conversion charts and assessment measures

  17. Teacher Evaluation Process Continued Includes annual year-long plan for continuous professional development Teacher Improvement Plan outlined Continuous Improvement Plan outlined Appeals process outlined that includes a appeal panel of teachers and administrators Quality review team trained by NYSUT Educator’s Academy-assisting along the way

  18. Process- Principal APPR Met initially with leadership team of GASA to co-plan a series of meetings to research, plan, negotiate, and write draft of new APPR Reviewed ISLLC Standards for Principals with entire GASA membership Met from January- July 2012 a total of eight times, submitted plan on July 10, 2012

  19. Process-Principal APPR continued • Shared draft of plan with edits over several meetings- final meeting to submit plan to SED, sign Memorandum of Agreement for pilot of plan, and SED certification form on July 10, 2012 • Principal APPR: -20 points for State assessment score or SLO -20 points for Local measures -60 points for observations/rubric

  20. Principal APPR Highlights: • Agreed upon use of the Robert Marzano rubric from SED approved list which is based on domains associated with the ISLCC Standards • Lays out a plan for orientation, training and professional development for evaluators on each component of the APPR

  21. Principal APPR Highlights: • Goal Setting • Minimum of three school visits (*set up with Teaching and Learning teams) • Mid year check-in and end of year evaluation meeting • Use Marzano rubric for all 60 points and conversion chart for HEDI rating • Principal Improvement Plan • Appeals process- still under negotiation

  22. Teaching and Learning Teams Up to 12x/year Up to 8x/year Up to 4x/year

  23. Superintendent and Assistant Superintendents Evaluate Principals on implementation and monitoring work towards increased student achievement

  24. Current State Submitted Teacher and Principal APPRs to SED on July 10, 2012 Awaiting feedback from SED- indicates 6-8 weeks Revisions to be made with feedback and resubmitted Both MOAs include the idea of ratification to be determined by bargaining unit members (still in discussions) GASA MOA still in negotiations for Appeals Training incorporated into annual Professional Development calendar

  25. Resources • www.nysut.org TED is a link on the right side of the webpage • www.engageny.org • www.aft.org • www.uft.org • GCSD webpage/BOE presentations • Articles and materials in binder in section under APPR

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