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The CCSSE -Texas Small Colleges Consortium: Working Together to Improve Student Success

The CCSSE -Texas Small Colleges Consortium: Working Together to Improve Student Success. What is CCSSE ?. The CCSSE survey:

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The CCSSE -Texas Small Colleges Consortium: Working Together to Improve Student Success

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  1. The CCSSE-Texas Small Colleges Consortium: Working Together to Improve Student Success

  2. What is CCSSE? • The CCSSE survey: • is administered directly to community college students during class sessions; asks questions about institutional practices and student behaviors that are highly correlated with student learning and retention; and uses a sampling methodology that is consistent across all participating colleges. Community College Survey of Student Engagement

  3. Background about CCSSE • Completed 5th national administration • 700,000 students • 548 community colleges • 48 states, British Columbia, Marshall Islands Community College Survey of Student Engagement

  4. CCSSE in Texas • 59 (82% of) Texas community and technical colleges have participated in CCSSE (2002- 2008) • 48 of those colleges have participated more than once Community College Survey of Student Engagement

  5. The CCSSE-Texas Small Colleges Consortium • For four years, The Houston Endowment Inc. has funded the Texas Small Colleges Consortium, a project that has supported two years of participation for 29 Texas community colleges in the Community College Survey of Student Engagement (CCSSE) Community College Survey of Student Engagement

  6. Angelina College Brazosport College Cedar Valley College Clarendon College Coastal Bend College College of the Mainland El Centro College Frank Phillips College Galveston College Grayson County College Howard College Kilgore College Lamar Institute of Technology Lamar State College – Orange Navarro College Northeast Texas Community College Panola College Paris Junior College Ranger College Southwest Texas Junior College Temple College Texas State Technical College Harlingen Texas State Technical College Marshall Texas State Technical College Waco Texas State Technical College West Texas The Victoria College Trinity Valley College Vernon College Western Texas College The Colleges Community College Survey of Student Engagement

  7. Continued Work • Under a new grant from the Houston Endowment Inc., colleges will receive a 50% grant-funded subsidy for their continued participation in CCSSE 2008 and 2010 or CCSSE 2009 and 2011 survey administrations. Community College Survey of Student Engagement

  8. Using CCSSE Results for Improvement

  9. Trinity Valley Community College (TVCC) Texas Association for Institutional Research (TAIR)Galveston ConferenceFebruary 5, 2008 Presented by Tina Rummel Director of Institutional ResearchTrinity Valley Community College

  10. About TVCC • TVCC has campus locations in Athens, Terrell, Kaufman and Palestine. The college has grown to an enrollment of more than 5,800 students.  • TVCC’s mission statement is a learning-centered college that provides quality academic, workforce, and community service programs to meet the educational needs of our students and the citizens of our service area. • TVCC has been reaffirmed by the Southern Association of College and Schools as of June, 2007 with no additional follow-up.

  11. History of TVCC & CCSSE • TVCC was selected to participate in the Texas Small Texas College Consortium which was supported by the Houston Endowment for 2005 and 2007 and feel very honored to have had that opportunity. • TVCC ‘s commitment to the results and findings of CCSSE in 2005 and 2007 has motivated us to continue participation in 2009 and 2011. Partial funding has been made possible through the (CCSSE) Texas Small College’s Partnership. (Continued on next slide)

  12. The History (continued) • Trinity Valley Community College administered CCSSE to over 700 students in the spring of both 2005 and 2007. • The results of the survey from 2005 revealed that 90% of the community colleges that participated in CCSSE performed better than TVCC in four of the five student engagement benchmark areas. • In 2005, faculty and administration were very alarmed and concerned by the results that TVCC received. • Since that time, TVCC has been working diligently to improve the level of engagement with our students.

  13. TVCC’s QUALITY ENHANCEMENT PLAN(QEP) TVCC’s QEP became known as the Learning Initiative (LI). • The LI focuses on increasing students’ ability to read and write in crucial learning experiences by enhancing student engagement. • TVCC continues to incorporate student engagement initiatives into the LI, which was prompted by 2005 CCSSE results.  • A number of activities under the leadership of the LI have been developed since the alarming results of the 2005 CCSSE. • The college is in its third year of the project and has a number of pilot programs in place.

  14. LI Projects Trinity Valley Community College’s Quality Enhancement Plan Report, Engaged Learning: Pathways to Success, identifies four projects to be implemented as a part of the QEP. • An Open Learning Lab • The Learning Academy • Discipline-Specific Reading Tests • Student Networking Groups

  15. Open Learning Lab A central part of the LI planning is to provide a free lab where students can receive professional tutoring and computer-assisted learning. • The labs are designed to provide additional tutorial help to students who have difficulty with learning as well as a place to check email, work on distance education classes, and have a relaxing place to call home. • The Terrell and Palestine campuses have joined the Athens campus in efforts to create permanent open Learning Labs at their facilities. • Many faculty at the respective campuses have volunteered an hour of their office time to the lab, which has increased multi-campus awareness and involvement. • The Learning Lab on the Athens campus has been relocated to a larger space on the 3rd floor in the newly opened Baugh Technology Center. • A full-time coordinator has been hired effective Spring 2008. • The LI office will track student and faculty involvement in the Open Learning Lab as a part of a LI Annual Report.

  16. Learning Academy The Learning Academy is a professional development program for faculty and staff designed to shift the emphasis from teaching to learning. • The idea is that a significant portion of our faculty and staff will become graduates of the Learning Academy, thus creating a culture where fellow colleagues can openly talk about teaching and learning. • A class of the Learning Academy is targeted to include 10 to 15 faculty or staff members a year. • The learning academy’s popularity has generated a sophomore class as well as a freshman class of faculty and staff. • On the next slide, these are the key elements that have come out of the Learning Academy. (Continued on next slide)

  17. Key Elements of the Learning Academy • Classroom Assessment Techniques – Participants suggest at least two new classroom assessment techniques for the group. • Instructional Design Technique Effectiveness – Participants document their own learning about learning as a result of the reengineered learning experience. • Project Portfolio -- Participants complete a project portfolio designed to be at the conclusion of their entire learning experience for the Learning Academy. This portfolio includes documentation of the completion of the stated learning outcomes identified above. Due by July 15th following the spring term of class participation, the portfolio takes numerous forms, including a paper copy, an interactive web portfolio, a video portfolio, or a combination of the above. • Learning Day – Participants document their progress toward these outcomes by providing evidence of such growth in their Project Portfolio and by presenting the results of their attempts to apply these concepts in their courses. These are to be shared with the entire campus during the Learning Day in the following fall semester. Learning Day has been officially added to the TVCC Calendar each fall semester. All classes are dismissed for the day for an intensive in-house opportunity for professional development.

  18. Discipline-Specific Reading Tests • As a result of the data collected by the administration of the Pre-TASP (tests 01 and 02) in fall 2005, the LI Council decided to explore the idea of developing Discipline-Specific Reading Tests. • The concept came at both the recommendation of the director of the Texas Assessing Student Learning Project as well as out of a need to respond to faculty demands to have information on reading which was practical and useful. • In the case of the Pre-TASP test, none of the testing material was specific to particular disciplines. • A major pilot for the fall 2006 semester was built around the concept of Discipline-Specific Reading Tests. A series of ready-to-use tests were developed around textbook readings taken from U.S. History, Speech, General Psychology, Fundamentals of Nursing and Human Anatomy & Physiology. Students were asked to read a section of each textbook and respond to questions specific to that reading. • Tests were created in each of these courses to measure the reading skills of the students enrolled. • Student results on those assessments were immediately available so faculty could quickly recommend remediation, if needed. • Post-tests were developed and administered to measure any reading gains. • The tests have been put online using WebCT and we are in full swing with this process and making improvements as we go.

  19. Student Networking Groups This concept was to teach and train faculty in new group or team techniques and allow them to experiment before attempting to make major changes in course design. • With Student Networking Groups, faculty would structure their classes to divide into working groups that would function to foster student to student interaction. • Teaching methods would encourage active and collaborative learning between students while concurrently encouraging students to take responsibility for their learning.

  20. TVCC’s Commitment to CCSSE TVCC’s goal is to improve 10 deciles in 2009 and 10 deciles in 2011 on the CCSSE Benchmark comparisons. Although the journey to be reaffirmed has ended for now, the goal of increased engagement will remain a focus for TVCC as we move into the future. Thank you for taking the time to listen today, I hope that you have enjoyed the presentation.

  21. Any Questions!!

  22. How Do I Find Out More? • Tina Rummel • Director of Institutional Research, • Trinity Valley Community College • 100 Cardinal Drive • Athens, Texas 75751 • (903) 675-6282 • trummel@tvcc.edu • www.tvcc.edu/institutionalresearch

  23. Lamar Institute of Technology’sPASS ProgramPartnership in Achieving Student Success Texas Association for Institutional Research Galveston Conference February 5, 2008 Presented by Mr. David Mosley, Director Institutional Research & Planning, SACS Accreditation Liaison

  24. Overview • SACS Accreditation • Quality Enhancement Plan • Identification of a QEP topic • LIT’s PASS Program • College Success Skills Course • Quality Academic Advising • Assessment Results • Community College Survey of Student Engagement (CCSSE) • WorkKeys Listening, Reading for Information, and Writing Tests • Retention Data

  25. SACS Accreditation Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP) • Principles of Accreditation: Foundations for Quality Enhancement: • Core Requirement 2.12 “requires an institution to develop an acceptable Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP) and show that the plan is part of an ongoing planning and evaluation process. Engaging the wider academic community, the QEP is based upon a comprehensive and thorough analysis of the effectiveness of the learning environment for supporting student learning and accomplishing the mission of the institution. It is used to outline a course of action for institutional improvement by addressing one or more issues that contribute to institutional quality, with special attention to student learning*.” • * SACS Visiting Committees expect Multiple Direct Measures of Student Learning!

  26. Empirical Data (THECB)Retention Rates Full time FTIC students who did not receive remediation in the Fall and who returned the following Spring SI = Similar Institutions

  27. What Do the Numbers Mean? Statewide LIT

  28. Establishing a Focus…. • Review of relevant research • LIT Strategic Plan • Empirical data (Data Resources for Institutional Effectiveness) • Educational consultant (Noel Levitz) • Faculty Assessment Survey • Campus-wide Focus Groups • Office of Student Services data

  29. Faculty Assessment Survey • 30% of faculty indicated that 6 or more students were unsuccessful in courses they taught

  30. What Would Help?

  31. Valid Percents

  32. Partnership in Achieving Student Success (PASS Program) • Mission • The PASS program seeks to improve the quality of student life and learning through improvements, enhancements, or additions to the institution’s educational programs and services. (STUDENT ENGAGEMENT) • Goal • Design and implement a College Success Skills Course to improve the quality of student life and learning • Provide quality academic advisement for students • Provide professional and paraprofessional training to support PASS initiatives • Student Learning Assessment Measures • Academic Advisement Survey administered to all First-Time LIT students and to all graduating students. • Community College Survey of Student Engagement (CCSSE) initially administered Spring 2004 (Pre-QEP) and subsequently every two years. • ACT’s WorkKeys™ Listening, Reading for Information, and Writing tests administered in the College Success Skills Course

  33. Assessing the PASS Program • Principal measures • Pre-test and Post-test (WorkKeys™) • Community College Survey of Student Engagement (CCSSE) • Academic Advising Pre-test and Post-test • Other measures • Supplemental Evaluations • Retention data • Future measures • Survey of Entering Student Engagement (LIT to participate in Fall 2008) www.enteringstudent.org

  34. WorkKeys™ Data

  35. * - Texas Peer Group consists of Clarendon College, Coastal Bend College, Navarro College, Panola College, Texas State Technical College Marshall/Waco/West Texas, The Victoria College, and Western Texas College.

  36. CCSSE Retention Index Comparison LIT vs. Texas Peer Group* • 2004 LIT Retention Index = 151.96 • 2006 LIT Retention Index = 161.70 (a gain of 9.74 points or +6.4%) • 2004 Texas Peer Group* Retention Index = 158.60 • 2006 Texas Peer Group** Retention Index = 159.20 • (LIT's 2006 gain over the Peer Group = 2.5 points or +1.6%) • *Texas Peer Group: • Clarendon College, Coastal Bend College, Navarro College, Panola College, Texas State Technical College Marshall/Waco/West Texas, The Victoria College, and Western Texas College

  37. Active & Collaborative LearningBenchmark • In your experiences at this college during the current school year, about how often have you done each of the following? Asked questions in class or contributed to class discussions: • Made a class presentation. • Worked with other students on projects during class* (Effect Size=0.24) • Worked with classmates outside of class to prepare class assignments. • Tutored or taught other students (paid or voluntary) • Participated in a community-based project as part of a regular course • Discussed ideas from your readings or classes with others outside of class (students, family members, co-workers, etc.) * - Statistically significant CCSSE Survey Item(s) with positive “Effect Size”

  38. Student-Faculty InteractionBenchmark • In your experiences at this college during the current school year, about how often have you done each of the following: • Used email to communicate with an instructor.** (Effect Size: -0.29) • Discussed grades or assignments with an instructor. • Talked about career plans with an instructor or advisor* (Effect Size=0.44) • Discussed ideas from your readings or classes with instructors outside of class. • Received prompt feedback (written or oral) from instructors on your performance. • Worked with instructors on activities other than coursework* (Effect Size=0.25) ** - Statistically significant CCSSE Survey Item(s) with negative “Effect Size” * - Statistically significant CCSSE Survey Item(s) with positive “Effect Size”

  39. Support for Learners Benchmark • How much does this college emphasize each of the following: • Providing the support you need to help you succeed at this college. • Encouraging contact among students from different economic, social, and racial or ethnic background. • Helping you cope with your non-academic responsibilities (work, family, etc.)* (Effect Size=0.20) • Providing the support you need to thrive socially. (Effect Size=0.24) • Providing the financial support you need to afford your education. • Indicate how often you use the following services: • Academic advising/planning. (Effect Size=0.33) • Career counseling(Eff. Size=0.21) * - Statistically significant CCSSE Survey Item(s) with positive “Effect Size”

  40. Thank you. For more information: David Mosley, Coordinator Institutional Research & Planning SACS Accreditation Liaison Lamar Institute of Technology PO Box 10043 Beaumont, Texas 77710 409.880.2207, David.Mosley@lit.edu

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