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Vol 2 no 2 Juli – Desember 2011

Vol 2 no 2 Juli – Desember 2011. C O N T E N T S The amount of Streptococcus mutans colony on the plate surface of removable orthodontic appliances Etiology of crossbite at Rumah Sakit Gigi dan Mulut Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Airlangga

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Vol 2 no 2 Juli – Desember 2011

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  1. Vol 2 no 2 Juli – Desember 2011 C O N T E N T S The amount of Streptococcus mutans colony on the plate surface of removable orthodontic appliances Etiology of crossbite at RumahSakitGigidanMulutFakultasKedokteranGigiUniversitasAirlangga Prevalence of class I Angle malocclusion with anterior crossbite at RSGM-P FKG Unair 2007–2010 The use of Aloe vera toothpaste on Candida albicans’ colony on removable orthodontic appliance wearers Severity of malocclusion using Handicapping Malocclusion Assessment Record at students of SMPN 1 PaciranLamongan The difference between self-etch and phosphoric acid 37% effect on enamel surface Secondary alveolar bone grafting in supporting orthodontic treatment for cleft lip and palate patients Effectivity of piper betle and punicagranatum combination infusion in inhibiting the growth of Candida albicans in removable orthodontic user Malocclusion pattern of Banjarese at Public Junior High School 15 Banjarmasin

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