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Business plan

Business plan. Jenny Noora Anniina Riina. Green Baby GmbH. Business idea. Main idea:

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Business plan

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  1. Business plan JennyNoora AnniinaRiina

  2. Green Baby GmbH

  3. Business idea • Main idea: • Our firm sells environment friendly clothes for babies and children aged 0-4. Its important to us that our clothes are produced without any child labour force. All our clothes are asthma and allergic friendly. We have clothes for premature babies too. All clothes are high quality and they can stand usage. We sell also children equipments, which are safe and asthma and allergic friendly. We are co-operating with allergy and asthma association, so we get much good image. Allergy and asthma association also gives us funding. • Sub ideas: • Product presentations in baby showers. • Custom made clothes.

  4. Location aspect • Münster Nordrhein-Westfalen • Population: 272 000 inhabitants • Language: german, some people speak english • Rent: 1500 € per month (87m² in the centrum) • Infrastructure: public transport is very good and many german has bus cards. Its also easy to move by feet and by bike. • Next big citys: Köln (c. 150 km and c. 1 million inhabitants) Düsseldorf (c. 130 km c. 580 000 inhabitants) • Target group: wealthy parents and grandparents of 0-4 years old children and also tourists. • Competition: children equipments are sold by 4 shops in Münster and baby clothes are sold by 16 shops. In some of the clothes shop they also sell children equipments. Near our shop (1km) are located 3 clothes shops and 1 shop for equipments.

  5. Location aspect Our firm is located in Windthorststraße, 48143 Münster

  6. Personal aspect • We are three students of business and administration and one student of construction building. • Every employer can speak good english and we all are learning german. Then we can advise our customers better. • Two of us has experience of working in a clothes shop • Business and administration students know how to start firm and know about entrepreneurship. We also know much about marketing, customer service and financial. • All of us are very social and we can deal with all sorts of people. We know each other well and thats why our working is fluent.

  7. Personal aspect • In our firm • Anniina takes care of accounting and billing • Riina takes care of decoration and furniture • Noora takes care of marketing and customer service • Jenny takes care of marketing and customer service

  8. Law Aspect • We have chosen our firm to be GmbH, because we have four owners. Also if the firm goes down we are not responsible with our own money. • Because we choose GmbH we need 25 000 € to start up the firm • We need to do contract, where you can find who is responsible of what. Contracts parties are established company and owners. • We need to register to Handelsregister and Chamber of industrial. • Firm needs to register to tax office.

  9. Financial aspect • START UP MONEY • Start up money (GmbH) 25 000 € • Clothes and equipments 11 400 € • Furniture and decoration 2 000 € • Cash register 600 € • Marketing 1 000 € • Total 40 000 € • FOR START WE HAVE.. • Loan (ERP-Kapital für Gründung) 15 000€ • Funding(Asthma and allergic association) 5 000€ • Own savings 20 000€ • = 40 000 €

  10. Financial aspect • INCOME/month • SALES • - Clothes and children equipments 12 690 € • - Custom made clothes 5 000 € • - Presentations at baby showers 525 € • TOTAL 18 215 €

  11. Financial aspect • COSTS / MONTH • Insurances 170 € (2040€ / year) • Rent 1 500 € • Water inc. In the rent • Electric inc. In the rent • Wages 9 000 € • Marketing 1 000 € • Clothes and equipments 4 000 € • TOTAL 15 670 €

  12. Financial aspect • Profit / month • Income 18 215 € • Costs 15 670 € • Profit 2 545 €

  13. Swot analysis

  14. marketing • We have stylish store windows which tempt customers to come our shop. • We also have signs, which lead to our shop. • Marketing in local newspapers and baby magazines • Taking part on children exhibitions • Self marketing • Social media (Facebook) • Co-operation with Allergy and asthma association, commercial in television

  15. Thank you Danke schön

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