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grammar. The enthusiastic teacher ran quickly across the busy playground . He ran over it. Where are the nouns? What is their job? Where are the adjectives? What is their job? Where is the verb? What is its job? Where is the adverb? What is its job?

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Presentation Transcript

  1. grammar

  2. The enthusiastic teacherran quicklyacrossthe busy playground.Heranover it. • Where are the nouns? What is their job? • Where are the adjectives? What is their job? • Where is the verb? What is its job? • Where is the adverb? What is its job? • Where are the pronouns? What is their job? • Where are the prepositions? What are their job? • What is the ‘the’?

  3. A question on a YEAR 2 paper

  4. What are these words? • brave • cheering • water The cheering crowd honoured the brave. He went to water the plants.

  5. The nervous, worried, frightened postman walked up the path while the bad-tempered, cross, vicious dog growled angrily. The postman inched his way up the path while the bad-tempered poodle growled a warning.

  6. What are determiners? Determiners are… For example…

  7. Determiners • I saw his dog eat six sandwiches. • I saw your dog eat several sandwiches. • Thatdog ate those sandwiches. • Somedogs like eating a few sandwiches. • I like this dog better than thatone.

  8. What’s the difference? • The man saw the dog at the end of the road. • The man saw a dog at the end of the road.

  9. What is an adverb? • Adverbs answer one of these questions: How?When?Where? • They qualify/add to VERBS

  10. Adverbs on the move curiously The meerkat stared while the jackal pawed the sandy ground. Try the adverb in different positions. What difference does it make? What effect does it create?

  11. Noun Phrases the meerkat on the sand dune a mischievous meerkat some meerkats this meerkat his meerkat a meerkat from the Kalahari desert a meerkat with sharp eyes

  12. Noun Phrases

  13. A or An? Spider made an web. It took a hour. I ate a egg for breakfast. The cat climbed a wall. Joe wore a orange t-shirt. A unicorn moved through the trees. Can you fly like an eagle? Sam made a igloo from snow.

  14. Conjunctions Co-ordinating Subordinating What is the difference between a subordinating and coordinating conjunction?

  15. Coordinating Conjunctions • Coordination givesequal attentiontotwomain clauses. • The dog ate MrMathiesons’sfavourite tie and the cat rubbed white hair on his black suit. Both clausescouldstandalone. Whenjoinedwith and, they getequal attention.

  16. Compound sentences Jack climbed the beanstalk. and but so

  17. Subordinating Conjunctions • Subordination givesless attentiontooneidea so that the other is more important. • Mr Mathieson was late for his retirement party because he had to clean his suit. • Becausehe had to clean his suit, Mr Mathieson was late for his retirement party.

  18. Complex sentences Jack climbed the beanstalk. because when before after

  19. Subordinate Clauses

  20. The Subjunctive Mood • If I were Prime Minister… • If he were Prime Minister… • If she were Prime Minster… • If you were Prime Minister… • If Mr Mathieson were to be Prime Minister…

  21. Grammar Quiz!

  22. Question 1: What type of word is underlined in the sentence below: Poppy held the baby rabbit gently in her arms. Bonus point: Re-write the sentence with the adverb in a different place!

  23. Question 2: • Complete the sentence using either a or an. When Sally unwrapped her present she saw that it was … ukulele.

  24. Question 3:

  25. Question 4: • Complete this sentence using a SUBORDINATING conjunction. The lion roared

  26. Question 5 What are the TWO determiners in this sentence? The man ran quickly to escape two angry dogs.

  27. Question 6: • Put inverted commas in the sentence below to make it correct: Grammar is easy, said the teacher, you should be getting full marks.

  28. Question 7:

  29. Question 8:

  30. Question 9:

  31. Question 10: • Complete this sentence using the SUBJUNCTIVE: If I ……. Prime Minister, I would…

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