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MONARDA DIDYMA ‘CRANBERRY LACE’. Key Features: Unique compact habit Blooms from first year cutting Unique color Almost mildew resistant Spicy fragrance : attractive to butterflies Easy to produce from topcuttings EU AF, USPPAF, CPBRAF HYBRIDISER: HERBERT OUDSHOORN.

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  1. MONARDA DIDYMA ‘CRANBERRY LACE’ Key Features: Unique compact habit Bloomsfromfirstyearcutting Unique color Almostmildewresistant Spicyfragrance: attractive to butterflies Easy to producefromtopcuttings EU AF, USPPAF, CPBRAF HYBRIDISER: HERBERT OUDSHOORN

  2. 2. MONARDA DIDYMA ‘PINK LACE’ Key Features: Unique flower color Flowersfromfirstyearcuttings Almostmildewresistant Attractive veins on the leaves Spicyfragant: attractive to butterflies Easy to producefromtopcuttings EU20650, USPP18.367, CPBR AF HYBRIDISER: HERBERT OUDSHOORN

  3. 3. SEDUM HYBRIDE ‘XENOX’ Key Features: Upright and compact plant habit Freelybasalbranchinghabit Relatively short peduncles Pink coloredflowerswhichdarken as theymature Alreadysaleablebecause of the purpleleavesthatperfomwell EU 17822, USPP16888, CPBR 3451 HYBRIDISER: HERBERT OUDSHOORN

  4. 4. SEDUM HYBRIDE ‘YELLOW XENOX’ Key Features: Upright and compact plant habit Basally branching habit: dense and bushy growt habit Attractive light yellow green colored flowers Good garden performance Hybridised from the Xenox serie EUAF, USPPAF, CPBRAF HYBRIDISER: HERBERT OUDSHOORN

  5. 5. SEDUM HYBRIDE ‘RAINBOW XENOX’ KeyFeatues: Upright plant habit Sturdy and strong branches Attractivegreyedpurplecolored leaves Good garden performance The range in flowercolors is realylike a rainbow. Fromoff white to red. Comes from the Xenox serie EUAF, USPPAF, CPBRAF HYBRIDISER: HERBERT OUDSHOORN

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