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Grace Bible Church Glorifying God by Making Disciples of Jesus Christ

Grace Bible Church Glorifying God by Making Disciples of Jesus Christ. For PDF class notes, go to https://gracebibleny.org/old-testament-survey. Isaiah. Author: Isaiah Date: c. 740-680 B.C.

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Grace Bible Church Glorifying God by Making Disciples of Jesus Christ

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  1. Grace Bible ChurchGlorifying God by Making Disciples of Jesus Christ For PDF class notes, go to https://gracebibleny.org/old-testament-survey

  2. Isaiah Author: Isaiah Date: c. 740-680 B.C. Time Period: End of Uzziah’s reign through Hezekiah (Tradition – died by being sawn in two during Manasseh’s reign) Theme: Salvation: Judgment & Hope - God's punishment of the wicked, preservation of the godly, and promised salvation through Messiah.

  3. ISAIAH I. Prophecies of Judgment (1-35) Condemnation A. Prophecies against Judah (1-12) B. Prophecies against Other Nations (13-23) C. Prophecies of the Day of the LORD (24-27) D. Prophecies of Judgment & Blessing (28-35) II. Historical Parenthesis (36-39)

  4. ISAIAH III. Prophecies of Hope (40-66) [Consolation] A. Prophecies of Israel's deliverance (40-48) B. Prophecies of Israel's deliverer (49-57) C. Prophecies of Israel's destiny (58-66)

  5. ISAIAH Isaiah 1-35 details the sin of Judah in and eleven of the surrounding nations and pronounces God’s judgment upon them. Isaiah 36-39 details the historical Assyrian invasion of Judah in 701 B.C. and anticipates the coming Babylonian invasion of Judah. Isaiah 40-66 details God’s promises of hope and restoration to Judah in the future

  6. ISAIAH Prophecies in Isaiah: There are extensive prophecies of both the First and Second Advents of Messiah N.T. Quotations: Isaiah is referenced by name 21 times, and Isaiah 53 alone is referenced at least 85 times Salvation: A central theme. The word occurs 26 times (only 7 times in all other prophecies)

  7. Isaiah 52:13-53:12 focuses on salvation in Messiah and it parallels the sacrificial system: 52:13-15 - His wholehearted sacrifice (burnt offering); 53:1-3 - His perfect character (meal offering); 53:4-6 - His atonement bringing peace with God (peace offering); 53:7-9 - His payment for transgressions (sin offering); 53:10-12 - His death for the effects of sin (trespass offering).

  8. I. Prophecies of Judgment (1-35)Isaiah 1-35 - Condemnation A. Prophecies against Judah (1-12) 1. Judgment of Judah (1) Mercy - vs 9 Reasons for Judgment - vs. 13-17, 21-23 Call to Repentance - vs. 18 2. The Day of the Lord (2-4) In the last days - vs. 2:2 A day of reckoning - vs. 2:12 Reasons: 2:6, 7; 3:8, 16 Second Advent- 4:2

  9. A. Prophecies Against Judah Isaiah 1-12 3. The Parable of the Vineyard (5) Vineyard planted and cared for - but worthless and so destroyed. Reasons: vs. 7, 12, Woes: 18-22 4. The Commission of Isaiah (6) Vision of heaven - vs. 1-7 Commission - 8f

  10. A. Prophecies Against Judah Isaiah 1-12 5. The Destruction of Israel by Assyria (7:1-10:4) a. The Sign of Immanuel (7) Prophecy with double fulfillment: Historical: Isaiah 8; 2 Kings 16-17 First Advent: Matthew 1:23 b. The Sign of Maher-Shalal-Hash-Baz (8) c. Prophecy of Messiah’s Birth (9:1-7) d. Judgment of Ephraim (9:8-10:4) Reasons: vs. 9:9, 13-15; 10:1-2

  11. A. Prophecies Against Judah Isaiah 1-12 6. The Destruction of Assyria by God (10:5-12:6) a. Judgment of Assyria (10:5-19) Used as God’s rod of anger (vs. 5), punished for their pride (vs. 12) b. Israel’s Remnant Returns (10:20-34) c. Righteous Reign of the Messiah (11) First Advent: vs. 1 Second Advent: vs. 2-10 d. Thanksgiving (12)

  12. B. Prophecies Against Other NationsIsaiah 13-23 The Oracle about Babylon (13:1-14:23) Lucifer (star of the morning) 14:12-14 2. Prophecies Against Assyria (14:24-27) 3. Prophecies Against Philistia (14:28-32) 4. The Oracle about Moab (15-16) Mercy to Moab - 16:4. Israel to be a place of refuge 5. The Oracle about Damascus (17) 6. Prophecies Against Ethiopia (18)

  13. B. Prophecies Against Other NationsIsaiah 13-23 7. The Oracle about Egypt (19 & 20) Mercy to Egypt- 19:19-22. They will know the Lord - Striking, but healing Ch. 20: Sargon captured Egypt in 711 B.C. 8. The Oracle about the Wilderness of the Sea (21:1-10) 9. The Oracle about Edom (21:11-12)

  14. B. Prophecies Against Other NationsIsaiah 13-23 10. Prophecies Against Arabia (21:13-17) 11. The Oracle about the Valley of Vision (22) Fall of Jerusalem foretold. 12. The Oracle about Tyre (23) A restoration in 70 years foretold

  15. C. Prophecies of the Day of the LordIsaiah 24-27 1. Judgment of the Tribulation (24) Reasons: vs. 5 2. Triumphs of the Kingdom (25-27) a. Israel’s Praise for God’s Favor (25) Future hope, Song of Praise. Second advent to eternity? b. Israel’s Song of Trust in God (26) Trust of God is source of peace - vs. 3 c. Israel’s Deliverance (27) Second advent

  16. D. Prophecies of Judgment & BlessingIsaiah 28-35 A. Woe to Ephraim (28) Vs. 11 - 1 Cor. 14:21. Tongues are a sign of judgment on Israel B. Woe to Ariel (Jerusalem) (29) Reason: vs. 13 C. Woe to Egyptian Alliance (30-31) A rebellious people that refuse to listen (30:9-11), yet offered grace (vs. 18f) Hope in Egypt will fail (31:1)

  17. D. Prophecies of Judgment & BlessingIsaiah 28-35 D. Behold the Coming King (32) Second advent vs. 1-8 E. Woe to the Destroyer (Assyria) (33) F. Woe to the Nations (34) G. The Future of the Redeemed (35)

  18. II Historical ParenthesisIsaiah 36-39 A. Assyria Challenges God (36) B. God Destroys Assyria (37) C. Hezekiah’s Salvation from Sickness (38) D. Hezekiah’s Foolishness Pride (39)

  19. Prophecies of HopeIsaiah 40-66 (Consolation) Prophecies of Israel's deliverance (40-48) 1. Comfort because of God’s Greatness (40-41) Messiah’s forerunner - 40:3-5 2. Comfort because of God’s Servant (42) First Advent - vs. 1-6 3. Comfort because of Israel’s Redemption (43-44) The Lord’s declaration that He alone is God. He alone declares the future 44:6-8 Folly of idolatry - 44:9-20

  20. A. Prophecies of Israel's Deliverance Isaiah 40-48 4. Comfort because of God’s Use of Cyrus (45) God uses even those that do not know Him - vs. 5 The Lord alone is God - all will bow down to Him - 5. Comfort because of Babylon’s Destruction a. Destruction of Babylon’s Idols (46) The Lord’s declaration that He alone is God. He alone controls the future - vs 8-11 b. Lament for Babylon’s (47) c. Declaration of Judah’s Chastening (48) vs. 12-16 - clear declaration of the triune nature of God

  21. B. Prophecies of Israel’s DelivererIsaiah 49-57 1. The Messiah’s Mission (49) 2. The Messiah’s Obedience (50) 3. The Messiah’s Encouragement to Israel (51:1-52:12) 4. The Messiah’s Atonement (52:13-53:12) A Clear description of what Jesus would do Second Advent- 52:13 First Advent - 52:14 Second Advent- 52:15 First Advent - 53:4-12

  22. B. Prophecies of Israel’s DelivererIsaiah 49-57 5. The Messiah’s Promise of Israel’s Restoration (54) 6. The Messiah’s Invitation (55:1-56:8) Salvation is offered for free 55:1-3 Seek the Lord, God’s ways are higher 55:6-11 7. The Messiah’s Rebuke (56:9-57:21) The Lord’s anger will cease, He offers hope to the lowly (57:15-21)

  23. C. Prophecies of Israel's Destiny Isaiah 58-66 A. Blessings of True Worship (58) The fruit / actions of a proper fast - vs. 6-8 B. Israel’s Sins (59) Listed - vs. 3-4, 6-8, 13-15 The Lord intercedes - vs. 16-17, 20-21 C. Zion’s Future Glory (60) Second Advent vs. 1-3 D. Advents of the Messiah (61) First Advent - vs. 1-2 Second Advent vs. 3-4

  24. C. Prophecies of Israel's Destiny Isaiah 58-66 E. Jerusalem’s Future (62) F. God’s Vengeance (63:1-6) G. The Remnant’s Prayer (63:7-64:12) H. The Lord’s Answer to the Remnant (65) Mercy extended - vs. 1-2 Wrath to the unrepentant - vs. 3-7 A future hope - vs. 17-24 (Second advent) I. The Consummation of History (66) Mercy to the humble - vs. 1-2 Judgment on the unrepentant - vs. 3-6 Future restoration - new heavens & new earth - 18f

  25. Grace Bible ChurchGlorifying God by Making Disciples of Jesus Christ

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