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黃金夢今與昔: 華人戲劇在美國的發展

黃金夢今與昔: 華人戲劇在美國的發展. 雷碧瑋 Daphne Lei 加州大學爾灣分校戲劇系.

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黃金夢今與昔: 華人戲劇在美國的發展

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  1. 黃金夢今與昔:華人戲劇在美國的發展 雷碧瑋 Daphne Lei 加州大學爾灣分校戲劇系

  2. Chapter One: Chinese Theatre and the Eternal Frontier in Nineteenth-Century CaliforniaChapter Two: Local, National and International Performance of Barbarians at the Turn of the Twentieth CenturyChapter Three: Rebellion, Revolution and Theatricality in Late-Qing ChinaChapter Four: San Francisco Chinatown, Cantonese Opera and the New MillenniumChapter Five: The Global Consensus in Chinese Opera on Stage and Screen

  3. Alta California (October 16, 1852)

  4. Tung Hong TookHook Took TongTung Hook LongHong Fook Tong 鴻福堂 Hong Hook Tong Tong Hook Tong Hook Took Tong, Hong Took Tong, Hook Tong Hook Tung Hook Tong

  5. 子曰:必也正名乎!研究難題:欠缺當時中文資料名不正(戲劇團體,戲劇種類與演員名字)籠統名稱(Chinese/Oriental/Celestial Theatre)無姓氏(阿某某, A-Sin/A-Ping John Chinaman& China Mary)刻意扭曲中文發音(Kum-see, U-kan, O-look; Chingchong Chinaman)

  6. 評價:正面評價:華麗服裝與特技雜耍負面評價:無法忍受音樂(唱腔,樂器)無法體會中國傳統戲劇美學原始落後(西方寫實主義 vs 東方象徵主義)不同舞台呈現成了【欠缺】:一切以西方劇場為範本(無前後幕,腳燈,佈景,女演員)

  7. Royal China Theatre (From Frank Leslie Illustrated Newspaper, August 24, 1878)

  8. Chinese Theatre on Jackson Street (Royal Chinese Theatre? 1880-1890)

  9. 中國戲劇受排斥之因:違反假造的中國戲劇傳統(Voltaire, Murphy)違反當時西方寫實主義的戲劇理念華人移民對美國國家主義與國家認同的威脅社會:對當地勞工造成威脅(種族歧視,排華政策/Page Law, Chinese Exclusion Act)藝術:對美國戲劇的威脅(負面評論,維護莎翁傳統)反華實為【護美】,定位中國實為定義美國:不願面對解放後之黑奴與新移民加入美國的事實。

  10. Voltaire: L’Orphelin de la Chine (1755)

  11. Arthur Murphy: Orphan of China (1767)

  12. Gertrude Tidball in The First Born

  13. 可接受中國戲劇的方式:時(進入時光隧道:活在過去,如莎士比亞時之戲劇)空(中國城成為永恆的拓荒前線/遊樂場與觀光業 Royal Chinese Theatre-自我東方化)

  14. Dressing-Room of the Royal China Theatre (Frank Leslie Illustrated Newspaper, August 24, 1878

  15. Chinese Theatre, 623 Jackson Street (1905 Postcard)

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