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Deinococcus Radiodurans

Deinococcus Radiodurans. “Strange Berry that Withstands Radiation”. Classification. Clade: Actinomycate- D. radiodurans decomposes organic matter Strain: R1 Shape/Arrangement: Coccus- spherical Four cells stick together, forming a tetrad. Metabolism. eXtremophilic Able to withstand harsh

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Deinococcus Radiodurans

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  1. Deinococcus Radiodurans “Strange Berry that Withstands Radiation”

  2. Classification • Clade: Actinomycate- D. radiodurans decomposes organic matter • Strain: R1 • Shape/Arrangement: Coccus- spherical • Four cells stick together, forming a tetrad

  3. Metabolism eXtremophilic Able to withstand harsh conditions such as cold, vacuum, dehydration and acid climates

  4. Habitat • D. radiodurans natural habitat is not yet know because it has only been discovered recently (1956) and little is known about the bacterium. • Strains of this bacteria have grown from meat, soil and fecal matter.

  5. Adaptations Polyextremophile- able to survive cold, vacuum, dehydration, and acid conditions • It is also resistant to radiation, ultraviolet light, electrophilic agents, desiccation (extreme dryness) and oxidizing It does not form endospores • Aerobic- uses oxygen for energy

  6. Disease-Causing???? This bacteria does not cause disease and little is known about it because it is newly found

  7. Gram-………?? The cell stain is gram - positive but its cell wall is similar to that of a gram - negative bacteria

  8. FUNction and Impact on the Environment • This bacteria has the ability to repair damaged DNA and small fragments from chromosomes by isolating damage segments in a concentrated area. This is because it has additional copies of its genome. • Genes from other bacteria have been inserted into D. radiodurans for environmental clean up. • Certain strains can be used to break down organic chemicals, solvents and heavy metals in radioactive waste sites.

  9. WOOOOOOW!!!!!!!!!!! • The Guinness Book of World Records listed Deinococcus Radiodurans as “the world’s toughest bacterium.” • D. radiodurans is able to withstand blasts of radiation thousands of times the force which will kill a human! • In a laboratory setting a can of meat was exposed to radiation, thought to kill all life forms. The meat unexpectedly spoiled, and onto us, Deinococcus radiodurans was discovered.

  10. Bibliography • http://www.genomenewsnetwork.org/articles/07_02/deinococcus.shtml • http://bioweb.uwlax.edu/bio203/s2008/arnold_meag/Phylogeny.htm • http://nar.oxfordjournals.org/cgi/content/abstract/35/3/839 Angela St. Vrain

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