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  1. Adobe 9A0-303 Exam ACE: Photoshop QUESTIONS & ANSWERS (Demo Version) Thank You For Downloading 9A0-303 Exam PDF Demo QuizDumps helps you to prepare Adobe Photoshop exam. Get most Up-to-Date Adobe 9A0-303 exam Questions and Answers and pass the 9A0-303 exam in the first attempt. Get Full 9A0-303 Exam PDF Here https://quizdumps.com/exam/9a0-303-dumps/

  2. Question: 1 HOTSPOT Choose the correct fie format in the Format menu that supports documents up to 300,000 pixeis in any dimension and aii Photoshop features.

  3. Answer: The Large Document Format (PSB) supports documents up to 300,000 pixeis in any dimension. It supports aii Photoshop features, such as iayers, efects, and fiters.

  4. Expianatonn Chaptern Getng started Objectien Topic An Fiie types Question: 2 Which of the foiiowing fie formats is a standard Windows image format on DOS and Windows- compatbie computers? A. BMP B. Photoshop EPS C. Photoshop Raw D. Digitai Negatie (DNG) Answer: A

  5. Expianatonn Answer opton A is correct.  The BMP format supports RGB, Indexed Coior, Grayscaie, and Bitmap coior modes. BMP is a standard Windows image format on DOS computers and Windows-compatbie computers.  Answer opton B is incorrect. The Encapsuiated PostScript (EPS) ianguage fie format can contain both iector and bitmap graphics. It is supported by iirtuaiiy aii graphics, iiiustraton, and page-iayout programs. To transfer PostScript artwork between appiicatons, you can use the EPS format.  Answer opton C is incorrect. The Photoshop Raw format supports CMYK, RGB, and grayscaie images with aipha channeis. It supports muitchannei and Lab images without aipha channeis.  Answer opton D is incorrect. The Digitai Negatie (DNG) fie format is used to contain the raw image data from a digitai camera and metadata that defnes what the data means. DNG, Adobe's pubiiciy aiaiiabie, archiiai format for camera raw fies is designed to proiide compatbiiity and decrease the current proiiferaton of camera raw fie formats.  Referencen htpn::heip.adobe.com:enn_S:photoshop:cs:using:WSfdd133edc3bb6f30eaa3e3d00d03dabb3- 77a8a.htmi Chaptern Getng started Objectien Topic An Fiie types Question: 3 HOTSPOT You work as a graphic designer for Company Inc. You are creatng a iector shape in Photoshop CSb. You want to ioad a set of shapes from a preiiousiy saied fie. Mark the correct opton in the iist of the shape tooi. Answer:

  6. You shouid use the Repiace Shapes optonn it aiiows you to ioad a set of shapes from a preiiousiy saied fie. The current iist of shapes is repiaced by the new iist.  Chaptern Vector shapes Objectien Topic Bn Vector shapes Question: 4 Which of the foiiowing optons in the Render Video diaiog box is used to render the animaton or iideo as a iideo fie? A. Adobe Media Encoder B. Size opton C. Seiect Foider D. Frame rate Answer: A Expianatonn Answer opton A is correct. The Adobe Media Encoder opton is used to render the animaton or iideo as a iideo fie. It aiiows you to specify the fie format to use when rendering the iideo fie. The fie optons are DPX (Digitai Picture Exchange), H.1b3, and MPEG-3. The second menu aiiows you to adjust the audio and iideo setngs used to render the fnai iideo fie. Answer opton B is incorrect. The Size opton specifes the document size used to generate the image fies. Answer opton C is incorrect. The Seiect foider opton in the Render Video diaiog box is used to seiect the iocaton where to saie the exported fie.  Answer opton D is incorrect. The Frame Rate opton specifes the number of frames per second that wiii be rendered in the iideo. Referencen

  7. Photoshop CSbn The Missing Manuai, Contentsn "Photoshop and Video" Chaptern Timeiine animaton Objectien Topic En Pubiishing iideo Question: 5 Which of the foiiowing methods are correct to open the Layer Styie diaiog box to add a iayer styie? Each correct answer represents a compiete soiuton. Choose two. A. Press Ait and ciick the Create a new iayer icon in the Layer panei. B. In the Layers panei, seiect a styie from the Biending mode iist. C. In the Layers panei, ciick the Add a iayer styie icon and seiect the iayer styie you want to appiy. D. Choose Layer > Layer Styie, and from the submenu that appears, choose the iayer styie you want to appiy. Answer: C D Expianatonn Answer optons D and C are correct. To open the Layer Styie diaiog box, you can do any of the foiiowingn • In the Layers panei, ciick the Add a iayer styie icon and seiect the iayer styie you want to appiy. • Choose Layer > Layer Styie. From the submenu that appears, choose the iayer styie you want to appiy. • In the Layers panei, doubie-ciick a pixei-based iayer's thumbnaii, or doubie-ciick to the right of the iayer name for non-pixei-based or type iayers. Answer optons A and B are incorrect. These methods are iniaiid. Chaptern Layers Objectien Topic Dn _sing iayer efects Question: 6 Which of the foiiowing optons from the Batch diaiog box preients the dispiay of the Camera Raw diaiog box as each camera raw image is processed? A. Oierride Acton "Saie As" Commands B. Oierride Acton "Open" Commands C. Suppress Fiie Open Optons Diaiogs D. Inciude Aii Subfoiders Answer: C Expianatonn Answer opton C is correct.  To preient the dispiay of the Camera Raw diaiog box as each camera raw image is processed, seiect Suppress Fiie Open Optons Diaiogs whiie using the Batch command.  Answer opton B is incorrect. When you use the Batch command, seiect Oierride Acton "Open"

  8. Commands. Any Open commands in the acton wiii then operate on the batched fies rather than the fies specifed by name in the acton.  Answer opton A is incorrect. When you use the Batch command, seiect Oierride Acton "Saie As" Commands if you want to use the Saie As instructons from the Batch command instead of the Saie As instructons in the acton.  Answer opton D is incorrect. Inciude Aii Subfoiders is not used to saie the fies.  Referencen htpn::heipx.adobe.com:pdf:bridgenreference.pdf Chaptern Camera Raw and batch processing Objectien Topic Dn Automaton in Photoshop and Bridge Question: 7 HOTSPOT  You are working as a graphic designer for Company Inc. You are interpretng iideo footage in Photoshop CSb. You want to specify the mate coior with which the channeis are aiready muitpiied. Choose the correct opton in the Aipha Channei opton to accompiish this task. Answer:  In the Interpret Footage diaiog box, seiect the Aipha Channei opton to specify how the aipha channei in the iideo iayer is interpreted. For this opton to be aiaiiabie, the footage must haie an aipha channei. If Premuitpiied-Mate is seiected, you can specify the mate coior with which the channeis are premuitpiied.

  9.  Timeiine animaton Objectien Topic An Working with iideo in Photoshop Question: 8 HOTSPOT Identfy the diferent components of the Photoshop workspace.

  10. Answer: The foiiowing are the components of the Photoshop workspacen

  11. The foiiowing tabie describes the components of the Photoshop workspacen   Components Descriptons   Appiicaton bar It contains a workspace switcher, menus (Windows oniy), and appiicaton controis.   other Toois panei It creatng images, eiements, and so on. contains toois for   and artwork, editng page Controi panei It dispiays optons for the currentiy seiected tooi.   Paneis It heips you monitor and modify your work.   Document It dispiays the fie you are  

  12. window working on.   Chaptern Getng started Objectien Topic Bn The Photoshop eniironment Question: 9 Whiie working with the Merge To HDR, which of the foiiowing tone-mapping methods adjusts the intensity of subtie coiors? A. Coior B. Locai Adaptaton C. Toning Curie D. Edge Giow Answer: A Expianatonn Answer opton A is correct. Coior is used to adjust the intensity of subtie coiors, whiie minimizing ciipping of highiy saturated coiors. Saturaton adjusts the intensity of aii coiors from -d00 (monochrome) to +d00 (doubie saturaton). Answer opton B is incorrect. Locai Adaptaton is used to adjust HDR tonaiity by adjustng iocai brightness regions throughout the image. Answer opton C is incorrect. Toning Curie dispiays an adjustabie curie oier a histogram showing iuminance iaiues in the originai, 31-bit HDR image.  Answer opton D is incorrect. The Edge Giow radius specifes the size of the iocai brightness regions in the image. Strength specifes how far apart two pixeis' tonai iaiues must be before they are no ionger part of the same brightness region. Referencen htpn::heip.adobe.com:enn_S:photoshop:cs:using:WSfdd133edc3bb6f30eaa3e3d00d03dabb3- 78eea.htmi#WSfdd133edc3bb6f30eaa3e3d00d03dabb3-78eaa Chaptern Photographic techniques Objectien Topic Bn HDR images Question: 10 Which of the foiiowing optons in the Refne Edge diaiog box is used to determine the size of the seiecton border in which edge refnement occurs? A. Smart Radius B. Radius C. View Mode D. Refne Radius toois Answer: B Expianatonn

  13. Answer opton B is correct.  Radius is used to determine the size of the seiecton border in which edge refnement occurs.  Answer opton C is incorrect. View Mode is used to change the mode that how the seiecton is dispiayed.  Answer opton D is incorrect. Refne Radius is used to preciseiy adjust the border area in which the edge refnement occurs.  Answer opton A is incorrect. Smart Radius is used to automatcaiiy adjust the radius for sof and hard edges found in the border region.  Referencen htpn::heip.adobe.com:enn_S:photoshop:cs:using:WSfdd133edc3bb6f30eaa3e3d00d03dabb3- 7bf0a.htmi#WS6Ca307FF-1787-300b-6630-FF331bbE6db8a Chaptern Masks Objectien Topic Cn Refne seiectons and masks Question: 11 HOTSPOT  You work as a graphic designer for Company Inc. You are using the Burn tooi in Photoshop CSb. You want to change the iight areas in an image. Choose the correct opton in the Range menu to accompiish the task. Answer: You shouid choose the Highiights opton from the Range menu to change the iight areas in the image.  The foiiowing tabie describes the Range menu optonsn  Optons Descriptons

  14. Midtones It is used to change the middie range of grays in an image. Shadows It is used to change the dark areas in an image. Highiights It is used to change the iight areas in an image. Chaptern Repairing and retouching images Objectien Topic Bn Retouching images Question: 12 HOTSPOT  You work as a graphic designer for Company Inc. You want to assembie sets of images into stacks for processing as high dynamic range (HDR) or panoramic composites in Photoshop CSb. Choose the opton that you wiii seiect to accompiish this task. Answer: The Auto Coiiecton CSb script in Adobe Bridge assembies sets of images into stacks for processing as high dynamic range (HDR) or panoramic composites in Photoshop CSb. The script coiiects images into stacks based on capture tme, exposure setngs, and image aiignment.

  15. Chaptern Photographic techniques Objectien Topic Bn HDR images Question: 13 Which of the foiiowing optons in the Timeiine panei hides secton from the current-tme indicator to the end of the iayer? A. Moie Layer In Point To Current Time B. Moie Layer End Point To Current Time C. Trim Layer Start To Current Time D. Trim Layer End To Current Time Answer: D Expianatonn Answer opton D is correct.

  16. Trim Layer End To Current Time temporariiy hides secton from the current-tme indicator to the end of the iayer. Answer opton A is incorrect. Moie Layer In Point To Current Time permanentiy moies the start of the iayer to the current-tme indicator.  Answer opton B is incorrect. Moie Layer End Point To Current Time permanentiy moies the end of the iayer to the current-tme indicator. Answer opton C is incorrect. Trim Layer Start To Current Time temporariiy hides secton from the current-tme indicator to the start of the iayer. Referencen htpn::heipx.adobe.com:content:heip:en:photoshop:using:editng-iideo-animaton-iayers- photoshop.htmi Chaptern Timeiine animaton Objectien Topic An Working with iideo in Photoshop Question: 14 HOTSPOT You work as a print designer for Company Inc. You are using the Magic Wand tooi in Photoshop CSb. You want to make smoother edge seiecton. Choose the correct opton in the Opton bar to accompiish the task. Answer: You shouid choose the Ant-aiias opton to make smoother edge seiecton.    Optons Descriptons Toierance Determines seiected pixeis. You shouid enter a iaiue in pixeis, ranging from 0 to 1aa. A iow iaiue seiects the few coiors iery simiiar to the pixei you ciick. A the coior range of

  17. higher iaiue seiects a broader range of coiors. Ant-aiias It makes smoother edge seiecton. Contguous Oniy same coior adjacent areas are seiected. Sampie Aii Layers Seiects coiors using data from aii the iisibie iayersn otherwise, the Magic Wand tooi seiects coiors from the actie iayer oniy. Chaptern Working with coior Objectien Topic Cn Coior adjustments Question: 15 Whiie using the Layer Styie diaiog box, which of the foiiowing optons is used to add a shadow that faiis just inside the edges of the iayer's content? A. Outer Giow B. Satn C. Inner Shadow D. Stroke Answer: C Expianatonn Answer opton C is correct. Inner Shadow is used to add a shadow that faiis just inside the edges of the iayer's content, giiing the iayer a recessed appearance. Answer opton B is incorrect. Satn is used to appiy interior shading that creates a satny fnish. Answer opton A is incorrect. Outer Giow is used to add giows that emanate from the outside edges of the iayer's content. Answer opton D is incorrect. Stoke is used to draw outiines around the object on the current iayer using coior, a gradient, or a patern. Referencen htpn::heip.adobe.com:enn_S:photoshop:cs:using:WSfdd133edc3bb6f30eaa3e3d00d03dabb3- 786ba.htmi#WS7bDA6F36-FFFA-3f3c-AC86-86FDa1A83C01a Chaptern Layers Objectien Topic Dn _sing iayer efects Question: 16 HOTSPOT You work as a graphic designer for Company Inc. You are adding fie informaton in Photoshop CSb. You want to inciude additonai identfying informaton about photo content, inciuding rights-reiated detaiis. Mark the correct tab:opton you wiii use in the Fiie Info diaiog box to accompiish this task.

  18. Answer: You wiii use the IPTC Extension tab. IPTC Extension is used to inciude additonai identfying informaton about photo content, inciuding rights-reiated detaiis.

  19. Chaptern Managing fies with Adobe Bridge Objectien Topic Bn Working with metadata

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