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Research Review

Semester 1 2011-2012. Research Review. 1) Who were the researchers?. High serotonin levels cause hallucinations in Buddhist monks. Answer. Kasamatsu and Hirai, 1999. 2) Who were the researchers?.

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Research Review

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  1. Semester 1 2011-2012 Research Review

  2. 1) Who were the researchers? High serotonin levels cause hallucinations in Buddhist monks

  3. Answer Kasamatsu and Hirai, 1999

  4. 2) Who were the researchers? Acetylcholine levels were manipulated in rats to observe the effect on their memory of a maze; those with lower acetylcholine levels had more difficulty remembering the maze

  5. Answer: Martinez and Kesner, 1991

  6. 3) Researcher? After a research on his patient, “Tan,” he discovered an area of the brain related to speech production

  7. Answer: Paul Broca

  8. 4) Researcher? Discovered an area of the brain responsible for speech comprehension

  9. Answer: Carl Wernicke

  10. 5) Researchers? Their research showed a connection between high testosterone levels and antisocial behavior in men

  11. Answer: Dabbs and Morris

  12. 6) Researcher? Famous for work with split-brain patients whose corpus callosum was severed

  13. Answer: Roger Sperry or Michael Gazzinaga

  14. 7) Researchers? Their research showed that rats raised in a stimulating environment showed more brain development than rats in a control group and rats in an impoverished environment

  15. Answer: Rosenzweig and Bennett

  16. 8) Researcher? Developed the concept of “fight or flight” as our natural response to stress

  17. Answer: Walter Cannon

  18. 9) Researcher? Created what is known as the General Adaptation Syndrome which has 3 phases to our physical response to stress

  19. Answer: Hans Selye

  20. 10) Researchers? Created the “Type A” and “Type B” personalities and concluded that “Type A” personalities are more susceptible to coronary heart disease

  21. Answer: Friedman and Rosenman

  22. 11) Researcher? Conducted several studies on identical twins…many of which were separated at birth and then reunited many years later; conclusion was that their similarities were largely due to genetics

  23. Answer: Thomas Bouchard

  24. 12) Researchers? Created a tame breed of foxes showing that a behavioral trait can be passed on from one generation to the next; evidence for the evolutionary perspective

  25. Answer: Belyaev and Trut

  26. 13) Researcher? Showed an evolutionary explanation for the feeling of disgust

  27. Answer: Fessler, 2006

  28. 14) Researcher? Radical Behaviorist who believed behavior only occurs because of learning such as with the process of classical conditioning; known for his conditioning of Little Albert

  29. Answer: John Watson

  30. 15) Researcher? Conditioned dogs to salivate to the sound of a bell

  31. Answer: Ivan Pavlov

  32. 16) Researcher? Created an operant chamber to illustrate the process of operant conditioning; For example, birds were reinforced to peck a button by receiving food

  33. Answer: B.F. Skinner

  34. 17) Researcher? Created the concept of latent learning by showing that rats who roamed a maze without a reinforcer still learned and created a cognitive map of the maze

  35. Answer: E.C. Tolman

  36. 18) Researcher? Showed the idea of insight with his challenges to a chimp named Sultan

  37. Answer: Wolfgang Kohler

  38. 19) Researchers? • Showed the power of schemas in their study involving the items in a house and which items could be remembered from the perspective of a house buyer or burglar

  39. Answer: Anderson and Pichert

  40. 20) Researcher? Showed the power of cultural schemas on our interpretation and memory of a story called, “The War of the Ghosts”

  41. Answer: Frederic Bartlett

  42. 21) Researchers? Created the multistore memory model: sensory memory, STM, and LTM

  43. Answer: Atkinson and Shiffrin

  44. 22) Researcher? In his numerous studies on memory, he created the forgetting curve

  45. Answer: Herman Ebbinghaus

  46. 23) Researcher? Showed the influence of the “spacing effect” on learning and memory

  47. Answer: Harry Bahrick

  48. 24) Researchers? Showed the influence of the serial position effect with immediate and delayed free recall

  49. Answer: Glanzer and Cunitz, 1966

  50. 25) Researchers? Created the theory of “Levels of Processing” in that we encode information differently…sometimes in a shallow manner and other times in a deep manner

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