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Earthquake Catalogs

Earthquake Catalogs. Major Earthquake Catalogs. NEIC PDE (National Earthquake Information Center Preliminary Determination of Epicenters) Global catalog Creates a list of all earthquakes in specific areas Global CMT (Global Centroid Moment Tensor)

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Earthquake Catalogs

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  1. Earthquake Catalogs

  2. Major Earthquake Catalogs • NEIC PDE (National Earthquake Information Center Preliminary Determination of Epicenters) • Global catalog • Creates a list of all earthquakes in specific areas • Global CMT (Global Centroid Moment Tensor) • Specific earthquake information used to calculate focal mechanisms • GNS (Institute of Geologic and Nuclear Science) • Specific earthquake information in New Zealand

  3. How to Access NEIC PDE Catalog • Go to http://www.ncedc.org/cnss/ • Click on “Search the catalog” • Enter dates and/or time into the “Start date, time” and “End date, time” boxes • Enter in a magnitude range in the “Min magnitude” and “Max magnitude” boxes • Enter latitude and longitude range in the given boxes • Click “Submit request” button

  4. How to Access the Global CMT Catalog • Go to http://www.globalcmt.org/ • Scroll down to the section that is titled “Links to CMT resources:” • Click on “CMT catalog web search” link • Enter a starting year, month, and day into the “Starting Date:” table • In the “Ending Date:” table select the first row that has year, month, and day • Enter in an ending year, month, and day in the “Ending Date:” table • Under “Magnitude constraints:” type in a range of magnitudes in the two boxes after the title “Moment Magnitude” • Under “Location constraints:” enter in a range of latitude and longitude in the boxes after the “Latitude:” and “Longitude:” titles • Select Done

  5. How to Access GNS Catalog • Go to http://magma.geonet.org.nz/resources/quakesearch/ • Enter in desired time frame • Enter in desired latitude and longitude range • Enter in desired range of magnitude • Select “Submit”

  6. Uses of Global CMT Catalog Information • Use the Global CMT site for focal mechanisms • The definition of a focal mechanism is: “The direction of slip in an earthquake and the orientation of the fault on which is occurs” (USGS) • Input focal mechanisms into SCEC-VDO format by: • Take information from the CMT search and put it into an excel spreadsheet • Look up information on longitude, latitude, depth, strike, dip, slip and magnitude • The columns on the spreadsheet should be Long, Lat, Depth, Strike, Dip, Slip, Magnitude (in that order) • Save the excel spreadsheet as a textfile

  7. Uses of NEIC PDE and GNS Catalog Information • NEIC PDE used for global earthquake information • GNS used for New Zealand earthquake information • Generate lists of earthquakes in a specific area over a given amount of time • Copy the contents of the list of every earthquake • Paste it into notepad • Save the notepad document as a textfile • Import this text file by using the Earthquake Catalog plugin on SCEC-VDO

  8. Works Cited • Advanced National Seismic System. “ANSS: Composite Earthquake Catalog.” 25 July 2011. Web. 23 Sep. 2010. <http://www.ncedc.org/anss/>. • Larson, Erik. “Global CMT Catalog Search.” 25 July 2011. Web. 26 Sept 2011. <http://www.globalcmt.org/CMTsearch.html>. • GeoNet. Home. 3 Aug 2011. Web. 3 Aug 2011. <http://www.geonet.org.nz/index.html>.

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