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Welcome to Chemistry 7!

Welcome to Chemistry 7!. Sem 1 SY 2014-15 Ateneo de Manila University Department of Chemistry. About Me, About You. About Me, About You. Name How you want to be called How did you experience chemistry today? . Textbook and Materials.

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Welcome to Chemistry 7!

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Welcome to Chemistry 7! Sem 1 SY 2014-15 Ateneo de Manila University Department of Chemistry

  2. About Me, About You

  3. About Me, About You • Name • How you want to be called • How did you experience chemistry today?

  4. Textbook and Materials Principles of General Chemistry. 3rd Edition by Martin Silberberg (McGraw-Hill) A scientific calculator capable of arithmetic, power, and exponential functions.

  5. Requirements & Grading System A≥ 90.5 > B+ ≥ 85.5 > B ≥ 79.5 > C+ ≥ 72.5 > C ≥ 65.5 > D ≥ 59.5 > F If you get a total of 500 points: Final Grade = 500/600 = 83%  B

  6. Tentative Exam Schedule

  7. Class Policies • Arrive to class on time. • Maximum of 9 absences  Grade of W. • Excused absences include serious illness and death in family. Please inform me or the Department before any exams. • Phones and open laptops are not allowed during lectures. • Prepare for class and read assigned chapters before the lecture. • For any concerns, please see me!

  8. Any volunteer for class beadle? • The University decrees that a class representative be appointed. • Tasks: • Disseminate any course information. • Collect class materials. • Report faculty absences. • Find common time (1 hronly) for each block for the recitation/problem-solving class.

  9. Recitation Class Schedule • Section F • Section G

  10. Is Chem 7 A-able? • This depends on how much work you exert during and between classes: • Take down notes during class and while reading the book. • Practice on assigned problems usually found at the end of the chapter. • Study in groups! Make new friends.  • See me for any questions or concerns. • Any questions so far?

  11. For Wednesday: • Submit an index card (3”x5”) • Recent picture • Name • Nickname • Contact Number • Email Address • Expectations from the class

  12. Chapter 1 Keys to the Study of Chemistry 1.1 Some Fundamental Definitions 1.2 The Scientific Approach: Developing a Model 1.3 Chemical Problem Solving 1.4 Measurement in Scientific Study 1.5 Uncertainty in Measurement: Significant Figures  To be covered in lab and recitation class

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