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Cristina Chifor SESI Student Intern 2005 Solar Physics, Code 612 NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center

FE AND FE/NI SPECTRAL LINE COMPLEXES IN RHESSI SOFT X-RAYS. Cristina Chifor SESI Student Intern 2005 Solar Physics, Code 612 NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center Mentors: Dr. Ken Phillips & Dr. Brian Dennis. SOLAR FLARE X-RAYS. 2. Thermal Depends on the random thermal

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Cristina Chifor SESI Student Intern 2005 Solar Physics, Code 612 NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center

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  1. FE AND FE/NI SPECTRAL LINE COMPLEXES IN RHESSI SOFT X-RAYS Cristina Chifor SESI Student Intern 2005 Solar Physics, Code 612 NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center Mentors: Dr. Ken Phillips & Dr. Brian Dennis

  2. SOLAR FLARE X-RAYS 2. Thermal • Depends on the random thermal motion of the heated electrons • Maxwellian distribution of electron velocities 1. Non-Thermal • Synchrotron radiation • Electron kinetic energy higher than average thermal energy of plasma BREMSSTRAHLUNG ELECTRON PROTON PHOTON

  3. REUVEN RAMATY HIGH ENERGY SOLAR SPECTROSCOPIC IMAGER • X-ray/gamma-ray spectrometer : 3 keV – 17 MeV • 9 Ge detectors • ~ 1 keV resolution • Images through modulation collimators (~2 arcsec resolution) • Movable shutters control high photon fluxes

  4. SPECTRAL MODELLING “One spectrum is worth a thousand images”…. A. Dupree. • Thermal component of flare X-rays ( 3 keV -20 keV ) • Physical plasma properties: T, emission measure, elemental abundances etc.

  5. MAIN PROJECT GOAL : Whybother ? • Valuable diagnostic information about emitting plasma (e.g. T dependent) • Can determine the origin of flare plasma (since coronal Fe abundances ~ 4 x photospheric Fe abundances) • Better understand the RHESSI transmission as a function of energy in different attenuator states and the effects of increased count rates Analyze the Fe (~6.7 keV) and Fe/Ni (~8 keV) line complexes in the soft X-ray part of the solar flare spectra from RHESSI.

  6. FLARE SAMPLING Using the Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellites (GOES). • Isothermal approximation OK in the late decay stages • So, hunt for long duration, slowly decaying flares • IDL GUI to make quick plots of monthly GOES data • Any RHESSI data for the selected times (no data gaps, particle precipitation events, SAA) ?

  7. METHOD 1. Count rate spectrum file + response matrix file • 20 - 60 s time bins • 0.3 keV energy bins • 2. Background subtraction • Choose model functions to fit ~ 5 – 15 keV • Fit model to data: • 1 isothermal component + 2 Gaussian lines (1 keV FWHM) centered at ~ 6.7 and 8 keV • Reduce chi-squared 5. Calculate complexes EQW + plot vs. T In total, this summer: > 2000 spectra for > 30 flares

  8. THE BULK OF RESULTS: http://hesperia.gsfc.nasa.gov/hessi/chifor

  9. COMPLICATIONS : MULTI-THERMAL FLARE PLASMAS • Most evident during flare rise, peak, soon after peak. • Each T component in a multi-thermal plasma contribute to the fluxes in the Fe and Fe/Ni complexes To help with DEM analysis, we had guests this summer ! • Dr. Janusz Sylwester (Polish Academy of Sciences) • RESIK (soft X-ray Bragg crystal spectrometer) • DEM – onology • RESIK vs RHESSI cross-calibrations • LiWei Lin (Harvard – Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory) • Pint Of Ale

  10. MORE COMPLICATIONS: INSTRUMENTAL High count rates in RHESSI detectors decrease energy resolution in the soft X-ray range and increase calculated T. • Line complexes difficult to detect. Fitting Gaussians vary in width. • Does this mean that results from lowest count rates (both sets of shutters in ) are most reliable ? • http://hesperia.gsfc.nasa.gov/hessi/chifor/may072002_html/feqw.htm • http://hesperia.gsfc.nasa.gov/hessi/chifor/nov112003_html/nov112003.htm

  11. CONCLUSIONS RHESSI instrumental effects are important (e.g. high count rates decrease energy resolution in the soft X-ray range). Multi – thermal flare plasma calls for DEM techniques. However, ok results where isothermal approximation appropriate. Coronal origin of flare plasma (from calculated Fe abundances). Fe and Fe/Ni EQWs vs. T follow theoretical diagnostic curves. But, there may be a need for improved theoretical atomic calculations. “RHESSI Observations of the Solar Flare Fe and Fe/Ni Lines” : paper to be submitted to the Astrophysical Journal soon.

  12. SPECIAL THANK YOU: Dr. Ken Phillips Dr. Brian Dennis Ana Rosas Merrick Berg CUA International Office


  14. Count rate spectral fit in OSPEX

  15. RHESSI count flux vs. time

  16. Ingredients % by number of atoms % by mass Hydrogen - H 92.0 73.4 Helium - He 7.8 25.0 Oxygen - O 0.06 0.8 Carbon - C 0.03 0.3 Nitrogen - N 0.009 0.1 Neon - Ne 0.008 0.1 Silicon - Si 0.004 0.07 Iron - Fe 0.003 0.2 Magnesium - Mg  0.003 0.07 Sulfur - S 0.002 0.04 Argon - Ar 0.0008 0.032 Aluminum - Al 0.00025 0.007 Calcium - Ca 0.00021 0.008 Sodium - Na 0.00020 0.005 Nickel - Ni 0.00020 0.012 SUN RECIPE

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