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Lawana Partlow and Krista Dobbins

Lawana Partlow and Krista Dobbins. Implementing Literacy Standards & Common Core Shifts for Technical Subjects in an Online Environment. Big Ideas of Common Core. Literacy is EVERYONES job! College and Career Readiness Being prepared for:

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Lawana Partlow and Krista Dobbins

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  1. Lawana Partlow and Krista Dobbins Implementing Literacy Standards & Common Core Shifts for Technical Subjects in an Online Environment

  2. Big Ideas of Common Core • Literacy is EVERYONES job! • College and Career Readiness Being prepared for: • A degree-granting postsecondary education, without remediation • Achosen career, ready for advanced training.

  3. Six Common Core Shifts

  4. So what do they look like in my classroom? • Let’s take a look at the shifts. • What do they mean? • What do they look like in my classroom? • What tools and resources can I use?

  5. Shift 1 Text Complexity • Teach through and with informational text. • Provide more instructional text • MS Level: 40% Literary to 60% Informational Text • HS Level: 30% Literary to 70% Informational Text

  6. Teaching Strategies • Ask thought provoking questions • What were the important facts or information? • Chunk text with questions that follow. • Use Graphic Organizers to help them pull out information

  7. The Learning Network – New York Times

  8. Mashable – cutting edge tech

  9. InfOhio - Resources

  10. Shift 2 Build Knowledge in the Disciplines Students are expected to learn from what they read. • Close Reading • Discovery Learning • Promote Evidence, Proof, and Sources

  11. Teaching Strategies • Provide Study Guides, Guided Notes, Graphic Organizers • Let students choose tools • Ask thought provoking questions • Chunk Text: • Provide Questions • Summarize • Thinking and Writing Prompts

  12. Good Examples Fill out the table below with the pros and cons of ____________.

  13. Bubbl.us – concept map

  14. Bubbl.us – process map

  15. Bubbl.us - web

  16. TED-ED - lessons and video

  17. Shift 3 Staircase of Complexity Provide appropriate and necessary scaffolding and support. • What are YOU doing that STUDENTS could be, should be and would be doing on their own?

  18. Teaching Strategies • Provide several optional organizers – let them choose best • Slower take away options

  19. Sample Organizer

  20. Timetoast - Timelines

  21. Education Place - Organizers

  22. Shift 4 Text Dependent Questions/Answers Students think critically about text • Form their own judgments • Evidence based writing and conversations • Evidence, Proof, and Sources

  23. Teaching Strategies • Ask students to pull from multiple sources • Compare/Contrast • Can you prove ____________ using evidence from multiple resources? • Give me a point from Author A that Author B may disagree with. • Someone who reads this may quickly think __________, but if they really understand or look more closely they would know ___________________.

  24. Additional Strategies • In their writing, have them highlight the proof. • Click and drag • Provide multiple pieces of evidence from the text • Some can be right, some wrong • Prove or disprove it • Rank the evidence • Identify which piece is stronger and why

  25. Scrible.com – Browser Tools

  26. Thinkfinity.org - Resources

  27. Camstudio – screen recorder

  28. Shift 5 Evidence in Writing - Sources • Students develop responses to the information presented in the texts • Develop and articulate their own conclusions about what they read and provide evidence • Write from multiple sources • Both short, frequent research and sustained long research

  29. Teaching Strategies • Provide multiple articles • Ask students to find one of their own that supports/ refutes the topic. • Have questions that pull multiple texts together. • Have students “argue” their position based on the texts.

  30. iLearnohio.org – Resource Center

  31. ReadWriteThink.org – Writing Tools

  32. Diigo– Online Research

  33. Evernote – Save and Organize

  34. Shift 6 Expand Vocabulary • Vocabulary across all grades and content areas • Focus on commonly found words • Teach fewer words, but more deeply • Provide support so students can “discover” the more challenging words.

  35. Teaching Strategies • Three-Way Tie • I Know What I Know • Frayer Model

  36. Three-Way TieConnection/Relationship Between Concepts

  37. I Know What I Know I know what I know about _____________: First, I know _________________________________ ____________________________________________ In addition, I know ___________________________ ___________________________________________ Finally, I know __________________________ _______________________________________ Now, you know what I know about __________

  38. Frayer Model

  39. Additional Resources

  40. Merriam-Webster

  41. Exploratree - stratagies

  42. DropBox – Storage and Sharing

  43. diagrammr

  44. Exit Ticket: I Know What I Know I know what I know about _Common Core____: First, I know _________________________________ ____________________________________________ In addition, I know ___________________________ ___________________________________________ Finally, I know __________________________ _______________________________________ Now, you know what I know about _Common Core__

  45. FrayerModelExample Directions: Move the statements and images below into the correct location.

  46. FrayerModel“Live Instruction” Students used annotation tools to fill in information.

  47. EntranceTicketStrategy

  48. Entrance/ExitTicketStrategy

  49. ExitTicketStrategy

  50. Admit/Exit Strategy Essential Understanding Understanding email and the internet can help you use the internet safely and wisely. Can your employer look at your employee email account?

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