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SESSION 1 – Shaykh Riyadh Walls. DIN. الدين. “A divine system which impels people of intellect towards the good in all scenarios.”. DIN. ` Aqidah [creed]. Shari`ah [law]. T ariqah [self-reformation]. orthodoxy. orthopraxis. The most important of the three is: . ` Aqidah. Why?. 1.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. SESSION 1 – Shaykh Riyadh Walls DIN الدين “A divine system which impels people of intellect towards the good in all scenarios.”

  2. DIN `Aqidah [creed] Shari`ah [law] Tariqah [self-reformation] orthodoxy orthopraxis

  3. The most important of the three is: `Aqidah Why?

  4. 1 Its possible to go to Jannah on `Aqidah alone. The Prophet [peace be upon him] said: “Anyone who has said that there is no being worthy of worship but Allah and possesses even the smallest iota of good in his heart will be allowed to leave Hell (and enter Paradise).” Muslim: 193

  5. 2 Your actions are only accepted by Allah when you possess the right `Aqidah. Allah states in the Quran: “Anyone of you who apostates and leaves his religion and dies as a disbeliever will find that his deeds are rendered null and void in this world and the next. They are the denizens of Jahannam who will abide in it forever.” Baqarah: 217

  6. 3 The Prophet [pbuh] spend the entire Meccan period developing the `Aqidah of the Sahabah while the bulk of the Shari`ah only came about during the Medinite period. Mustafa Sa`id al-Khin, al-`AqidahIslamiyah, Dar al-Kalim al-Tayyib, Beirut, p.6

  7. 4 Correct belief enables required action. Example: A lazy Muslim who believes in Jahannam and fears it will rise from bed to perform Fajr even though he finds difficulty in doing so.

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