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英语 教学改革原则 和范例探讨

广西医大 2014 年 成人教育教学与管理工作会议. 英语 教学改革原则 和范例探讨. 外国语学院 曹治柳 2014.6.27. 主要内容. 一、成教英语教学改革的思路和方案 以适 改革宗旨 、 教学目的、考核方式 用”为原则为原则. 二、范例探讨 以新英语教程第二册第 1 单元、 《 学士学位英语考试指南 》 教材为例. 学生常见问题. 1. 使用英语机会不多,学习目的不明确 2. 英语基础较差 3. 课后没有足够时间复习 其他问题 :. 教学进度快. 大班授课.

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英语 教学改革原则 和范例探讨

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  1. 广西医大2014年成人教育教学与管理工作会议 英语教学改革原则和范例探讨 外国语学院曹治柳 2014.6.27.

  2. 主要内容 一、成教英语教学改革的思路和方案以适改革宗旨、教学目的、考核方式用”为原则为原则 二、范例探讨 以新英语教程第二册第1单元、 《学士学位英语考试指南》教材为例

  3. 学生常见问题 1. 使用英语机会不多,学习目的不明确 2. 英语基础较差 3. 课后没有足够时间复习 其他问题: 教学进度快 大班授课

  4. 英语教学改革 改革宗旨 1. 以“适用、实用”为原则; 2. 以学生自学为主(电子作业、网络讨论、随堂答疑); 3. 改变学生评价方式(面授+ 网上作业+考试); 4. 解决“工学矛盾”,提高教学质量。

  5. 英语教学改革 教学目标 一、培养学生英语综合应用能力 1. 具有较强的阅读能力和一定的听、说、写、译能力,使他们在今后的学习、工作和社会交往中能用英语获取信息,有效地进行交际 2. 了解一定的西方文化,提高综合文化素养 二、提高学生英语应试能力 1. 熟悉学位英语考试题型; 2. 掌握专项试题的应试技巧

  6. 英语教学改革 教材 《新英语》教程第二、三册(广西师范大学出版社) 《学士学位英语考试指南》(区学位委员会办公室) 。 课本 5个单元 模拟试题,各专项训练

  7. 英语教学改革 网络作业 (一)电子作业 • 以课本内容为主,包括学习指导的练习 • 了解教学效果 • 督促学生自主学习 (二)批改作业 • 任课老师将电子作业交给班主任 • 由班主任通过班级Q群发给学生 • 在规定时间上交班主任,班主任统一打包转交任课老师批改

  8. 英语教学改革 考核方式 最终成绩=面授20%+ 网上作业20%+考试60% 考试题型: Reading comprehension 40%、 Vocabulary and structure 20%、 Cloze 10%、 Translation 15% 、 Writing 15%.

  9. 范例探讨 《新英语》教程第二册第1单元 Unit 1 Love

  10. 课文分析 二战期间,一个落入敌占区的飞行员,男扮女装,藏身于一个女修道院,结果爱上在修道院实习的“女”护士的爱情故事。

  11. 范例探讨 词汇Vocabulary • pilot /'pai lət/ 飞行员 • occupy /'ɔ kju: pai/ 占领 • fortunately / ' fɔ:t ∫ə nət li/ 幸运地 • nun /nʌn/ 修女 • convent / 'kɔn vənt/ 女修道院 • unconscious / ʌn 'kɔn ∫əs/ 无意识的 • crash /kræ∫ / 坠毁 • astonished /əs ' tʌ ni∫ t/ 吃惊 • obey / ə 'bei/ 遵从 • disguise /dis 'gaiz/ 乔装打扮

  12. 范例探讨 课文TEXT Where did the story take place? • During World War II, a British pilot was shot down over an enemy occupied area. Fortunately, he was saved by a group of kind-hearted nuns from a nearby convent. He had been knocked unconscious during the crash landing, and when he came to , he was astonished to find a woman leaning over him. Who saved the pilot?

  13. 范例探讨 课文TEXT What did the young girls do in the convent? • It was Sister Maria, the nun in charge. She said to the pilot, “ This convent is a teaching hospital. We have many young girls here learning how to be nurses. We will hide you here as long as possible, but you will have to obey very strict rules.” What should the pilot obey?

  14. 范例探讨 课文TEXT What did he do to prevent him from being found by the enemy? • The pilot agreed to disguise himself as a nurse. He was not allowed to talk with either the nuns or the nurses. He had to stay in his small room as much as possible. By shaving twice a day, wearing a wig and a nurse’ uniform, he was able to fool anyone at a distance. Life was difficult. How was his life among the nurses and nuns?

  15. 范例探讨 课文TEXT Did the pilot find the true love ? • He grew very lonely, especially when one of the nursing students caught his eyes. She was vey quiet and shy, turning away whenever she saw him glancing her way. The pilot fell in love with her and thought of her constantly. One day, the pilot could stand it any longer. He found the nurse working in the kitchen. He crossed over to her and said, “ Please don’t turn away. I’ve fallen in love with you.” He started to put his arms round the nurse. The nurse then said something that made the pilot step back in astonishment: “ I am a man, too.”

  16. 范例探讨 词汇 Vocabulary • The pilot was shot down over an enemy ________ area. • He had been knocked __________ during the crash landing. • When he came to , he was _________ (astonishing, astonished) to find a woman ________ ( to lean, leaning) over him. occupied unconscious astonished leaning

  17. 范例探讨 语法Grammar Who saved the pilot? • A group of kind-hearted nuns saved him. He was saved by a group of nuns.

  18. 范例探讨 语法Grammar • 被动语态: 系动词+ 动词+ed: be + done + by 主语 eg: Our general manager will announce the news tomorrow. The news will be announced by our general manager tomorrow.

  19. 写作技巧 Writing 围绕着一个主题按时间先后顺序展开 主题Theme:The pilot 1. … was shot down 2. … was save 3. … had been knocked down …landing 4. … came to 5. … was astonished to find … leaning…

  20. 专项技能训练 (一)阅读 1、细节题:分析问题的关键词,在文 章中找对应的词句 2、推理题: 掌握每段的主题句 (二)词汇、语法 1、掌握固定的词语搭配 2、在已知的选项中采用排除法

  21. 专项技能训练 (三)完型填空 1、文章整体的理解 2、上下文的联系(旧词复现) 3、语法、词汇的搭配 (四)翻译 1、复杂的句子结构 2、中英文思维、表达方式的差异

  22. 范例探讨 阅读专题练习 • Persons who are overweight should watch their diet carefully in order to lose pounds. The best way to do this is to start a weight control program. At first it is wise to talk with your doctor. He can advise you of the number of calories you should have in your meals each day. He can tell you about exercising while on your diet. A good rule is to lose slowly. A loss of a pound or two is plenty. • Plan meals around foods you know. This means that it is wise to include foods that you are used to and that are part of your regular eating habits. When you have lost the weight you wish, simple items can be added to your diet so that you can maintain the weight you want.

  23. 范例探讨 阅读专题练习 While you are dieting, try to build a pattern of eating that you can follow later to maintain your desired weight. When dieting, choose low-calorie foods. Avoid such items as fats, fried food, sweets, cakes, cream and soft drinks. Try to take coffee and tea without sugar or cream. Snacks can be part of your diet. For example, a piece of fruit or a simple dessert saved from mealtime can be eaten between meals. • Keep busy! This way you will not be tempted to go off the diet. Make full use of opportunities to exercise. Try walking instead of riding whenever possible. Happy dieting!

  24. 范例探讨 阅读专题练习 What is the main idea of the passage? A. How to diet. B. Why we should diet. C. What we should diet. D. Where we should diet. While dieting ,you should_________________. A. choose fried foods B. choose low-calorie foods. C. choose snack as hamburger in McDonalds D. talk to your doctor

  25. 范例探讨 翻译 Pizza is probably the most globally recognizable food today. It is the result of a transformation developed over the centuries. The ancestor of pizza is the simple bread. It dominates history as one of the most used foods for the poor who were forced to eat only cereals and the few products that nature was offering. 比萨饼也许是当今世界上最知名的食品了,他的演变与发展经历了好几个世纪,比萨饼的雏形就是一般的面包。作为穷人最常吃的食物之一,面包在历史上占有重要的地位,因为过去他们只能以谷物和大自然馈赠的几种农作物为生。

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