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Windsor Farm Physical Education Program

Windsor Farm Physical Education Program. Mr. West. Our Mission – To give students opportunities and experiences that lead to the achievement of total wellness and result in a longer and healthier life ! Our Vision – Every child will…

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Windsor Farm Physical Education Program

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  1. Windsor Farm Physical Education Program Mr. West

  2. Our Mission – To give students opportunities and experiences that lead to the achievement of total wellness and result in a longer and healthier life! • Our Vision – Every child will… • be afforded the opportunity to engage in worthwhile and meaningful activities which promote active and healthy lifestyles Pre-K through Grade 5. • participate in fitness assessments that provide valuable reflection of past and currant ability levels in addition to serving as the basis for determining future potential. • learn how to make healthy choices as they relate to total health of one’s own body. • grow in appreciation of the importance of creative movement as it relates to everyday living. • exhibit and have modeled for him or her good sportsmanship/etiquette on and off the playing field. • have the opportunity to develop an appreciation for the differences found in others.

  3. Elementary Physical Education The Physical Education Program at the elementary level provides 5 required themes which include Basic Movement, Dance & Rhythms, Manipulatives, Ball Handling and Fitness using the Fitnessgram assessments for Grades 4 & 5.  Supplemental themes include Track & Field, Climbing Wall, Orienteering, and Hoops to name a few.

  4. FITNESSGRAM Fitnessgram is a comprehensive fitness assessment battery for youth.  It includes a variety of health-related physical fitness tests designed to assess cardiovascular fitness, muscle strength, muscular endurance, flexibility, and body composition. Fitnessgram is also a report card that summarizes the child’s performance on each component of health-related fitness.  Fitnessgram can be used by students, teachers, and parents.  Students can use Fitnessgram in planning their personal fitness program; teachers can use it to determine students needs and help guide students in program planning; and parents can use it to help them understand their child’s needs and help the child plan a program of physical activity.

  5. National Standards for Physical Education • Physical activity is critical to the development and maintenance of good health. The goal of physical education is to develop physically educated individuals who have the knowledge, skills, and confidence to enjoy a lifetime of healthful physical activity. A physically educated person: • Standard 1 Demonstrates competency in motor skills and movement patterns needed to perform a variety of physical activities. • Standard 2Demonstrates understanding of movement concepts, principles, strategies, and tactics as they apply to the learning and performance of physical activities. • Standard 3Participates regularly in physical activity. • Standard 4Achieves and maintains a health-enhancing level of physical fitness. • Standard 5Exhibits responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others in physical activity settings  • Standard 6Values in physical activity for health, enjoyment, challenge, self- expression and/or social interaction.

  6. Differentiation Differentiating instruction means changing the pace, level, or kind of instruction you provide in response to individual learners’ needs, styles, or interests. Rigor – challenging instruction to motivate students to push themselves. Relevant – focusing on essential learning Flexible and Varied – where appropriate, students make choices about how they will learn and how they will show what they’ve learned. Complex – challenge students’ thinking and actively engage them in content that conveys depth and breadth.

  7. Differentiation: Multiple Intelligences – How we think and learn • Say It – Verbal/Linguistic learners enjoy and understand oral and written language. • Count It – Logical/Mathematical learners love numbers of all sorts: math, science, social studies and language arts. • Picture It – Visual/Spatial learners make mental pictures and images to learn and remember. • Move It – Bodily/Kinesthetic learners express themselves and their ideas through movement. • Hum It – Musical learners respond to pitch, rhythm, tone, and musical patterns. • Lead It – Interpersonal learners are “people people.” • Reflect on It – Intrapersonal learners are thoughtful and reflective. • Investigate It – Naturalist learners can adjust to, adapt, and use their surroundings to survive. Some may be called “street smart.”

  8. Differentiation: Bloom’s Taxonomy – Challenge Levels • Knowledge – Recall facts and information: Know It. • Comprehension – Show your understanding: Understand It. • Application – Use what you have learned: Use It. • Analysis – Examine critically: Examine It. • Evaluation – Determine worth or value based on criteria: Judge It • Synthesis – Put together in a new or different way: Create It.

  9. How can we Differentiate? • Grouping • Flexible Groups • Ability/Aptitude Groups • Cooperative Groups Students may be switched between groups for different activities, lessons, or units. Students may be asked to form their own groups during class as well.

  10. How to differentiate… • Tiering • Tiered assignments are intended to provide a better instructional match between students and their individual needs. • Tiering can be based on challenge level, complexity, resources, outcome, process or product.

  11. Questions? Eric West • sewest@aacps.org

  12. References Anne Arundel County Public Schools. (n.d.). Mission/vision. Retrieved from http://www.aacps.org/physed/mission.asp Anne Arundel County Public Schools. (n.d.). Physical education home. Retrieved from http://www.aacps.org/physed/index.asp Anne Arundel County Public Schools. (n.d.). Fitnessgram. Retrieved from http://www.aacps.org/physed/fitnessgram.asp Anne Arundel County Public Schools. (n.d.). National standards for physical education. Retrieved from http://www.aacps.org/physed/standards.asp Microsoft Word. (Photographer). (2007). Clipart. Heacox, D.(2002). Differentiating Instruction in the Regular Classroom. Minneapolis: Free Spirit

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